
Another Shitty Isekai

The title is self explanatory.

Senpaipuku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>"Haa...."<br/><br/>A sigh inadvertently escaped my mouth as I boredly stared outside the window.<br/><br/>On the school grounds, I could see numerous students from various grades travelling either in groups or in pairs while searching for a place to stay during their lunch.<br/><br/>While me, on the other hand, was currently inside our standard high-school japanese classroom, seated at the legendary, "Main Character seat" which was the furthest seat in the corner of the classroom beside the windows.<br/><br/>Although I was sitting here, I was anything but a main character. In fact, I could onyl label myself as a mob who is placed somewhere in the middle of the social pyramid.<br/><br/>I wasn't famous nor did I have an outgoing and friendly personality. But I wouldn't be a called a loner since I had one or two friends.<br/><br/>...Or so I would like to say. To be honest, I really do view myself as a mob since there was nothing extraordinary happening in my life. But I won't be a hypocrite and admit that from an objective standpoint, I do have the so-called "main character template". Since I was half-japanese, with my father being a handsome american foreigner and my mother a traditional japanese beauty, naturally they had me who somehow inherited all their best genes.<br/><br/>I was taller than my peers and I also had a white faiter skin which I inherited from my american dad.<br/><br/>And since I work out from time to time, mainly because I have nothing else to do, my body maintains a lean muscular structure.<br/><br/>Because of that, I am constantly invited to join the sports club to the point where I don't think there has been a single sports club that hasn't invited me.<br/><br/>I joined some of them out of interest but I quickly grew bored of them and quit.<br/><br/>I wasn't interested in the team passion nor the "Let's do our best to get into the nationals!" kind of thing.<br/><br/>I think it's a hassle and a waste of my time and my energy when I don't even get an ounce of satisfaction out of it.<br/><br/>So, all-in-all, I do think I have a "main character" template as the light novels I've gotten myself into a hobby lately. Or maybe not? Maybe I'm the oblivious ikemen who's subconsciously making a harem and the actual mob MC will interfere with the plot and steal them away from me?<br/><br/>Now that sounds like a plot novel.<br/><br/>But too bad, I don't have a harem.<br/><br/>Don't get me wrong, I'm straight and a very much lustful hormonal young lad. But I have a partner or two to help me with. A friends with benefits one could say.<br/><br/>Hmm... though I suppose would could argue that said friend with benefits is already categorized as a love interest and potential harem candidate?<br/><br/>But would I really feel anything if they were to leave me?<br/><br/>...I suppouse it would just be a shame. But that's all.<br/><br/>Ooohh, look at me. So dark, edgy, and unfeeling.<br/><br/>Totally a main character now for sure.<br/><br/>"...."<br/><br/>Where was I going with this? Ah, just spontaneous rambling nonsense about myself.<br/><br/>So anyway, I got into the hobby of reading. I started from anime, which is why I'm a man of culture and then I moved to mangas, manhuas, manwas before finally ending up in light novels.<br/><br/>Fortunately, I have a friend who shared the same interests as me so I had someone to talk to.<br/><br/>Going back to my appearance, I inherited my mom's beautiful face. So with baby blue eyes, black hair, and an attractive face? I think I really am fit for the ikemen template rather than the main-character.<br/><br/>But then, I don't feel popular at all.<br/><br/>I mean, objectively speaking, I think I am. If my numerous confessions, including the gay ones were to say anything about it. (I won't be elaborating further on those gay men. Not because something bad happened or there was anything wrong wit them but rather, I just simply can't get along with them knowi g that they look at me that way. Maybe I'm homophobic? But I'm not afraid of them, nor do I particularly hate them so...)<br/><br/>"Hm...." Eh, it is what is. No need to think deeply about it.<br/><br/>Confusing you say? True. <br/><br/>In any case, I think my appearance and lackadaisical personality is the reason why I only really had two people whom I could call as friends. <br/><br/>While sure, my other classmate try their best to be friendly with me, my unenthusiastic attitude that doesn't even try to get along with them must've put them off. Am I pushing them away intentionally? Not really. I just really don't care enough to think about being friends with them.