
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
308 Chs

The Lightning Revelation

The flickering lantern light cast long shadows over the walls as Haruto Takeda sat cross-legged in his modest apartment. It was a quiet Sunday night, and Konoha had settled into the calm rhythm of the evening. Haruto, however, was anything but calm. Laid out before him was the item he had been waiting to use for weeks—chakra paper. Tonight, he would discover his chakra affinity.

It wasn't common for Academy students to test their chakra nature so early, but Haruto had never been one to follow the traditional pace. Understanding his elemental affinity would give him a clearer path forward, especially as he continued to develop his combat style. He needed every advantage he could get.

The thin slip of chakra paper felt light in his hands, but its significance weighed heavily in his mind. Chakra nature would influence his entire future as a shinobi, shaping his jutsu and strategies. Haruto had been preparing for this moment carefully, and now it was time to take the next step.

The Chakra Paper Test

Haruto had studied the reactions. Chakra paper responded in different ways depending on the user's elemental affinity:

• Fire would cause the paper to burn.

• Wind would split the paper in two.

• Earth would crumble the paper.

• Water would make it damp.

• Lightning would wrinkle the paper.

Taking a deep breath, Haruto gathered his chakra and focused it into the paper. For a brief moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly, the paper crinkled, folding and wrinkling as if struck by static electricity.

Lightning affinity.

Haruto's brow furrowed in thought as he examined the wrinkled paper. Lightning chakra was known for its speed and cutting power, capable of precise strikes and devastating force. However, it wasn't an element Konoha was particularly famous for. Most shinobi in the Hidden Leaf specialized in fire or wind, while lightning was more prevalent in the Hidden Cloud Village, known for its mastery over lightning techniques.

Sitting back, Haruto let the realization sink in. Lightning was a powerful element, but Konoha didn't have as much to offer in terms of training for it. He immediately thought of Chidori, a technique developed by Kakashi Hatake. Haruto remembered from his past life that Kakashi had created the jutsu before acquiring the Sharingan, but found it dangerously difficult to use due to its tunnel vision effect. Without enhanced perception, the speed of Chidori left the user vulnerable, unable to react to counterattacks in time.

"Chidori is powerful," Haruto mused, "but it's risky without something to compensate for its drawbacks, like the Sharingan."

Innovating with Lightning Chakra

Haruto's thoughts shifted to his own abilities, particularly his growing proficiency with the chakra scalpel. The jutsu was designed for medical purposes but had combat potential when used with precision. It was sharp, controlled, and could disable an opponent by targeting key muscles and tendons. But what if he could enhance it further with lightning chakra?

The idea excited him. A lightning-enhanced chakra scalpel could not only cut through flesh but also disrupt the nervous system, paralyzing or immobilizing an enemy without causing severe damage. Lightning chakra's natural ability to interfere with electrical signals could make the scalpel far more versatile in battle. It would be a way to combine medical ninjutsu's precision with lightning's speed and disruption.

Haruto stood, pacing the small room as ideas formed. The more he thought about it, the clearer the vision became. His understanding of anatomy from medical training could allow him to target specific nerves, causing temporary paralysis or disrupting an enemy's movements. Lightning chakra wasn't just about power; it was about control.

"Electricity flows through nerves," he whispered. "If I can use lightning to manipulate those signals, I could stop someone in their tracks without killing them."

Beyond Chidori: Knowledge from His Past Life

His mind then wandered to his past life, where he had learned about electricity and neurology. He remembered how small amounts of electricity could interfere with neural impulses, and how it could be used to stimulate or paralyze parts of the body. In theory, he could apply this knowledge to the shinobi world, using lightning chakra to attack not just the physical body, but the very signals that controlled movement.

The Hidden Cloud Village had developed countless lightning techniques, and their Raikage was known for using lightning to enhance his own body. Haruto wondered if he could take this further—not just using lightning to enhance speed and reflexes, but to control chakra flow within his own body or disrupt it in others.

"Speed and precision," he muttered. "If I can combine lightning chakra with my medical knowledge, I can create something completely new."

He also considered how lightning interacted with the environment. It could conduct through metal, water, and even the air in the right conditions. This gave him another idea—what if he could combine lightning with medical tools or traps? His chakra scalpels were already incredibly sharp, but adding lightning to them could make them even more dangerous, capable of cutting and piercing through armor or disabling opponents without them ever seeing the attack coming.

A New Path Forward

Haruto sat back down, staring at the crumpled paper in his hands. He hadn't expected lightning to be his affinity, but now that he knew, the possibilities were limitless. He would need to develop his control, experiment with different applications, and incorporate this newfound power into his current techniques.

For now, he would focus on mastering the basics—learning how to channel lightning chakra into his jutsu and how to use it efficiently. Konoha might not be known for its lightning techniques, but Haruto had his own path to follow. He didn't need to rely on the village's standard training. His mind was his greatest asset, and with it, he could forge his own way.

Haruto glanced out the window, watching the soft glow of the village beneath the Hokage Monument. Chidori was just the beginning. There was so much more he could accomplish with lightning. He had already mastered chakra control to a high degree thanks to his medical training, and now he would take it to the next level.

"Lightning…" Haruto said with a small smile. "Looks like things are going to get interesting."

With that, he extinguished the lantern and lay down, his mind racing with possibilities for how to incorporate lightning chakra into his future training.