
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

First Drink


Selene chugged all of the contents of her wine in one ago while Theo took a sip to have a taste of the wine.

Theo looked at Selene, who was wiping her lips with her wrist, weirdly at her improper way of drinking wine.

"You don't chug wine, idiot. You take a sip and swirl it around your mouth for the best experience"

Selene froze and glared at Theo while talking in a low volume.

".... I never drank before so give me a break. This was what people do in bars in movies so I just copied them"

"Those were shots. Wine is meant to be slowly enjoyed. Sigh. So? what do you think of the mine"

Theo believed if it was her first time drinking then she might hate the taste of alcohol and Wine especially was not something a beginner usually drank.

Theo preferred beer, but he liked wine once in a while on several occasions.

Wine is an acquired taste after all.

Selene simply replied by shoving her glass towards Theo.

"It tasted weird and extremely bitter. Teach me how to drink wine and I'll give you my judgement again"

Theo nodded and poured the same amount of wine as last time, this time Theo told her how to drink wine properly.

"Swirl it first, smell the aroma of the wine, take one sip, lightly swish it in your mouth for a few seconds and swallow"

Selene nodded after Theo finished his explanation and followed everything Theo instructed to the tea. 


Selene suddenly jolted in place when she swished the wine in her mouth.

"Are you  ok? Do you need to throw up????" Theo worriedly asked as he approached Selene.

Selene simply pushed Theo away and gulped down the wine as she crouched down onto the ground holding both of her hands on her mouth.

A water container made of metal suddenly appeared on Selene's hand and proceeded to chug the whole thing down in one fell swoop.

I guess she's not fond of it. 

"Wanna stop drinking? I have some apple juice in my storage ring In case this happened" Theo said as he summoned a glass bottle of apple juice from his storage ring

Selene shook her head vehemently and pushed the apple juice away with insistence.

"No, this is my first time drinking in both my lives I want to see it through"

"You sure? You might throw up if you drink further than this"

"I'll be fine, I can take it!"

Selene proceeds to chug the rest of the wine in her glass and shoves it towards Theo once more with a red tinged face.

"Now give me more! I'll show you I can pull through by drinking half of the wine bottle"

Theo sighed in resignation at Selene's actions.

She just swigged it again like a shot....

Theo opted not to mention her method of drinking wine again because he knew that Selene would just lash out.

Theo simply poured more wine into her glass, this time deciding to pour enough that it left the wine bottle with half of its contents left.

"Good, now cheers!!!" Selene slammed her glass onto Theo's, almost spilling the contents of the wine glass.

Luckily the wine glasses they had were don't easily break if not then

 "Selene! Careful"

Selene didn't respond and chugged the rest of her wine in a single gulp once more.

"Ahh! Wait! I'm actually getting a hang of this! Theo! Give me more!"

Theo worriedly looked at Selene, seeing that her face was all red and she had more aggression than usual.

"Calm down, Selene you already finished your share of the bottle"

Selene, who was smashed from just drinking half a bottle of wine , slowly approached Theo in a drunken stupor.

"Give me... more, Theo!"

Selene attempted to snatch the bottle of wine Theo had one hand.

"No! You had enough Selene! You're clearly drunk!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, just give me the drink, Theo!"

Selene tackled Theo, but with a stronger body than Selene he was able to withstand her tackle with ease and tiptoe enough to prevent Selene from reaching the wine bottle.

"No mean no Selene, you had enoug-!"

Selene embraced him tightly, cutting off Theo's words and freezing him in place.

Don't tell me there's something wrong with her?

"Hey, Selene? Are you ok?"

Theo instinctively gently pushed Selene away, so he inevitably lowered his hands to grab Selene's shoulders.

" !? Hey! Give that back!"

Sadly for Theo it was a bait that Selene planned all along.

Selene sneakily snatched the bottle from Theo in an instant while Theo was flustered and jumped back in a swift motion.

"Kekeke, I know you like my hugs a lot, Theo. Count it as a payment for giving me this bottle"

Selene then started to chug the bottle of wine in glee, emptying it in a flash before Theo could process what just happened.

How is she more cunning now that she's drunk? What's wrong with her???

Theo sighed and simply looked at Selene with slight disappointment in his eyes.

Though it does feel nice to get hugged by Selene.

