
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasia
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82 Chs

Duke's daughter Part 3

Click* Click* Click* Click* Click*

"It's been a month and I still have no clue how they turned over to those scumbags" Selene muttered as she looked out of the window carriage.

Selene was on her way once more to the Rosenberg mansion in the capital. She has been regularly visiting Violet twice every week and it's safe to say that they were starting to become good friends.

Selene became fond of the trio the more she hung out with them. 

Violet was good at listening and a very patient yet smart person, very considerate as well, she even saves Selene whenever Matilda goes ham with her questions about her relationship with Theo.

Matilda was actually upfront and outspoken, but all of that was erased with Selene's very presence and she also loves gossip, especially about love.

 Ella was a meek and shy person, akin to the original Selene, but she was actually quite talkative if she opened up to the people she thinks fondly of.

Matilda and Ella were actually childhood friends of Violet.

Apparently Matilda was the daughter of the head knight that served Duke Rosenburg and Ella was the daughter of one of the largest merchant companies in Vitoten which is closely tied with Duke Rosenburg. Their fathers were close with each other as Ella mentioned, which was the reason why Selene saw the two always following Violet around the Academy later in the game.

As soon as we arrived in front of the gate we were abruptly stopped by the guards.

Elsa, who was the lead escort of the group, spoke to the guard.

"Her Highness Selene Aventus came to visit her friend, Violet Rosenburg. For what reason have you barred us from entering!" Elsa said in a stern and loud voice.

The guard bowed her head and spoke in a stern voice as well.

"Apologies, We were told to hold off anyone from entering the mansion."

Oh, finally something new.... I wonder if the anti-Imperial faction finally decided to make a move?

Elsa became annoyed at his reply.

"This is the Princess of the empire, what could possibly be more important than the Princess' time?" Selene said in a threatening voice.

Ah, this is getting out of hand, looks like I need to step in.

Selene stepped out of the carriage and approached the gate where Elsa and the guard were arguing.

"Elsa, I'll talk to the guard" Selene waved at Elsa as she passed by.

"Yes" Elsa bowed, trusting in her master's abilities.

"I am Selene Aventus. I command you to take me to my friend Violet Rosenburg or her father Duke Florian Rosenburg"

The guard trembled in fear, afraid of offending imperial blood, ordered one of the other guards to send the message to the Duke.

"Lady Selene, I believe that this may be something we shouldn't meddle with. It might cause us to lose trust with the Rosenburg family if we force our win. I suggest that if their adamant on hiding whatever their doing, we should ask help from your mother or father."

Sorry Elsa, I think doing that will probably complicate things without knowing what's going on.

"Thanks, Elsa but I am worried about Violet. I at least want to hear from her before I leave"

 "By your words Lady Selene"

Yes, if they really persist, then I really have no choice but to go to my father. Denying an imperial princess without a valid excuse is treason, especially when the person who ordered them isn't even here to explain themselves.

Selene thought with narrowed eyes and her chin resting between her fingers. No matter what, she has to prevent the Rosenburg family from going into the anti-imperial faction.

"I greet the imperial Princess Selene Aventus"

 While Selene was deep in thought, Florian was already in front of her bowing his head.

Ah , I didn't notice him, my mistake.

"Rise, I am here to meet my friend, your daughter, Violet. Would you please let us enter?"

"Apologise, My daughter is sick today and we only found out about it recently, hence we haven't had the time to give you the appropriate message that the plans for today are canceled" The Duke said still bowing

Hah! That might be true but the Duke is definitely leaving something... Plus I know this this feeling and smell.....

Selene inadvertently smiled unconsciously and spoke.

"I see that's a shame, we can definitely meet again another day"


 Selene cut him off before he could speak further.

"But I was wondering, what is this smell, this stench that I'm smelling?." Selene with a wide grin

The Duke shook for a moment from Selene's words.

"It reeks of someone that's about to die" Selene said with a cold voice while still keeping her pristine smile

Everyone in the scene gasped and froze.

The Duke was especially pale as well, hearing the chilling words of Selene

"I ask you to take me to the patient right now, it's an order, Duke Rosenburg"

The Duke who was still bowing his head clenched his fist and took a deep breath before speaking once more.

"As you've instructed, Princess Selene..."

 The gates open for Selene and others to enter, but Selene stopped her escorts before they could even enter the gates

"I'm only taking Elsa with me and all of you who escorted me, forget the conversation I had with the Duke, if you're going to share it, share it exclusively to my father alone."

