
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

TMHT · Anime e quadrinhos
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140 Chs

Shrek vs Heavenly Septet

Ru Shenqi gulped. "I really don't know her."

Just then, Hu Liena's Death God Domain released. Immediately restricted, Ru Shenqi tried releasing her Fire Dragon Domain, but the red-orange flames barely flickered on her body. Her eyebrows scrunched.

"I wish I didn't have to do this, but it seems you leave me no choice, Xiao Nuhuang."

Just then, a clear and pure light pushed back. Radiating from Ru Shenqi was her Clear Crystal Domain. Eyes silver-white, her domain overtook Hu Liena's and trapped the Supreme Pontiff within, slowly ridding her of her senses. Hu Liena was shocked beyond belief.

What kind of tyrannical domain is this?

"Seventh spirit skill, Clear Crystal Eyes Spirit Avatar!"

Her whole body became crystalline, protecting her mentally and physically from any attack. She looked up at her former mentor.

"I do not know who you speak of. My power is my own, and this bracelet happened upon me by chance when I was still in Vast Sea City. Now, I will be returning to the others."

Remaining in her spirit avatar form, she left Hu Liena's study and wandered back to the Shrek girls' dorm. In front of the door, she finally recalled her spirit. Walking inside, the others ran over to her.

"Xiao Shen! Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Did you guys tell anyone else about the Supreme Pontiff's visit?"

Bai Shanxin shook her head. "We figured Grandmaster would get upset if he knew."

Liao Suyin added, "Then he might not have let you compete further. We need you to go against Spirit Empire."

"What did the Supreme Pontiff want?" Shu Jiaxiang asked.

Her friends didn't know anything regarding Ru Zuanshi. Despite knowing about her God power, they didn't know that her mother had once been the most powerful spirit master in Spirit Empire. It had been kept to her and the Golden Iron Triangle. It was for their safety that they weren't aware of her connection to Spirit Empire. Ru Shenqi just shook her head.

"She was just curious about my red rings."


She felt bad for lying to them, but at the same time knew that it was for the best. A hint of sadness flickered in her eyes.

If one day they find out, will they think I sold out? Will they think I'm the enemy?


Two days later, the Golden Iron Triangle led the Shrek Battle Team to the arena. They were going up against a team they had battled before, albeit not in the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition. In their prep area, they looked across to the other side. There, Prince Xue Xing was speaking to the first seeded team from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy: the Heavenly Septet Battle Team.

Yu Xiaogang had to give them credit, after knowing Shrek's tyrannical power this year, they were still willing to fight them.

The day before, the Heavenly Septet team had beaten the School of Four Elements team, thereby eliminating them from the competition. Now, Shrek and the Heavenly Septet teams would meet again.

"Will both sides send their spirit masters out?" Hu Liena called.

"It's time," seven voices rose up.

The Shrek Seven Tyrants stepped out. The Heavenly Septet team mirrored them. As they stood across from each other, Xue Ziyou and Gao Mimi stood furthest forward. The other five were spread out behind them in a row of three and then two. The Shrek Seven Tyrants formed a circle around Ru Shenqi and Fang Youyou, protecting their Control System and Auxiliary System spirit masters. Gu Xingyun stood in the window in front of their two core members. Liao Suyin was positioned on Ru Shenqi's right side, while Shu Jiaxiang was on Fang Youyou's left. In the back was Bai Shanxin and Ming Yong.

Yan said, "For this round, we have Shrek Academy versus the first seeded team from Heaven Dou Empire. Yesterday, Shrek gave us all a shock. What can they show us today?"

Ru Shenqi had one plan for this battle. The others knew her well enough to know her intent when that special glint flashed in her golden eyes. They prepared to move.

Xie Yue added, "Release your spirits!"

Xue Ziyou released his Heavenly Swan spirit. Gao Mimi's Blight Fan appeared. The White Rose Scepter sparkled brilliantly in Cang Wutian's hand. The two Fire Crane spirit masters rose into the air. The two Yellow Monkey spirit masters crouched, getting ready to run. The Chilling Snowflake settled a chilly atmosphere over everyone. Twenty eight rings descended around the Heavenly Septet Team. They had grown stronger since Shrek had fought them last, nearing the fiftieth level, but the Shrek Seven Tyrants had grown even more tyrannical.

Gu Xingyun's spirit erupted. Liao Suyin's eight jade legs unfurled. Shu Jiaxiang's cheetah ears and tail appeared while her nails lengthened into claws. Bai Shanxin's wings spread from her back. Ming Yong's qin and Fang Youyou's lotus appeared. Ru Shenqi's eyes flashed, turning silver-white. A total of thirty seven spirit rings lit up on Shrek's side. The idea of loss flashed in the Heavenly Septet Team's eyes when they saw Ru Shenqi's four black and three red rings. They had seen them yesterday during the battle with Star Lou Imperial Academy's first seeded team, but now... any hope of winning was instantly crushed.

