
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasia
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82 Chs

Theo staring at the two moons

Theo finally had time to reflect on the month he had been in Alethea. He felt weird that he didn't have anything to think of at the time being

I should be sleeping, but I kinda feel tense... maybe fresh air would help.

Theo, feeling restless, stood up from his bed and walked towards his balcony.

And for some reason a wave of exhaustion hit Theo like a truck. Because his mind was always in a hyperdrive trying to survive, he didn't really have time to rest his mind, unless he was sleeping or that one time they went to the market.

"Only a month passed by and exhaustion was already setting in.."

Theo's eyes grew dimmer as he stared at the two lustrous moons plastered on the sky.

He experienced almost dying twice in a single month. Once to the Kobold Chief and the other to Spartacus.

I probably would've still challenged the Kobold chief early even if Selene wasn't a Red blizzard and would have most likely died.....

The more he looked back on what happened with the fight with the Kobold Chief, the more pissed he got with himself.

Top player my a*s. Can't save myself how am I supposed to get to the end with my useless arrogance.

He was in a world that was bound to be pushed to the brink of extinction.

Most of their family will die, leaving only Selene's little sister as the remaining survivor of both their families and the chosen main character included, either Selene or Theo, depending on what the player chooses.

Nations with thousands of long standing history and tradition would mostly disappear and burnt down to ashes

A future where hundreds of thousands are massacred in a daily basis

A future where millions of children are orphaned

A future where the world is broken beyond repair.

The desire to help is there.... but...

Theo was already grappling with the challenge of figuring out how he and Selene would survive when the time came for either of them to die, how can he even think of trying to help other people when was in that predicament.

"That's future Theo's problem to deal with."

Speaking of Selene.

Theo smiled, remembering the time he had with Selene earlier in the balcony of the ballroom.

Theo couldn't help but chuckle in delight

"Hahaha, she was so adorable" Theo grins as he leaned his arms on the balcony.

Looking back, Theo thought that he might have taken it a bit far, but seeing her all flustered and squirming triggered another side of him he hasn't discovered in both lives.

What made him more happy was when Selene hugged him from behind.

He was admittedly taken aback.

He expected Selene to give him a surprise attack and knock the living daylights out of him.

He was even more impressed when she correctly guessed what was going through his mind.

Can she read my mind or something?

Theo started to believe that Selene could somehow read his mind. 

"She read my mind twice or am I really that easy to read???" 

Theo believed that his acting wasn't sub par by any means, he wasn't easily swayed by emotion like Selene does when she gets angry at him. He even fooled people he was close to like Bennet.

He was afraid that she might start reading his mind with pin point accuracy, laying everything bare for Selene to see.

Her intuition will even get better when she gets those overpowered eyes unlocked.

Selene was not only a genius, she also had the sharpest intuition and instinct out of both of them.

Theo had even encountered this in his previous life, in the game, where Red Blizzard would effortlessly predict her opponents' moves as if it were her second nature.

Selene always takes initiative when the chance presents itself, that's the kind of player or fighter she was.

While he also had genius levels of intuition, he was more calculative and logical during his fights, reading his enemies every move before going for the counter attack, like the fight he had with Spartacus, where he observed his opponents movement and way of fighting before counter attacking them. 

Ahhh, I'm seriously never going to change. I just ramble on and on about random stuff.

Theo had the habit of just thinking and deducing something that interested him.

Anyways. Selene and me being sad, was it?

Theo went back to his previous topic before he went into a tangent.

 When Selene read his mind about him thinking of his sister.


Selene mentioning her previous life, triggered his past memories to resurface.

The first thing he remembered was his only living family, his sister, Reina.

" I hope she's doing well..... She's probably calling me a gigantic idiot right now..."

He wishes that time stopped back on Earth while he was in Alethea, so he could find a solution to go back, after he was done dealing with everything he needed to do to survive in this world.

I promise that I'll come back for you, Reina.

He swore in his heart that he'll find a way to get back to his precious and one and only little sister

Theo or Ray's little sister just started doing college and had enough funds to cover her for another ten years because of him and even more so if she ever gets access to his bank account. She'll probably be set for life, not even, maybe longer if the money kept flowing into his account. He already signed that most of his assets would get transferred to her little sister so money wasn't something he was worried about.

He also knew that Reina had a couple of extremely dependable friends, so some of his worries were alleviated, because of them.


"... I hate it when she cries..." Theo said with a grim expression on his face.

