
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs


"Ageas.... Ageas... Wake up... Ageas..." Someone said while tapping on my cheek, If only the tap is gentle. "Uugguuuhh!!" I scream after my head being embedded in my bed. Quickly I pull my head out and look at her. "Ryuu.. For real. Can you tap me slowly?" I tap caressing my cheek.

Her smiling face turned into a shy embarrassing face with a red blush on her cheeks "I'm sorry. I really bad at this." She said while looking away from me. 'Now I feel bad.' I thought when looking at her. I sighed and look away "No, it's fine." I said.

Suddenly someone came inside. "Nii-san. You awake. Everyone is waiting outside." Bell said when looking at me that sitting on my bed. "Bell-san, we will be there in a minute." Ryuu said with a straight tone. I looked at her and her blushing face already turned to her usual poker face. 'Too fast.' I thought when looking at her.

"Ahaha.. Thank you, Ryuu-san. It's kinda hard to waken my brother." He said while laughing a little but quickly shut up after I glare at him. He quickly walked sneakily outside maintaining the same look.

"Hah~, What kind of brother mocking his own brother?" I asked after Bell already outside. I looked at Ryuu "Let's go. We need to get ready." I said getting off from my bed but Ryuu still sitting there looking at something.

I follow her gaze and she's looking at Revis that still sleeping. Yesterday, she trembling non-stop by the thought of Juggernaut. It might be because of her past, so I'm not going to ask much about it.

I brought her back to the tent and let her rest. When the Black Goliath is dead and We went back. She's already sleeping on the bed soundlessly. It must have been a really bad dream for her.

"Revis, wake up. We're leaving." I said while tapping her arm. "Hmm? The breakfast?" She asked after rubbing her eyes. "Revis.... Is that really the first thing you asked when you wake up?" I asked her while looking at her weirdly.

"Hmm? I'm hungry." She said while looking at her stomach. "Alright, we will eat while on the way." I said giving up with her.

"Ano.. Ageas.. Is she looked somewhat different? A little softer than before." Ryuu said whispering to me. "Don't ask me. Even if she became softer, her appetite is still the same." I said to avoid trouble.

I quickly packed everything left while going outside with everyone. "Here.. Your breakfast." I said while giving Revis her food. We walked to a group that been gathering together.

Bell noticed our arrival quickly wave his hand to us "Nii-san... Over here.". After we gather together, finally we walked to the surface while killing our way.


"Uuwaaaaahhhh!!! The sun felt so great!!" Hestia quickly shouted when we get outside. "Let's go home, Bell-kun." she said after linking her arm with Bell's arm.

"Nnngghh!!! I will also be going back." Welf said after stretching himself. "Lili too." Lili said about to slumped to the floor.

"Then, we will go on our way. Hope we meet again, Ageas-kun, Bell-kun, and also Hestia." Hermes said before leaving with Asfi.

"I will report to the guild before going home. All of you can go back on your own for now." I said to the Bell, Hestia. "Oh, one more thing. Hestia, help Revis into the familia." I said while looking toward Revis.

She flinched and looked at us. "What are you confused about? Welcome to the family." I said toward her. She eventually smiled at us "Thank you." she said before leaving with Hestia and Bell.

"What about you, Ryuu?" I said to her. "I will go back to Hostess of Fertility to talk with Mama Mia." Ryuu said with a smile. "Alright, tell me what she said. I will help if you need it." I said while caressing her head. She nodded before walking and vanish in the crowd.

I took a walk toward the guild and for some reason, people kept staring at me and whispering for themselves. 'I hope they stop doing that.' I thought before entering the guild building.

"Eina-chaann~." I call Eina that shriek at the reception table. "Hah~. What do you want, Ageas-kun?" She said clutching her head.

"Aw~ Why are you so cold to me now?" I said after walking closer to her. "Just say it before my head exploded." Eina glare at me.

Her conduct made me smile and look at her "I had two more members in the familia and this is the proof for my rank up to level 4." I said while giving her the paper.

"Who's the member in your familia?" She asked not too shocked by the fact anymore. "The Gale Ryuu Lion and Revis. Level 5 and the other we need to wait for tomorrow." I said which made her looked at me with dilated eyes.

"Hah~, So the reason you went to Ouranos-sama back then is to free her then invite her?" Eina said to me feeling tired. "I can't deny the former but not the latter, wait but I did invite her.... Hmm... This is complicated. How should I explain this???" I said thinking about my answer.

"Enough just don't talk anymore. My work is piling up because of you." Eina said stopping me from saying anything further. "Then, let me use the resource room to drop some of my items from the expedition." I said toward her.

"Ah, yeah. Of course... this way then." Eina said walking me toward the room we used back then. Without any chit chat, I pour all the magic stone and filled up the room even more than before.

"This... This is high level magic stone. Nee.... Ageas-kun. You didn't steal this from Loki Familia did you?" Eina said flustered by the amount of high level magic stone.

"Of course not, their magic stone kept in separate places. Do you want me to put it here?" I asked Eina. "No, we had another room for them." Eina said still looking at the magic stone and even paying close attention to it.

"Eina-san. I don't have all day." I said to wake her up from her dream. "Ah! Yes... This way then." Eina said walking toward 4 room beside my room. "Is this the room?" I asked her.

"Yeah, the room is bigger than yours." Eina said opening the door and we enter. It's the same empty room but certainly bigger. Even twice the size of my storage room.

"Then I will put it in the corner." I said while taking out boxes by boxes filled with magic stones and filled up the room. "This is certainly a big haul." Eina said after looking at the boxes.

"Yeah, they went all out since I bring all their loot but in exchange, I got to go down there easily." I said looking at the boxes.

"It might even be more than yours." Eina said looking at the boxes. "No... I won. Hehehe... It's just because they stuffed it in the boxes and also I left out some dungeon drop." I said with a smile.

"Alright then, it might take a few days to count all of it. So, took some rest. I don't want you to get sick." Eina said started her lecture. "Ok.. Ok... Stop with the long lecture. Since when you're this concern about me." I said stopping her and walking outside.

"Can't you stop and listen to me for a second.. Moooo~." Eina talked in complaint toward me. "I will when I'm free. I had to go to Tower of Babel after all." I said waving goodbye to her.