Xue Ziyou called out, "Meimei, please don't kill us too badly."

Ru Shenqi chuckled in response, "We don't plan on killing anyone. This is merely a show. We apologize to Your Highness in advance."

Fourteen heads turned to look at the figures standing on the balcony above them. Hu Liena nodded, indicating they could begin.

"Break!" Ru Shenqi quickly cried before the others could react.

Bai Shanxin took to the skies. Shu Jiaxiang and Liao Suyin shot off to the sides, planning on taking care of the two Yellow Monkeys. Gu Xingyun lunged forward towards Xue Ziyou and Gao Mimi. Fang Youyou quickly released his first and fourth spirit skills, supporting his teammates. Then, his black spirit ring lit up. Eyes widened.

None of the Shrek team members had revealed their fifth skills during the previous battle. To see the Auxiliary System spirit master release his fifth skill, everyone wondered what Shrek's plan was. But only seven people knew.

The only rule Grandmaster had given them was that they were to save their spirit bones, domains, and Ru Shenqi's three red rings. The only thing banned was Ru Shenqi's God power. Everyone else had chosen not to reveal their fifth skills in the first battle.

After receiving the thirty percent speed boost, Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, Gu Xingyun, and Liao Suyin were almost as fast as the speed of lightning. Suddenly, two more black rings lit up.

Shu Jiaxiang's doppelganger ability, Shadow Cheetah Multiply, launched. Liao Suyin's summoning ability, Tarantula Call, launched. Multiple copies of Shu Jiaxiang appeared by her, surrounding one monkey. Hundreds of little tarantulas appeared around Liao Suyin, crawling towards the other monkey.

Gasps abounded.



The Heavenly Septet Team was froze in fear.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were intrigued. They had seen how well these Seven Tyrants had cooperated against a Titled Douluo. Now that they were all of the Spirit King level and higher, who could imagine what their combined strength was now?

Chen Xin sent a private message to Ning Fengzhi, "Clan Leader, their fifth spirit skills... aren't they all sure to be as tyrannical as the spirit masters themselves?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded and replied, "Xiao Shen has her spirit avatar ability but hasn't used it. That must mean one of two things. Either it consumes too much spirit power, and she's withholding using it, or it's even more tyrannical than one can believe. The seventh spirit skill is supremely important. With it coming from a century millennium spirit skill, just what can her spirit avatar do? Plus, the others all have black fifth rings. Their spirit skills will substantially increase in strength, power, and tyranny. Let alone if any have spirit bones, Xiao Shen and Gu Xingyun's combined Death God Domain can even make you, the strongest non-Spirit Empire affiliated Titled Douluo on the Continent, falter for a second."

Chen Xin had to admit he was right. Just what can these kids accomplish in five years? Where will they be?

Ru Shenqi launched her first spirit skill, temporarily disorienting all of them. At that moment, two more black rings appeared. It was Gu Xingyun and Bai Shanxin's fifth spirit abilities. Soon, all the opponents dropped to one knee, trying to hold on under his Heavenly Lion Red Atmosphere. They also clutched at their heads, debilitated by her screeching Swift Cry.


People couldn't believe it. These fifth spirit skills of the Shrek Seven Tyrants were really just too much. Under Gu Xingyun and Bai Shanxin's skills, the others couldn't find the strength to release any spirit skills. Against a fifty eighth ranked Spirit King, what could Spirit Ancestors do?

"Death God Domain!"

Since the Golden Generation of Spirit Empire already knew about her time in Slaughter City thanks to Hu Liena, Yu Xiaogang hadn't banned it.

"DEATH GOD?!" screeches rose up from the crowd.

Many knew that Douluo Continent had four Death Gods. But after Bibi Dong had died, it left three remaining. Now... apparently there were four once more.

The Heavenly Septet Team was restricted by her icy aura and domain's slaughter intent.

"Yong, go ahead," Ru Shenqi finally said.

Their last reveal was the most tyrannical spirit ability out of the others that had been gained. The others all suddenly recalled their fifth spirit skills, and Ru Shenqi recalled her domain, leaving it open for Ming Yong who began to play his Seven String Dragon Qin. Not giving the Heavenly Septet Team any time to recover, Ming Yong's melody had already reached their ears.

While nobody else could hear his song, the seven spirit masters of the first seeded Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team did. Soon, they were all hypnotized. They launched their spirit skills, not attacking the Shrek Seven Tyrants but each other.

Cries of alarm rose up from the crowd. The Golden Generation gaped. Even Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were stunned. Hypnotizing skills were very rare, and one as powerful as this was beyond comprehension.

"Aiya! Shrek really is too much this time around!"