<br/><br/>Besides, I could tell from the.majority of them that they mainly wanted to get involved in my life solely for my looks. Superficial? Sure, as mostly everyone else in our age should be.<br/><br/>All in all I, simply treat the lot of them as acquaintances.<br/><br/>There had been instances where pushy guys would invite me to their group of friends like the so-called, "Popular kids" but honestly?<br/><br/>They looked sad and depressing to me.<br/><br/>I've observed them long enough to see that they always had to be mindful of each other while seemingly acting like they were walking on eggshells since just a single mistake could make them a social outcast.<br/><br/>Where's the fun in that? I mean, don't you make friends so that you can be free and enjoy each other's company?<br/><br/>But I'm not one to preach my ideals since I know everyone has different ideas about friendships so I just keep my distance.<br/><br/>Well, I don't really care about what they do with their lives so long as they don't bother me.<br/><br/>Anyway, where was I...<br/><br/>Just as I drowning in my inner monologue, I suddenly heard a loud ruckus coming from the door of our classroom.<br/><br/>Glancing towards the direction of the noise, I spotted a group of male students from another class crowding outside the hallway, surrounding a female student who was standing behind our classroom's doorway.<br/><br/>The female student had long black hair that reached her waist. She had clear fair skin and her body was very well-proportioned that could rival a model.<br/><br/>She had an attractive face but what was most captivating about her, aside from her body, was her sharp eyes that gave her the impression of a "Cold beauty".<br/><br/>"I said no, so fuck off." The female student said sharply.<br/><br/>"Ooooohhh!" The group of students blocking the doorway began to make a ruckus.<br/><br/>One particular male student stood in front of the group and looked at the female student with desperate eyes.<br/><br/>"B-but please! just give me a chance! Can't we even start as friends?"<br/><br/>If you take a closer look at the male student, you would see that his appearance is not that bad at all. A lot more inferior to me, that's for sure. But anyway, after seeing his desperate attitude, you reallt can't help but see him look even more pathetic.<br/><br/>The female student did not respond and simply started walking back inside the classroom, not minding everyone's stare at her.<br/><br/>She then moved the desk to my right and placed it near mine. After that, she sat and took out her bento box.<br/><br/>I did not glance towards the group of students in the entrance anymore since I lost my interest in them.<br/><br/>However, I could hear several groans accompanied by sharp glares that could kill.<br/><br/>The female student who sat beside me however, didn't seem to notice such stares nor pay it any mind and began to grumpily open her bento box and prepare her chopsticks.<br/><br/>A smile made its way to my face when I saw her frustrated face.<br/><br/>I feel like teasing her so I asked, "Are you that annoyed?"<br/><br/>"Very annoyed. The worst type of guys is those who can't take no for an answer."<br/><br/>Her tone sounded cold but that was just how her voice sounded naturally.<br/><br/>"How about you, are you not eating?" She asks after seeing me not pulling out my bento box.<br/><br/>"....Not really, I just feel so unmotivated to do anything."<br/><br/>My shoulder slumped as I slouched over my desk.<br/><br/>Looking towards her, I said. "Instead, I feel more intrigued about how you feel after being confessed again."<br/><br/>She stared at me with a sharp gaze but I remained unaffected by it. I know how much she finds it annoying whenever people buzz at her about love, feelings, or relationships in general.<br/><br/>Since she didn't reply, I continued to speak.<br/><br/>"To be honest, I don't know what they can see from you. Aside from your pretty face and proportional body, you have nothing worth attractive.<br/><br/>Your personality is trash and your heart is black, and you aren't even bothering to hide it!"<br/><br/>"Aren't you describing yourself?" She said while picking up her chopsticks and beginning to eat.<br/><br/>I ignored her and continued, "Are these people masochists? How could they continue to confess to you even after knowing all that?"<br/><br/>I then looked towards the other female student who placed their desk in front of me. She had a smaller stature and honestly, she looked like she was fourteen instead of being sixteen.