
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Bell's Adventure

"Ohayoouu~!!!!!" Tiona barged open my door and jumped on top of me. "Gaaaahhhaaakk!!" All my breath is leaving me all at once. One of my regret sleeping in Twilight Manor, everyone is too easy going and let this girl get inside my room.

"Tiona, I told you don't run on the hallway like that." Tione said like always reminding her sister. "Ara.. He's dead." Tione said after peeking her head in my room.

"Eh!? Don't die!! Ageas-kun!!!" Tiona said in panic while shaking my body. Eventually dropping me down to the floor then strike my chest. "Uguuh.. Tiona.... Stop..." I said slowly before passing out again.

"What is happening here?" Gareth quickly came to the rescue but didn't know what to do. So he stopped Tiona and dragging me by the leg to Riveria.

Waking up, I quickly sit in surprise by the last memory I see. I quickly breathe heavily and touching all around my body check if it is still intact. "Oh.. You awake already." Riveria said after entering the room.

The room is an executive room with bookshelf and sofa also chairs to sit between Riveria, Gareth, and Finn. "Am I reborn into an elf? Is this the elf Goddess they send?" I said after looking at Riveria. She quickly slapped me on my cheek "You might hit your head in the process Tiona hit you." She said calmly.

Being slapped I quickly shook my head rapidly "What the hell am I saying?" I quickly back to myself but remember what I said. "Are you back already?" Riveria asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks." I said while massaging my head. "Good, prepare quickly. We're leaving in 5 minutes." Riveria said while leaving me alone in the room. Without notice, there's a faint blush on her face while walking out.

When I took some rest for a little bit. I started walking out of the room and I could see Loki walked wobbling left and right. "Oh, Good morning Loki-sama. Tired updating status?" I asked while she quickly shrieking a little hearing me said 'status'.

"Oh, Ageas? Please don't scare me like that." She said while entering the room I just went. Without thinking that much. I went to the courtyard while going toward the dungeon with Loki Familia's member.

"Nee.. Ageas-kun. I'm sorry about this morning!!" Tiona said while bowing at me sincerely. "It's fine, just, please don't do that again." I said while patting her head. It became my habit to pat girl's heads for some reason.

"Ooo yaa, Ageas-boya..." Someone greeted me while Tiona already jumped hugging my neck from behind. "Oh, Tsubaki-san. Long time no see." I said replying to her greeting.

She looking at me and Tiona chuckled hard eventually letting out a laugh. "Looked like you got another one." She said while giving me a thumbs up.

"Hmm? Another one?" Tiona tilted her head. "Ara... Ageas haven't told you? I'm sorry then." Tsubaki said leaving me with a troubled face and Tiona, Tione making a confused face.

"Nee.. Ageas-kun. Tell me, what does it mean?" Tiona asked me while poking my cheek. "Not now Tiona." I said while she nodded.

After counting the member, we began being divided into 2 teams, while I'm being in Team 1. Dividing the team only making it easier for us on the upper floor since the place is more cramped than the lower floor.

We will meet at the floor 18th and together continue the journey to floor 50. That's the plan so far. "Ageas-san, Please." Finn said to me with a lot of stuff behind him.

I open Gate of Babylon and swallow them all up, leaving some resources and also a weapon to defend for. Hephaestus Familia member still kept their thing personally, Loki Familia member that acted as a supporter also kept their thing. But at least the weight had been lifted by a lot.

"Team 1, follow me!!" Finn said leading team 1 which still a lot of people from my perspective. We eventually go down floor by floor. Letting the low-level member like level 2 killing some monster for excelia.

Reaching floor 8 some adventurer could be seen running from a distance "Help!!! Minotaur has appeared!!!" They yelled loudly. One of them stumbled and fall toward us.

Riveria quickly crouch down and asked them "What happen?". "There's a minotaur on floor 9th." He said weakly. Quickly my mystic code and golden gauntlet appeared. "Is there anyone left there?" Riveria asked again. "There is a white-haired boy fighting the minotaur." He said.

"May it become a world where no one can hurt others and no one can be hurt... Pain Breaker." I said the chant and sprinkle of starlight fly from the tip of my staff which I point toward him. Ais instantly dashed off leaving us, being chased by Tiona, Tione, and Bete.

"Raul, take care of him." Riveria said before Me, Riveria, and Finn also chased after them. Arriving late, I could see Lili laying down on the sidewall when metal clashed could be heard from the hallway beside her.

Riveria quickly looked at her wound while Finn confronted which the first time I saw, the King Ottar which made me chuckle looking at him.

After casting Pain Breaker on Lili. I went behind Finn "Is this the mission your Goddess give or you act on your own?" Finn asked about to declare war with each other.

I grab Finn's shoulder to let me talked with him. "So, this is the King, Ottar. Did you the one that wound Lili? or maybe My brother?" I asked while quickly everything being tensed.

"Maybe breaking one of your member's leg isn't enough. I might erase the whole business district." I said glaring eye to eye with him. "Oh, I forgot. You holed up yourself in here for a few days." I said while kept my intense glare at him.

He let out a small smile before closing his eyes "I'm not hurting either of them." He said before walking past me. "Ageas Cranel, I hope we could battle sometimes." He said. "Good, I will be around to accept." I said replying to him which already walked back to the surface.