He knew that him disappearing from his sister's life would cause an immense amount of pain, like the time when they lost both of their parents

"Sigh. There's no point in thinking about something I can't get answers for, like the identity of the persona that reincarnated me and Selene in Alethea"

Though he could already guess their intentions.

They most likely want us to save this world.....

Becoming Theo made it a stronger feeling for him to be inclined to this idea.

He has people he cared about in Alethea as much as he cared about Reina back on Earth.

And meeting Red Blizzard as Selene made the feeling of hope that he might be able to pull through with it.

"I can't believe I'm starting to think of Red Blizzard so fondly"

Her attitude does piss him off sometimes-

-wait no she pisses me off a lot of the time.

She's also violent and too competitive. She's also prone to cursing.

But he had to admit, Selene was charming and kind sometimes.

She also scolds him and puts him back on track every time he makes dumb mistakes, though some of her excuses to scold him were obviously unreasonable and sometimes deranged.

He got to know a bit of her past as well

She's probably from a super rich family and was forced into some kind of marriage that she never consented to. Just my guess though.

Arranged marriages back on Earth were an extreme rarity, especially in modern society, unlike in Alethea, where the people here are more or less still in the late Medieval era. 

"Well, I can't pry her for answers, she'll share when she wants to talk"

Despite her shortcomings, I am thankful for everything she's done for us.

Well the prime suspect who caused these distresses is still unknown, so he didn't have anyone to direct his questions and frustrations to.

Whoever the higher being is, F*ck you for letting me part with my sister without notice, but at the same time.....

Theo was glad that he was given a chance and a helping hand to prevent his world from becoming a barren wasteland, where the survivors struggle to restore the world. 

He was glad that he could save the people he loved and cared about. 

Theo owed a great deal to his current parents, the Ray side of him was grateful to have experienced what it was like to have parents who guided and loved him through his childhood.

His parents died in an accident when her sister was just born, so it was only the two of them their entire lives.

He was taken in by his grandma, but she died when he turned sixteen, forcing him to work his ass off to give his little sister the best life possible. Luckily for them his grandma had a younger friend that took them in, giving him a proxy for his genius to flourish.

Theo was saddened that he couldn't share the current experiences with his past sister, but it couldn't be helped, he would also rather have her past sister stay on Earth alone, than in a world that was going to be drowned in chaos in the near future.

Theo, who was also Ray, knew of the truth of his origins. Lucian Ignatius and Aurora Ignatius weren't his real parents and of course, Irene Ignatius was also not his real sister, all of his family was hiding this fact from him, the original Theo would only find it out before her sister drew her final breath, when his foster parents were already dead long before that happens.

"But, that doesn't matter"

He didn't care if they weren't his real parents, he still loved them nonetheless and they also loved him as if he was their own son.

He knew why they opted to hide the truth from him.

He knew that they would fight for him, even if it ended up, them risking their lives for him. 

It's only right to give it right back.

Theo's objective before was for him to try and survive till the end, he knew how treacherous and challenging it would be to even think of anyone or anything else, he settled to just settle to save people who were at arms length of, people like his family.

The Ray side of him, didn't get any help from the world. Why would he care about people who never gave him the help he needed when he was at his lowest?

But, the visions of his family trying their best on saving not only him but people who never gave them anything in return for their kindness.

The image of his sister, Irene, holding off a horde of monsters just to give time for people to evacuate and give time for the future Theo to recover, enough for him to fight once more, shook him to the core.

The original Theo also used everything in his power, dragging his broken and battered body to one battle to another, persistently saving as many people as he could.

He remembered all the desperation the Alliance went through just to save the world which was on the brink of collapse.

So what? he'll just have to step up and lessen their burden.

He'll try to be as much use to the world as possible, like his family did.

And when its possible-

"-I'll strive to give everyone the best ending ever." Theo said smiling as he stared at the two moons beaming down on him.






<Alright, that aside, I'll be on my way now, see you in a bit> Theo

<Ok, I'm going now as well> Selene

Who knew she'd be thinking of the same thing.

Theo thought that fate was playing them to a fiddle. 

But nevertheless, he was happy

Happy that he didn't need to burden Selene with his beliefs

And happy that there were two of them, he wasn't alone.

Let's go!

"Ah wait, my hair."

Theo stopped propping himself up the balcony and went inside in front of the mirror

He combed his messed up hair with his fingers and nodded in approval.

"Alrighty, Let's go"

Theo jumped down the balcony, looking forward to what he was going to talk about with Selene.