
Another Me(s)

A nerdy teenage boy who is having hard times to socialize with his classmates and even got bullied, until one day he found a magical stone that grant him super powers and another personalities

Vincenzo08 · Ação
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56 Chs

They Call Me Idol

Alex arrived in the universe of bling bling and colorful.

" Wait what universe is this?"

Alex look around and he saw an idol's poster with a writing SSS.

" So this is the universe of Pop Idol huh? Wait what is that me?!"

Alex saw his alternate self in the idol's poster.

" I'm the Idol in this universe?!"

When Alex was trying to observe the poster, a herd of female fans was running towards to him and screamed.

" KYAAAAA!!!!! ALEX I LOVE YOU!!! shouted the female fans 1.

" PLEASE BE MY BABY!!! shouted the female fans 2.

" MARRRYYYY MMEEEE ALLEEEXX!!! shouted the female fans 3.

" Wait wait wait I'm not that Alex!!! Uh oh gotta run!"

Alex ran as fast as he can but the hard of fans almost caught up with him. When the herd almost grabbed his shirt, an armored car showed up and created a defensive shield to block the herd of fans and a limousine arrived and someone opened the door from inside.

" Get in here!! The shield will not last long!!" said the person inside.

Alex got on the limousine and went away along with the armored car.

" Finally we found Alex." said the idol group member 1.

" Where have you been?" asked the idol group member 2.

" Are you hungry now? Do you want to go to the exclusive cafe?" asked the idol group member 3

" Why do you look filthy?" asked the idol group member 4.

" Thanks for the saving guys but who are you?"

" You don't remember us? We're your team member in SSS. I'm Benjamin, this highest octave member MinSeok, the dancing machine K-Pow, and rapper of the group V.I.C."

" He needs something to eat so he can remember everything again." said MinSeok.

" Also a massage therapist to relax those stiffed muscles." said K-Pow.

" And a party to refresh the old memories. Since he was away for 6 months." said V.I.C

" Wait what? 6 months?!"

Alex was shocked to heard that the Alex in this universe was missing for almost 6 months and he had no idea where to find him.

" I've got to find him."

Then they arrived at their apartment and Benjamin ordered super deluxe meals for Alex to devour because he's been away for 6 months.

" Wait here Alex while I'm ordering your meals. Super Deluxe Meals." said Benjamin.

When everybody was waiting for the meals to arrived, a mysterious person appeared on their TV.

" Greetings SSS. Do you know who is the guy behind me?"

The Mysterious Man showed the Idol Alex was tied and unconscious.

" Wait a minute isn't it Alex?! Alex can you hear me?!!!" shouted Benjamin.

" If you want your Alex back, bring me one million dollars in cash. Meet me tonight at 8 in the evening at the pacific bay. DO NOT BE LATE!"

Then the TV turned off.

" Who are you supposed to be?" asked MinSeok.

" Listen. I'm Alex from another universe. I came here to Alex in this universe with his issues. That man from the TV earlier will set you up and I can help you with it."

" How are you going to save our Alex?" asked K-Pow.

" I have the power to transform to many different personalities."

" How is that going to save Alex?" asked V.I.C

" I have a plan. Trust me on this."

Alex made a plan with the members of SSS. It took them 3 hours before the time to meet the mysterious man.

The time to go to the Pacific Bay is here. Alex and the members of SSS arrived at the bay and they saw hundreds of thugs and gangsters at the scene.

" Welcome to your doom SSS. If you can go through them then you can save Alex...wait a minute who are you?!"

" I'm Alex you fool!"


The army of thugs and gangsters marched towards Alex and the SSS group members.

" Guys save Alex now!! PIRATE!!"

Alex transformed into a Pirate and hundreds of pirate crews appeared and rushed towards the army of thugs and gangsters. The pirate crews fended off the thugs and the gangsters and Alex finished them one by one with his pirate's sword by slashing and stabbing them.

" He indeed can transform into different personalities." said Minseok.

" Minseok what are you doing! Hurry up!" said Benjamin.

The Members of SSS located the Idol Alex inside the storage room tied and unconscious.

" Hurry up untie the rope." said Benjamin.

K-Pow cut off the rope with the pocket knife.

" Okay now let's him stand." said Benjamin.

Everyone was helping Alex to stand up and walked away. When they were trying to get out of the building, they got blocked by giant security guard.