All the escorts knelt down and responded

""""Yes, Princess Selene""""

Selene then faced forward and nodded to Florian.

"Lead the way, Duke Rosenburg"

Having the death attribute easily makes me sense beings that are about to die. Thank goodness it came in clutch today


"I see, when did this happen Duke"

"..... It happened yesterday but her sickness worsened this morning, we tried asking the best physicians in the empire and to no avail, all I received was bad news after bad news."

The person who was clinging to their dying life in front of Selene was Violet, the first female friend she's made since she got reincarnated as Selene

Violet was on her bed swearing bullets in pain despite being unconscious. Her complexion was very pail and some part of her skin was purpled as if bruised.

 She was also breathing heavily and tossed and turned on the bed, indicating the extreme discomfort Violet was feeling, even while unconscious.

"There's some kind of parasite stuck on her heart, sucking away all the energy from Violet and it's only growing more and more as time passes. I caught the spy that planted this into her body while she was sleeping but alas it was too late and the assailant died before I could ask any sort of question. It was a maid in charge of bringing snacks she loved in the afternoons. And we can't even question her soul because she didn't even have one in the first place.... I can't even get revenge for the person who planted that cursed spy!"

 Duke Florian furiously said as he clenched his teeth and fists in anger.

It's a mana parasite. Of course! Those demonic b*stards were the one that planted this stupid worm!

 A parasite created by demons. Almost untraceable in egg for, so victims of the parasite will keep rising in the future. It didn't have demonic elements to mask the blame onto them. This parasite was meant to be used to cause chaos in the political world, weakening nations in the process, making it easier for the demons to plow through the country.

 Killing it wasn't even an option, it's life is attached to the heart, killing it would result in heart failure, basically death of the victim 

They, however, could only work on people who were Astute and lower, because any higher than that would overload the parasite with mana and die.

Demons, the enemy of all creation in Alethea and the species that drove the world into the brink of extinction.

Cunning, merciless, diabolical, trash and a lot more negative aspects could describe a demon. They were the nemesis of Alethea, they found pleasure in the suffering of others and would do everything in their power to destroy the world.

 Of course it's the work of those bastards! I can easily guess who they're working with as well.

After seeing it for herself she could confirm that the reason for Duke Rosenburg siding with the anti-imperial faction was probably because of this incident.

 They used Violet's illness as a means to drag Duke Florian into their own faction. It was as simple as that. Violet was the only child he had, her mother died after her birth. The Duke never married another after her past life's passing, making the sole rightful heir Violet. Florian would do anything even if he had to betray the empire just to rescue her child.

 "Let me guess you got a message from Duke Campbell that their visiting today as well"

Selene side glanced at Duke Florian.

"...! How did you know?"

... This just confirms my conclusion. Of course those c*cksuckers are colluding with the Demons!

The destruction of Selene's country wasn't described in detail. There were only three points she could remember that were told to Selene when she went back to destroyed homeland. One was because the demons hiding within the country emerged after Renwick dies, two was the Civil war, and there were traitors of the nation who joined hands with the demons.

Hence why that bastard Duke was one of the boss fights in the game. F*cker was probably demonized after getting stabbed in the back. His stupid a*s hatred against our family is beyond idiocy.

 Selene clenched her fist and teeth because of the amount of fury that was boiling within her.

He's probably visiting to confirm Violet's illness and he'll make up a stupid excuse that one of his men experienced the same thing and was cured because of his gracious a*s. He probably made multiple preparations to cover his a*s in case as well, probably scapegoats here and there at worst. That man is extremely cunning even father gets annoyed on how much of a snake that f*cker was, fighting him demonized took a lot of brain cells for the first time players to beat.

 The Duke found the reaction of Selene disturbing. He could tell that the Princess was in immense anger, it was basically radiating in the entire room. He knew it was directed to someone else in her mind, he could tell, he was a Grandmaster after all and observation of that level was easy for him and the man in charge of the funds of the country, of course iis experience can easily perceive most intentions and thoughts, especially as blatant as this.

Before Florian could ask a question, Selene spoke in an icy tone

"Duke Florian, I know the cure"

Sorry Elsa, I'm going to have you keep what's going to happen here a secret.

The Duke took a step back in astonishment at the information Selene provided.