Arriving shortly after Tiona, Tione, and Bete. We arrived at the scene where Bell started fighting the minotaur. "Ageas-sama. Please help Bell-sama." Lili said while her walk still wobbly. She gripped on my shirt and started pulling it.

"Isn't that the tomato boy?" Bete said after squinting his eyes. "Bete!!" Tiona shouted at him. Bete glanced at me for a second before turned to look at the battle "Tch.. My bad." He said.

"Ageas-kun, please don't be mad." Tiona said while connecting her index fingers together after remembering the past where she laughed at Bell. "It's fine. Right now, it's different." I said assuring her.

"I'm sorry Lili, but this is his fight. As a brother, I can't intervene. You also can't intervene. No one could while I'm here." I said warning the other to stay put.

Eventually, everyone forced to watch his fight. Bete the first one to comment "He.. He's level 1 right?". "What do you say, Bete? A month ago, I believe. You said he's a complete newbie. In just a short amount of time, he reached here. I know you also watch my spar with Ageas-san." He said like a bullet through everyone's mind.

Everyone already started to think about me as an abnormality which no one would compare too but now another one came up with a spectacular battle and skill.

Bell dodged everything thrown at him and also block it and redirect the trajectory of the attack while in a desperate situation using Firebolt to blind it. Eventually realizing, the sword couldn't cut minotaur's skin, while his dagger is too short.

Bell notice a chip on his sword and quickly think about something else. He blocked the strike and let the sword break while using the momentum to rotate his body and stab the monster's arm.

Ruining all the muscle inside, he rotated his knife after stabbing it. In a rage, the minotaur threw a punch at his guts which made Bell fly in the air.

Regaining his conscious midair, he quickly gained his balance and landed safely. While rapidly dashing toward the monster. Bell used the chance of it threw a wide swing with the left hand to quickly grab the sword that dropped from the monster.

Out of idea after losing the sword that is used for a few days. The minotaur returned to its instinct by throwing wide swing with his arms even the broken one. Bell got a quick cut using the length of the great sword it used.

Noticing the damage became larger and larger on its body. The minotaur quickly using his last resort and the weapon he got since its birth, its horn. The situation became tensed while I gripped my hand tightly without noticing it started to bleed. Only Lili and Riveria noticed it by standing behind me.

Eventually, Bell charged at the same time as the minotaur. Bell lifted the sword to swing at the monster "Too early." Bete said while closing his eyes together with Tiona and Tione. "Not yet!" Ais said while Bell once again dove below the minotaur and stab Hestia's knife deep into the monster.

Feeling the deep stab, the minotaur growl loudly as loud as he can. Bell quickly pulled out his knife and push his hand into the wound and cast Firebolt.

I noticed the monster staggering can't move about to lose its consciousness and Bell would kill it. I quickly open my mystic code while runes appeared on it with Gate of Babylon opened above them. Belt quickly cast another firebolt making the minotaur about to blew up.

"Firebolt!!!" "Pain Breaker!!" I finished the chants at the same time the minotaur explode while my heal only dropped on Bell. Looking at him standing there in mind zero because of losing mana but I knew he would wake up shortly.

"Riveria, what is his status!?" Bete quickly said in an agitated manner. "Do you want me to see without permission?" Riveria asked while looking at me. Bete realized this "Tch.." eventually gave up.

"Bell-sama.... Bell-sama..." Lili said while running to Bell. I shake my head while smiling "It's fine. You can look at it." I said to Riveria since all of the members also seemingly curious.

Riveria started walking and looked at Bell's back and taken aback for a while. "What is his status!?" Bete said in an agitated manner. Riveria then smiled and said "All status in S rank.".

"What is your brother's name?" Finn asked me. "Bell, Bell Cranel." Ais answer for me with her being proud of her student. "Pfftt.. Just how much you beat him, Ais?" I said couldn't help asking the question which made her pouting and embarrassed.

I walked toward my brother and lay him down. "Ageas-sama.. How's Bell-sama?" Lili asked me in worry. "Relax, my heal got to him early which would heal his body and mind. He will wake up shortly." I said assuring her. "Ageas-san. Do you mind teaching me that magic?" Riveria asked me while been curious for a while.

"I can't teach you not because I don't want to," I said shaking my head. Not long after that, Bell grunted a little bit before start opening his eyes. "Where am I?" He asked while looked at me and Riveria.

"You really made me worry, you stupid brother." I said while flicking his forehead. "Nii-san.. It hurts." He said covering his forehead. "At least you did well." I said smiling at him.

"You can move?" I asked him while helping him get up. He nodded at me with a smile "Hehe... This is the first time, Nii-san praised me like this.".

"You really want me to kick you again?" I said while my face grew darker. "Hiii...!!!" Bell became scared and hide behind Lili. I gave a heavy sigh "Take this." I said giving the monster drop to him.

"This is.." "The drop from minotaur. Use it well. Now, go back and be careful. Don't make Hestia-sama worried, take a day off. Train with Aisha-san, and Haruhime-san." I said lecturing my brother which for sure would go to the dungeon again the next day.

Bell quickly gave his smile "Let's go, Lili." He said. "Yes, Bell-sama." Lili said. Without long, both of them walked back home.