<br/><br/>She was busy reading a novel.<br/><br/>She had long silver hair and pale white skin, similar to mine. With large blue irises and droopy eyes, she looks like she would fall asleep at any time.<br/><br/>Honestly, she looked like a cat and with her height, you can't help but feel the urge to pat her head.<br/><br/>...But of course unless you want to find yourself pounded to the ground while bleeding from your head then feel free to act along with your urge.<br/><br/>She is the literal embodiment of, "Silent but deadly, small but terrible."<br/><br/>Looking towards the silver-haired girl, I asked.<br/><br/>"Don't you agree with me? Anna-chan?"<br/><br/>"..."<br/><br/>Her name was Annastasiya Dmitrieva and she has a quiet and reserved personality.<br/><br/>She only looked at me for a few seconds before going back to read her book.<br/><br/>I wasn't bothered by her lack of response since she had always been like this. She's always quiet and her presence was even thinner than mine.<br/><br/>Since she had a peculiar hair colour in japan, you would think that she would be noticeable but reality often differed from expectations.<br/><br/>Seeing that the conversation grew quiet, I rested my head on my hands while placing my elbows on my desk.<br/><br/>"You look especially listless today, Jin-kun." The cold beautiful female student to my right said.<br/><br/>She's Sasaki Reika and I think she's one of the most popular students in our school.<br/><br/>I'm not really sure since I don't really pay attention to the rumors or reputations around our school.<br/><br/>Which is why I don't know if I'm popular or not. I can only look at myself from an objective stand point and see that my appearance is better than average people.<br/><br/>And I think the confessions I received could support that statement.<br/><br/>"Yeah. I feel especially empty today, Reika." I spoke of my feelings.<br/><br/>Reika grimaced. "I feel the same."<br/><br/>This was the main reason that the two of us became friends.<br/><br/>We're both depressed and apathetic teenagers.<br/><br/>"Why don't you try dati-"<br/><br/>"I'll stab your eyes if you say that word again."<br/><br/>I didn't even get to finish what I was going to say as Reika glared while threatening me.<br/><br/>Unlike me, Reika is a more reclusive person and she hates normies a lot.<br/><br/>Actually, hate is an understatement since she absolutely abhorred their existence.<br/><br/>But that isn't because she's envious of them or anything. She just hates anything positive and optimism in life.<br/><br/>Anyway, I wasn't afraid of her threat.<br/><br/>"Why don't you try dati-"<br/><br/>Bam!<br/><br/>The screeching of a chair was heard as Reika abruptly stood up and took her chopsticks.<br/><br/>Then, in a stabbing motion, she aimed towards my eyes.<br/><br/>I caught her arm and desperately tried to stop the now, scary-looking chopsticks that were nearing my eyes.<br/><br/>"S-stop! stop! I'm sorry! I was just joking!"<br/><br/>After I hurriedly apologized, I felt her arm lose strength and she calmly took her seat again before resuming to eat as if nothing happened.<br/><br/>Crazy woman!<br/><br/>See?! This is what I'm talking about?<br/><br/>How is anyone falling in love with this woman?!<br/><br/>I released a sigh of relief now that she looks like she calmed down.<br/><br/>The only reason why I don't fight with this bitch is because we might really end up killing each other.<br/><br/>And that's no exaggeration. The two of us really have nothing else to live for.<br/><br/>Which is why we both feel incredibly empty.<br/><br/>Call us immature and misguided teenagers but what can we do if this is how we truly feel?<br/><br/>Depression is a bitch and getting up in bed sucks the life out of me.<br/><br/>Thoughts like, "Why are we even here?", "Why do we even exist?", "Why do I even do this?" constantly plague my mind.<br/><br/>Alright... let's not have an existential crisis right now.<br/><br/>Thinking of something else to do, I crossed my arms on the table and used it as a pillow.<br/><br/>I inadvertently voiced my thoughts, "I wish we could get isekai'd or something."<br/><br/>I could hear Reika chuckling and saying, "You wish." with sarcasm.<br/><br/>I wasn't embarrassed by having my thoughts heard since that's what I really want to happen.<br/><br/>I wish that something unusual would occur that will pull me out of this monotone life.<br/><br/>Thinking like that, I began to feel drowsy and I succumbed to that feeling.<br/><br/>Pretty soon, I went off to lala land.</p>