" Where do you think you're going? You need to get through to get out of here. HAHAHA----AKKKHHH!!!"

Someone stabbed the giant guard from behind and the guard fell. They look at the person and it was Alex.

" Come on guys! Let's get Alex home!" said Pirate Alex.

Pirate Alex, Idol Alex and the members of SSS got into the armored car and fled to their apartment.

The next morning Idol Alex woke up from his unconsciousness.

" Where am I?" asked Idol Alex.

" You are home bro." said V.I.C

" Who are you?" asked Idol Alex to Alex

" I'm Alex and I'm here to help you with your issues."

" Oh we've got ourselves a super big fan."

" He's the one who made a plan to save you Alex." said Benjamin.

Then the same mysterious man appeared on the TV.

" You maybe saved your Alex triple S! But our problem is far from over. I'm hereby challenging to an idol competition in one month. If you win, I will be gone forever, but if you lose you guys will be disbanded."

Then the mysterious man disappeared.

" Guys let's battle this mysterious man with our team power!" said Idol Alex.

Every SSS members nodded in agreement.

" Alex are you in?" asked Idol Alex.

" I'd love to help you but I'm not an Idol though."

" Don't worry we will help you." said K-Pow.

Alex began his training as idol by starting his vocal lesson with Idol Alex.

" Now say ma ma ma ma ma maa maaa." said Idol Alex.

" Maa maa maa maa mama *coughing* "

" You need to take a deep breath to reach higher tune."

Alex was practicing his vocal with Idol Alex for almost 8 hours.

The very next day, Alex got his high vocal tune lesson from Minseok.

" Before we begin our session, take this mint candy to relieve your breathing systems."

Alex took the mint candy and ate it.

" Mmm wow this tastes so good."

" Now Alex take a deep breath and say a a a a aaaaa."

" Okay a a a a aa aa. It's too hard."

" Hmm okay try to take deep breath from your core."

Alex practiced his high tune vocal for about 5 hours with Minseok.

After 5 hours.

" I think I'm about to lose my voice *cough* "

The very next day, Alex practiced his dance skills with K-Pow.

" Okay first front front back back back left and right left and right. Now you try Alex." said K-Pow.

" Here we go."

Alex tried to follow the pattern that K-Pow gave but he messed up and ended up falling.

" Well try to take it slow and no rush this time." said K-Pow.

Alex practiced his dancing skills over and over for about 6 hours.

After 6 hours.

" Maann I'm worn out."

The next day Alex practiced his rapping skill with V.I.C.

" Aye yo yo Alex ma man. We gonna practice yo rapping skill homie. First we gonna need a rhythmic lyric like this

Everyday I go

We gonna let go

Our deepest fear

So we can cheer.

Okay now you try." said V.I.C.

" I like to eat potato

with salmon on top

and little Tabasco?"

" Ooohh that sounds good but ya need a lil bit improvement right there homie. Okay let's practice again."

Alex practiced his rapping skill with V.I.C for 3 hours straight.

" I think I can do this."

Alex practiced his vocal, dance, and rapping skills in a month and the day for the idol's competition is here.

" Okay everyone our time to come back is now." said Idol Alex

Everyone nodded with agreement.

" Alex give us your best today."

" I will!"

The SSS went on the stage and their rival is DDF, the dark group under the mysterious man.

The DDF started the competition by performing their latest hit " Join or Perished " and everyone was cheering for them. The next performer is SSS feat. Alex. They performed their latest hit " Marvelous 6 " and everyone gave the greatest cheer ever for SSS.

" Now it's time to announce the winner of the competition. The winner of this competition is SSS. Congratulations SSS." said the announcer.

" Woohoooo we won guys!!" said Idol Alex.

" ARRRGGHH this is not right. My team was supposed to win this competition. My armys attack!!" said the mysterious man.

" Oh no not this time. KNIGHT!!"

Alex transformed into a shining Knight and used shining beam to perish the armys of darkness and the mysterious man.

" Thank you for helping us and saving me from the mysterious man."

" It was your team effort to make this all happened."

" This is my power stone. Use it whenever you need my power."

" Thanks man appreciate it."

Then a portal appeared and pulled Alex into it.

" See you soon Idol me!!"

Alex went into the portal and visited the next universe. The Universe of Gods.