
Another World: Ludwig The Exiled

The romance of Ludwig and Seraphine. A hero who would do anything for the Kingdom and a girl who would do anything so that her hero may survive the many short-comings he might face

Megumint · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3?

"What are you looking at, Seraphine?" the brunette girl asked.

"Ludwig…He's talking to some girls." Seraphine said, there was an underlying sad tone in her voice.

"I'm sure he's enjoying himself. Leave him be or just talk to him, that's the least you can do if you care for him." replied the brunette. "Unless, of course, if you see him that way."

"I will stop staring at him." Seraphine said, not stopping her staring. "Shoot- he noticed!" She immediately averted her gaze, looking downwards at her empty plate.

"Hehe, enjoy yourself." The brunette said as she stood up and blatantly pointed at Seraphine whilst looking at Ludwig, signaling him to go talk to her. 

'What are you doing?! Stop that!" Seraphine exclaimed out loud, after noticing the brunette's actions which will definitely lead to an awkward conversation between her and Ludwig, her childhood friend.

It was too late. Ludwig noticed the signal and obliged.

"Good luck. My friend~"

"Glor-" Seraphine said her friend's name in the midst of panic, and as she held out her hands towards the brunette, hoping that her friend would at least stay together with her. The brunette returned a pitiful look at Seraphine, giving her a moment of hope and comfort that the brunette herself might have noticed the signal and supported her good friend, Seraphine. 

Seraphine gleamed at the look her friend gave. 

'She's going to help me!' she thought. Only for the brunette to immediately respond with a quick dash towards the entrance, leaving Seraphine and Ludwig alone. (and Edgar.)

' $#@! ' Seraphine thought.

"H…Hey Seraphine." Ludwig said nervously. 

"F-Fancy seeing you here! Haha…" Seraphine chuckled awkwardly.

They paused for a moment that lasted for only 5 seconds yet during that 5 seconds of silence, they could hear their hearts beating and the noise of the outside subsiding. 

'She's gorgeous.' Ludwig thought after gazing passionately at Seraphine's braided golden hair, soft and smooth skin, her attire was maturely cute and most importantly, her entire being. He reminisces the times the two of them have spent, playing, studying together when they were kids. 

Seraphine noticed Ludwig's passionate gaze. She blushes and her guards lower. She unconsciously replied to his gaze with a gaze of her own and positioned herself in a more elegant or "ladylike" way. She remembered the times where she would spend all her time teaching the young Ludwig and helping him get up after he've fallen from playing tag. Which would have taken all of the time she had for herself, leaving no time for her own enjoyment.

Her gaze turned annoyed and her blush disappeared. Only after she had lowered her gaze did she realize that Ludwig stood over her, his shadow engulfing her entire being leaving only his body for her to see.

'since WHEN YOU GOT SO TALL?' Seraphine thought.

"Seraphine?" Ludwig interrupted her thoughts.


"H-how are you?"

"G-good. Please! Have a seat! You're standing in the middle of the path."

"Oh Sorry. My bad." 

Ludwig sat on the rounded, wood stool supported by steel beams. As Ludwig's body began to move from Seraphine's sights, she noticed something peculiar happening behind Ludwig's back, a man wearing green, what seemed to be Seraphine, stopping a girl that was dressed in a pink gown.

'What.' Seraphine thought, in confusion.

In the distance, even knowing that it might harm his reputation with the girls, Edgar was stopping Celine from interrupting Ludwig and Seraphine's reunion. Edgar knew the capacity that Ludwig talks and cared about her, Edgar readily helped Ludwig prevent any interruptions that might occur between him and Seraphine. 

"What is… uh your friend doing?" 

Ludwig stood up from the stool he just sat on and turned his head towards Edgar. Then he turned back to Seraphine. "Uh. That's what he does around women. Like he's very popular with the women… yes." Ludwig said reluctantly. 

"Oh… So they were talking to him?" 

"Y-Yeah… definitely." 

"Oh. Alright-" Seraphine replied, relieved that Ludwig wasn't talking to them. Her face lit up unconsciously, and her bright smile was noticed by Ludwig.

'Cute….' Ludwig thought, gazing at her smile.

"Anyhow!! What are you doing here anyways?" She asked excitedly. Which reminded Ludwig of her younger, more energetic self.

Ludwig's false affirmation had ease and lightened the mood between the two of them. Meanwhile whilst they talked, Edgar threw a thumbs up in the air, Ludwig responded with a thumbs up behind his back, and without even talking their respect for one another increased.

"Just here for a quick dinner with Edgar!"

"And I assume, Edgar brought the two women?"

"Yes! They are his um. Associates after all."

"Associates? Are they not his consorts? You said they are his women so…"

"Uhm." Ludwig didn't know how to respond after making this little whimsical mistake. "Well, they are close to him, but not that close." He gestured with his hands.

"Fair enough. I am here to eat dinner too…." Seraphine said. "Wait, isn't that kind of stupid? We're here at a restaurant! Of course, We'll be eating! What was I even asking!" She chuckled. 

She didn't cover her mouth with her hand unlike the times she would do so in front of other people she wasn't as close to, especially not in front of boys so she could carry a dignified and elegant appearance. She felt that she didn't need to do it in front of Ludwig.

"Haha! You're right! That reminds me of the times when you would ask stupid questions like that to Miss Sarah."

"Ah! Don't remind me, I will die of embarrassment, I was so stupid back then." Seraphine said, embarrassed about her old self. "I remembered how you wanted to become a hero, a knight in shining armor to the people."

"I mean you were the one that showed me the books about the heroes! I couldn't help but be inspired by their stories. Do you still read?"

"No… not anymore."

"Why not? I thought you wanted to become an author? A poet?"

"You remembered?" Seraphine replied, surprised and a little fuzzy inside. "Wow, I didn't think you would remember."

"You remembered mine so…we're even?"

"Do you remember my birthday?"

Ludwig didn't reply; however, his reaction was already enough of an answer for her.

"It's fine. I don't remember yours either. So we're still even." Seraphine replied despite perfectly remembering his birthday. 

"So why did you stop reading?"

"I…have no idea actually. I don't even know when I stopped, I just… stopped."

"Do you still understand words?" Ludwig said sarcastically.

"Of course I still understand words! I still read when I'm studying." Seraphine exclaimed. "It's just that I've simply forgotten all about novels and writing as a whole."

"Busy with studying?"

"Yeah, and…" 

Seraphine hesitated to continue, she scrutinized Ludwig's eyes to confirm his trustworthiness. 

"And?" Ludwig asked, getting increasingly curious about Seraphine's answer.

"It's a secret." Seraphine said, unable to trust Ludwig.

"Oh. Not that I wanted to know or anything." Ludwig coped.