"Hahaha, Let's go get another drink The-!"

Selene, who was clearly drunk, clumsily tripped on her own legs, trying to walk back inside.


Theo caught Selene in the nick of time, preventing her from face palming onto the ground.

Theo then lifted her up into a princess carry and started walking to the direction of one of Selene's private rooms.

Theo didn't know where exactly Selene's room was, but he knew which rooms she owned.

The rooms she owns were usually occupied by people she deemed as guests.

This also applies to the rest of the family, they each had multiple rooms to themselves for the guest they invited into the palace.

Violet for example had a room dedicated for her that Selene organised as well as her two other friends, Ella May and Matilda Medici.

Theo wore a teasing smile at Selene and spoke.

"Looks like you're already drunk from a single bottle of wine. Your weaker than I thought, Selene"

"Ahhh Shut up.... Let me go..." Selene muttered as she flailed her arms and legs weakly.

Selene, who was completely red, because of alcohol, slowly had her eyelids open and closed in strange intervals, indicating that Selene was about to lose consciousness.

"I.... still.... zzzzzz.... drink....." Selene's voice faded and was replaced by the ambient and steady breathing from her mouth and nose.

Theo smiled, seeing her fall into deep slumber.

Theo walked through the blue tinted hallway, silently stepping on the red carpet that was strewn on the centre of the floor.

He relished in the peaceful moment he was having now, enjoying the time of silence which Theo very much liked in this life and his past one.

He glanced over at the drunken princess who was scratching her cheek in her sleep like an adorable kitten.

Theo smiled and chuckled silently, while assuring that the sleeping beauty wouldn't wake up from the noises that he made.

The hallway was completely barren of people, hence why Theo chose this place to drink with Selene, because it was the place where only the imperial family and those permitted where to enter.

There were barely any servants because the palace was a gigantic artefact that cleaned designated areas automatically, while having a security system to boot, making it almost impossible for Grandmasters to infiltrate the palace.

The only way to enter is the chosen people of the owners of the castle.

These effects also apply to the Ignatius Palace back in Virtus, so he wasn't particularly surprised that the Aventus palace also had such a system.

The Aventus palace was the last to fall before the complete destruction of Vitoten.

Theo arrived in front of the nearest guest room that Selene owned.


Theo was shocked when a shadow suddenly appeared beside him, but he felt no danger so he simply glanced at the shadow that appeared beside him, soon discovering it was Agnir.

"What's up Agnir? Is there anything wrong?"

Agnir shook his head and opened the door for Theo, who was carrying Selene, to enter without needing to reach the door knob with great difficulty.

Theo realising this, thanked Agnir, who bowed right after and returned into the shadow of Selene.

"Sigh, I wish you could do the same Dawn"

<I have no such function, Master. Unless you yourself can transform into different forms then I, your sword, won't be able to as well> Dawn

"Don't worry, Dawn. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings"

Dawn stayed silent for a few seconds before replying.

<.... I am simply a sword, Master. Feelings is only for the living to hold, not mine> Dawn

"Well, I prefer to treat you as a person. I hope you can bear with my wish, Dawn, though tell me if it's uncomfortable for you"

Theo laid Selene down on the bed as he waited for Dawn to reply to his request.

<I am undeserving of your reservations, Master. If it is will, I Dawn will follow> Dawn

Theo smiled at Dawn's reply as he tucked in the sleeping Selene.

You look way better when you're Sleeping, Selene.

Before Theo could turn around and leave the room a tug on his sleeve forced him to stop on his tracks and glance behind, seeing a sleeping Selene gripping on his sleeve as if it was for her dear life.

"Don't..... Leave..... me... T.....theo"

Theo saw that her eyes were still closed, so he guessed that Selene was having nightmares that were related to him.

"Please... Stay.... with me...."

Tears started rolling down her closed eyes. 

Theo, seeing her tear stricken face, kneeled on the side of the bed and stroked her black soft and silky hair gently with his free hand, making Selene flinch in her sleep, but more relaxed after a few seconds passed.

"I'm here, Selene. Don't worry. I won't go anywhere."

I guess it's time to sleep on the side of the bed again....

Theo smiled, remembering the days where he had to sleep beside the bed of his past life's little sister when she had nightmares.