It had been a slaughter. The Shrek Seven Tyrants hadn't even let the opponents use a single spirit skill against them.

After the Heavenly Septet Team knocked each other out, Xie Yue had no choice but to name the victor.

"Shrek Academy has won!"

Ru Shenqi was the only one who hadn't revealed her fifth ring. Being a century millennium spirit skill, it was sure to be tyrannical. Everyone was curious as to what her higher level skills were but figured that they'd only launch their true power against Spirit Empire Academy's team.

Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi turned to leave. As they were departing, the Sword Douluo asked, "Could Grandmaster have restricted Xiao Shen? I noticed the highest spirit skill she used was her third."

"Perhaps. I heard from Poison Douluo that Spirit Empire Academy's team is a full Spirit King team. Every single one of them is of the fifty sixth level and higher. Maybe, Grandmaster didn't want Spirit Empire to find out about their strongest skills so that they can still catch them off guard."

"Do you think Xiao Shen will use her sixth spirit skill?"

"Their Auxiliary spirit master is a fifty sixth ranked spirit master now. He can surely boost her spirit power and revitalize her enough to keep her in the battle afterwards. So yes, she probably will, considering the fact that Grandmaster has probably banned her God power."

"Ru Zuanshi," Chen Xin murmured.

"Exactly. They don't want the world to know who Ru Shenqi is yet. They seem to be fine with letting her remain as Xiao Nuhuang for now."

"I wonder just what her seventh spirit skill can do."

"A body spirit is a rare mutation," Ning Fengzhi admitted. "We'll just have to wait and see like everyone else."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants returned to the prep area where the Golden Iron Triangle, Xu Tian, Han Niansui, and Gong Xi were waiting. The three substitutes complimented them on their win.

"Way to go!"

"That was outstanding!"

"No wonder why you guys needed us to help you hide your true strengths!"

Yu Xiaogang nodded, pleased. "Spirit Empire might not underestimate us anymore, but in the final battle, you all can use any allowed means to win."

Seven eyes glowed with determination. They wished to bring glory and honor to Shrek Academy, just like the Shrek Seven Devils before them.


Back in their quarters, the Shrek Seven Tyrants gathered with the Golden Iron Triangle to discuss the plan. They would not be fighting again for another three days, since the other teams had to compete as well.

"Your next opponent will most likely be Spirit Empire Academy's team," Yu Xiaogang began. "They fight tomorrow, and I want you all to pay attention. Do not underestimate them just because we have a Spirit Saint. Even a Spirit Saint might not be able to win against seven Spirit Kings."

They all bowed their heads. "Yes, Grandmaster."

Flender added, "And be careful. Xiao Shen, keep your shields up. Everyone, maintain your defenses. This battle will not be about strength, but endurance. Who can last longer? You... or them?"

Liu Erlong said, "You can use your spirit bones and domains this time. Xingyun and Xiao Shen's combined Death God Domain is tricky even for me to break out of. But, do not rely on that either. Xiao Shen, you know the limitations of your other two domains. Shanxin, be careful with that spirit bone to not draw too much spirit power and make them vegetables. Xingyun, your halberd is powerful, use it wisely."

Three heads nodded.

"Xiao Shen, what will you not use?" Yu Xiaogang asked.

"My God power."

"That's right."

Mom, Dad, in the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition, I will beat Spirit Empire for you both. Some day in the future, I will grow strong enough to fight Lei Jiyu and the entire Spirit Empire to avenge your deaths. A resolute coldness settled in her golden eyes. Spirit Empire, you have allowed an enemy to be nurtured. Don't underestimate me in the future.

"Grandmaster," Ming Yong asked. "The spirit bones Spirit Empire is rewarding..."

Yu Xiaogang looked at him. "They're probably meant for the three best out of Spirit Empire's newest generation. If you wish to grow stronger, spirit bones can help. That's why they're valued so much."

"Do any of them suit us?" Shu Jiaxiang added.

He sighed. "Actually, yes. All three can suit some of you. Supreme Pontiff Hu Liena is rewarding an external spirit bone, which is very, very rare. This spirit bone can evolve based of the spirit master's spirit rings and spirit power. The other two are a skull bone and a chest bone."

"An external spirit bone?!" the kids cried. "And no one's absorbed it?!"

Liu Erlong decided to explain this next point. "The skull bone and external spirit bone come from Spirit Empire's former Supreme Pontiff, Bibi Dong. The chest bone comes from the Golden Crocodile Douluo. After they were killed, Spirit Empire tried their best to recover the spirit bones before Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire could."

Flender nodded in agreement. "All three spirit bones are supremely powerful. They are all from spirit beasts that had a cultivation above fifty thousand years."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants' jaws all dropped from shock. "WHAT?! SUCH POWERFUL SPIRIT BONES?!"