
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Rescue Party

"Uuuwaaaahhh!!!!! No one told me that there is a giant monster." She said while laying on the ground. She quickly sat up on the spot before hearing a footstep coming toward her.

We stare at her for a few seconds and what irritated me is her face when she stared at me. She made an annoyed face as if telling me that it would be better if only Bell there. I reply with also annoyed face toward her.

"Kami-sama..." Bell muttered his words and Hestia quickly moved to tackle him "Bell-kun!!!!" She said while pouncing at him. Little did she knew, I was prepared. I raised my leg which met with her face right in the middle of her face "Uguh!" She stopped on her track.

"Ageas-kun... You know that it's not nice to kick Goddess's face right?" She said with a tick mark and a dark smile on her face. "I know about that but your face is asking for it." I said glaring at her.

"Kami-sama, Nii-san stop it already." Bell said while trying to meddle in between us. "Anyway..." Hestia said with a glint on her eyes. "Bell-kun!!! You are safe. This is really you right?" Hestia said with another pounce to him which I let her this time.

Hestia crying with real tears touching Bell's face "I'm sorry for making you worry, Kami-sama." Bell said in a soft voice. "Bell-kun... Thank you for staying safe... Bell-...kun..." Hestia said about to kiss Bell but stopped by Lili behind her. She pulled Hestia's body backward making her fall.

"Rest it easy, Hestia-sama!!!" She said to prevent losing to Hestia. "Stop it right there!! Don't you disturb our romantic reunion!!" Hestia quickly said. The other also came while Tione still eating her food.

"Aaaaahhh!!! Wallenwhatisit!!! Why are you here!?" Hestia said while pointing to Ais with her feet. Lili and Hestia fight on the ground while Bell watched with a somewhat embarrassed face.

I somewhat a little amuse watching both of them. Without realizing someone approaching me with high speed. I looked in reflex toward the sound and someone already tackled me down to the ground.

Everyone stopped in what they are doing and looked at me on the ground with a girl on top of me. "You!!! Vixen!! How dare you!!?" Alicia launched herself with a sword in hand.

Opening Gate of Babylon, a sword sticking out from it and blocking her strike. The girl on top of me is Ryuu and she's kissing me out of the blue. "You shouldn't do it like that, Ryuu." I said after both of our lips parted away.

"I miss you. It's been a few weeks after all." Ryuu said with a smile. Alicia had been stunned for a second after her strike being blocked. "It's alright Alicia. I knew you mean good but it's fine. This is Ryuu, my girlfriend." I said looking at Alicia behind Ryuu. "One of your girlfriend." Ryuu said teasing me for some reason.

She took a step back in shock and quickly bowing deeply "I'm sorry for my incompetence!" She said sincerely. I quickly stand up with Ryuu and walked to Alicia "I told you it's fine." I said before going back to the other.

"Don't take it too hard. You're Alicia-san, right? I'm not angry after your attempt to strike me." Ryuu said smiling at her. "Because you also like him right? He already noticed it. You just need to talk with him." Ryuu added more when walked past her in a whisper so only Alicia could hear her. Alicia quickly turned her head after listening to it and looked at Ryuu that walking behind me.

"Eeh!? That's cheating. I also want a kiss too." Tiona said while moving her lips forward. "Not now, Tiona." I said stopping her face from advancing.

"So you're Ageas. Bell-Kun's brother." Someone said with a blue-haired girl behind him. "And you are?" I said toward him. "Ayaa~, I have been wanting to meet you in a long time. I'm Hermes, God from Hermes Familia. Nice to meet you." He said extending his hand for a handshake.

"I see... For a long time? Does Grandpa send you?" I said with a smile on my face. "Otto.. You're rather sharp indeed, just like he said. Maybe I should watch my word in front of you." He said lowering his hat covering his smile.

Suddenly, I felt the tension in the air. Welf is gritting his teeth together looking at another group of people coming. "Maybe we should postpone our talk." Hermes said also noticing the situation. "I agree." I said to him before walking even closer to the other.

"Everyone, let's talk in the tent." I said while starting walking toward my tent.

Eventually, everyone gathered inside my tent where I found Revis is eating the food. "You really can eat, do you?" I said looking at her while she stopped her bite on the chicken as if a kid being busted while eating candy too much.

"It's okay, Revis just eat slowly. There's a guest coming over." I said while she quickly walked behind the bed bringing some more food to eat without disturbing or being disturbed.

"Alright, so tell me. What is actually happening?" I asked them while sitting on my bed. Since there's no chair nearby.

Then everyone started talking about their side of the story. Mikoto which the girl with her black hair and eyes, carrying a katana quickly bow down in dogeza asking for forgiveness toward Bell and his party.

"We're sorry for what we have done!" She quickly said sincerely. Chigusa also lowering her head since it's her fault for being wounded. "Please, no need to go that far." Bell quickly said feeling bad for having a girl doing it in front of him.

Loki Familia, Ryuu and Me only watched from the sideline. "Even though you asked for forgiveness over and over again. We would never forgive all of you. We almost died you know." Lili said coldly. "Yeah, we can't forgive you that easily." Welf added in.

"We really.. are sorry.." Chigusa said in a shy manner. "It's normal for all of you to be mad at us but please just throw all the blame to me..." Mikoto said pleading for her party.

"No! I'm the one that had to take responsibility. I'm the one that made the decision." Kashima Ouka said, the only man in the party with also black spike hair and eyes.

"But for me, I think that I made the right decision still." He said with a lot of conviction. "You still dare talk like that, big man." Welf said glaring at him. Eventually, it became a glaring contest between both of them.

"Me too. I think that Ouka-san made the right decision. If it's Lili or Welf, that being hurt and their life is threatened. I would also do the same." Bell said tightened his grip. "Bell-sama.." Lili looked at Bell.

"If Bell-sama said so.." Lili said after thinking. "We won't drag the problem further but don't think I agree with it, you hear." Welf said completing her sentences.

"Yes, That's a normal thing to do." Ouka said while nodding his head. Mikoto, Bell and the other also relieved hearing it. "Well, if I had to say. It's your familia that being lucky, you big size man." Revis said behind the bed but only her head popped out.

"What are you saying?" Ouka asked her. "Well, if one of that boy's party is dead or maybe even that boy is the one that died in the dungeon. No one in your familia would be alive in a week's time." Revis said while looking at me.

"Just eat your food, Revis." I said without denying her words because it's the truth I would do if something happened. "All right, let's close the case. We better talk about our next plan. Asfi, please." Hermes said to ease the mood around the tent.

"The next plan is, we are going to get out of the dungeon but waiting for Loki Familia to kill Goliath. They should continue their expedition in 2 days." Asfi said explaining toward Hestia Familia and Takemikazuchi Familia.

Since for me and the other, we all already know about it. I also about to asked Finn to let me off the expedition and go with my Familia.

"Alright, then. How about we took some time to rest?" Hermes said closing the conversation. "Alright now, everyone out from my tent. I want to continue my sweet dream." I said while laying down on my bed.

"There are already two tents prepared for man and woman." Tione said continuing my words. "Then.. Good night everyone.." Bell said and walked out with the other.

For some reason now my tent became something strange. Tiona decided to stay like usual, Revis also here but Ais, Ryuu, alongside Alicia added to the group.

Tiona said in a cheerful manner that the more the merrier which made the place full of girls with me alone as a guy. Not that I care that much, so I quickly sleep forgetting everything.