
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime e quadrinhos
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308 Chs

Safe Measures and Dinner Plans

After returning from the woods, Haruto made his way back to his apartment, his mind focused on the next task at hand. He had developed a strict procedure for himself when entering his hyper-focus state. He knew from experience that losing awareness of his surroundings in that state could be dangerous, so he had made it a rule never to do it randomly. Instead, Haruto would always make sure he was safe—checking his surroundings and performing little tricks he'd picked up from spy movies, like putting tape on the windows and door to see if they'd been tampered with.

While he hadn't yet mastered fūinjutsu to the level where he could create sophisticated seals for security, Haruto had plenty of ideas for the future. Once he had access to deeper fūinjutsu knowledge, he planned to implement them for his apartment's safety.

As he approached his home, Haruto saw his shadow clone waiting for him outside. They went through the procedure, ensuring everything was secure before entering the apartment. Once inside, Haruto dispelled the clone and immediately entered his hyper-focus state to absorb the memories.

The genjutsu his clone had memorized from the library came through clearly, but what really stood out was the conversation with Shizune. Haruto couldn't help but grin. Man, her smile is amazing, he thought to himself. But with a shake of his head, he pushed the distraction aside and got back to preparing for the evening.

Tonight was supposed to be dinner at Daichi's place, but true to his usual style, Daichi had managed to convince Haruto to host it at his apartment instead.

"You're a way better cook than me, and besides, you like doing it," Daichi had said with a grin, shrugging off any protests Haruto might have had.

Haruto wasn't too bothered. It was true—he did enjoy cooking. It helped him relax and gave him a break from the constant grind of training and missions.

With the decision made, Haruto set to work in the kitchen. The smell of sizzling meat and perfectly seasoned vegetables filled the air as he prepared the meal. Shisui was the first to arrive, as punctual as always. He greeted Haruto with his usual calm politeness, taking in the aroma with quiet appreciation.

Daichi showed up shortly after, looking as casual and carefree as ever. "Man, it already smells amazing in here," he said, plopping down on a chair.

The dinner went smoothly, and the food didn't disappoint. Shisui, while reserved, clearly enjoyed the meal. "You're really good at this, Haruto," he commented between bites. "My mother's been after me to invite my teammates over for dinner tomorrow. I think she'd be pleased to have a meal like this."

Haruto chuckled, exchanging a glance with Daichi, who was grinning. "Well, if it's as good as tonight, I'm in," Daichi chimed in.

They agreed to head over to Shisui's place for dinner the next evening. As the night wound down, Shisui was the first to leave, thanking Haruto for the meal. Daichi stuck around a little longer, and they kept things light, chatting and hanging out.

As they were about to wrap up, Haruto noticed Daichi cleaning up the dishes and the mess from dinner. "You don't have to do that. I've got it," Haruto said, trying to stop him.

Daichi, being as stubborn as ever, shook his head. "No way, man. I'm not going to avoid the work that should've been mine in the first place. You cooked, so it's only right I clean."

Haruto tried to protest again, but Daichi was already halfway done. Inwardly, Haruto wondered, Are all Uzumaki this stubborn? He thought of Kushina, Naruto, and now Daichi, shaking his head with a grin.

Just as Daichi was about to leave, he paused at the door and turned to Haruto with a playful smirk. "Oh, by the way… Kushina 'requested' that you come over tomorrow afternoon after training."

Haruto blinked in surprise but couldn't contain the excitement that surged through him. Finally, more fūinjutsu training! he thought inwardly, nearly doing a happy dance right then and there.

"I'm sure it'll be something fun," Daichi added, laughing at Haruto's barely contained excitement.

Haruto grinned, nodding. "I'll be ready."