
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
308 Chs


POV Bandage Man

Ten minutes had passed, and Bandage Man was growing frustrated. No matter how many chakra-infused bandages he sent at Haruto, none of them even grazed him. Haruto moved effortlessly, dodging and weaving through the attacks as though this was a simple warm-up. Dammit, Bandage Man cursed internally, watching his chakra reserves slowly diminish with each failed strike.

He hadn't wanted to reveal his trump cards just yet, but he had no choice. The kid was making a fool of him. Bandage Man gritted his teeth. Fine. If you won't fall, I'll make you.

"Mummy Art: Full Bind," Bandage Man muttered under his breath.

Instantly, the few bandages he had been controlling multiplied, turning into dozens. They shot out in every direction, attacking Haruto from all angles. The air was filled with the crackle of chakra as the bandages whipped and slashed at him, but Haruto remained calm, his focus unwavering.

POV Haruto

The moment Bandage Guy activated his Art of Mummy technique, Haruto's senses heightened. What had once been a manageable number of bandages now multiplied into a chaotic swarm of chakra-infused whips, lashing out at him from all angles. Haruto's tier 2 chakra sensitivity picked up the sharp rise in chakra levels—Bandage Guy wasn't holding back anymore.

Dodging had been easy enough up until this point, but now the sheer number of bandages made it a real challenge. Thanks to his two-minds ability, Haruto managed to keep track of multiple bandages at once, but Bandage Guy's relentless attacks pushed him to stay alert. One bandage grazed his sleeve, and though it was a close call, Haruto remained focused.

Alright, time to change things up, Haruto thought, realizing he needed to push back.

With fluid precision, Haruto dodged another wave of bandages while quickly forming the hand seals for Lightning Ball Jutsu. He released the crackling orb of electricity toward Bandage Guy, hoping to break his rhythm. Bandage Guy dodged, but Haruto wasn't finished.

Now's my chance, Haruto thought, his instincts sharp.

Using his two-minds ability, Haruto executed a technique he had been refining for weeks—double Lightning Ball Jutsu. Normally, one would require both hands for each lightning ball, but Haruto had trained to use one hand slightly delayed behind the other. As soon as the first lightning ball launched, the second followed immediately after, creating a seamless, back-to-back attack.

The double Lightning Ball Jutsu was so fluid that even the Hokage and several watching Jonin raised their eyebrows, impressed by the seamless hand signs with the delay. They could tell this wasn't just luck—it required incredible chakra control and mastery to pull off two lightning jutsu with such precision.

Bandage Guy dodged the first ball but wasn't prepared for the second. It struck him square in the ribs, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. His control over the bandages faltered, the strands going slack for just a moment.

Haruto's eyes narrowed. That's all I need.

With Static Charge enhancing his speed, Haruto dashed forward, closing the gap in an instant. In one swift movement, he delivered a devastating roundhouse kick directly to Bandage Guy's jaw. The impact was brutal—a loud crack echoed through the arena as Bandage Guy crumpled to the ground.

Blood sprayed from Bandage Guy's mouth, staining his bandages. The crowd winced at the sight, but it was clear—the fight was over. Bandage Guy lay motionless, his jaw visibly broken, and he made no attempt to get back up.

POV Rasa

Rasa watched from the sidelines, his expression darkening. Idiot, he thought, irritated. He had held back some of his stronger techniques, just as he had warned him not to. He underestimated Haruto, and now he was paying for it. That last kick was more than decisive—it was devastating. Rasa had watched closely, analyzing Haruto's every move. The boy's precision, his mastery of lightning jutsu—it wasn't just skill, it was dangerous potential.

Rasa had noticed Haruto's unusual habits since their arrival at the tower—the large meals, the rigorous training, and the fact that Haruto never seemed to tire. His teammates, Shisui and Daichi, had shown signs of fatigue, but Haruto? He seemed to be pushing himself to new limits every day.

This kid is no ordinary shinobi, Rasa thought, narrowing his gaze as Haruto made his way back to his team. I'll have to keep a closer eye on him.

POV Haruto

Haruto couldn't help but grin as he walked back to where Shisui and Daichi stood. His strategy had worked better than expected. The double Lightning Ball Jutsu had thrown Bandage Guy off balance, and the roundhouse kick had sealed the deal. The feeling of his foot connecting with Bandage Guy's jaw—the satisfying crunch—told him everything he needed to know.

"That was a clean hit," Shisui remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Didn't even see the second jutsu coming."

Daichi chuckled, clapping Haruto on the back. "You knocked him out cold! That kick to the jaw was something else."

Haruto grinned, the adrenaline from the fight still buzzing in his veins. "He left an opening, and I took it."

Though satisfied with the win, Haruto knew there were stronger opponents ahead. He had yet to reveal his more advanced techniques—Thunder Scalpel still remained hidden for later rounds. For now, he was glad he could conserve some of his energy.

As the medics arrived to carry Bandage Guy off the field, Haruto felt a sense of accomplishment. The guy had pushed him, but in the end, it hadn't been enough. The next round would be tougher, but he was ready for whatever came next.

Pretty sure I broke his jaw too, Haruto thought, smirking slightly as Bandage Guy was stretchered away.