

When Goku and Dragon landed on Namek, Gohan was on the verge of death. Goku shot out and beat the orange haired man with one punch and sent him flying. Dragon turned to Bulla and said "What are you doing on the ground?" Bulla looked up and said "I lost." Dragon said "Are you going to get any strong sitting around on the ground and crying? Get up and break your limits or stay at home and be safe for the rest of your life." before turning around and flashing in front of a blue man and sending his fight through his chest.

A red skinned man was shocked and ran away, Dragon flashed in front of him and said "Did you hurt my daughter?" the man gulped and Dragon crushed his neck before throwing his corpse away, the orange haired man secretly ran away to tell his captain as Goku fed the Senzu beans he had left to Vegeta, Gohan, Bulla, and Krillin.

Dragon stood above Vegeta and said "Nice to see you again." Vegeta scoffed and said "Can't say the same but perhaps we aren't that different after all." as he pointed to the corpses. Dragon shrugged and said "They hurt my family." Vegeta was silent before saying "Frieza might have made his wish already." Krillin shook his head and said "The sky would've been dark and a dragon would've appeared."

The group felt Freiza approaching Guru's place and A purple man appeared, with the orange haired man, and said "Recoome you said these people were strong?" Recoome nodded and said "Extremely strong Captain Ginyu!" Dragon crossed his claws and fired a dragon's breath at Recoome, turning his to dust before shooting towards Ginyu while saying "I got him."

Goku nodded and said "Gohan, Bulla, Krillin, you guys go get the radar from Bulma and find the dragon balls." as he shot towards Ginyu as well. The three nodded and flew away, Vegeta slipped away and went somewhere else as Goku and Dragon fought Ginyu together.

Dragon punched Ginyu in the face, breaking his scouter and slamming him in the ground, Goku kicked him up and Dragon smashed his claw into Ginyu's stomach, sending him flying down to the ground. Goku kneed him in the back and broke his spine as Dragon shot down and stomped on Ginyu's head and killed him. The two looked at each other and flew off towards the kids.

They arrived and found the kids, Krillin, and Vegeta surrounding 7 dragonballs and trying to summon the dragon to no avail. Dragon said "Where's your mother?" Bulla looked over and said "She's safe." Dragon let out a breath of relief and the group went into Frieza's ship with the dragon balls. Krillin left to get the password from Guru and Dragon was talking to Bulla, who said that she got her potentials unlocked from Guru, as did Gohan. He was confused and Bulla said "It made us stronger." Dragon nodded and hugged her saying "Why you going to different planets?" He kissed her forehead and said "I was worried about you and your mother."

Bulla smiled and hugged him saying "I know but I wanted to explore! I never made a wish before!" Dragon shook his head and laughed as he stroked her hair "You're just like your mother." Bulla giggled and waved her tail behind her, Vegeta watched him and scoffed before mumbling "Still too soft.." Dragon looked at him and said to Bulla "You met your uncle?" Bulla was confused and said "He's my uncle?!" Dragon chuckled and nodded, she jumped off and landed in front of Vegeta, she walked around him and climbed onto his head saying "Doesn't seem very friendly."

Vegeta grit his teeth and Dragon laughed his ass off, Bulla giggled and hung upside down in front of Vegeta saying "Hey uncle!" as she waved her small hands, Vegeta snorted and said "No niece of mine is a weakling." Bulla pouted and retorted "I've only been training for a year! I'm 4 years old." Vegeta frowned and said "You're 4? You looked twelve." Bulla looked like she got critical damage and said weakly "Why are you so mean..." Dragon chuckled and said "You'll get stronger, maybe one day you'll be as strong as your uncle."

Vegeta looked at him and Bulla said "What about you?" Dragon scoffed "Me? Please, you'll never be as strong as me. Even if you trained for 100 years!" Bulla pouted and Vegeta said "So what you're saying is that you're the strongest here and always will be?" Dragon sneered and said "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Vegeta sneered right back and said "Yeah I do, how could you compare to me!" Dragon cracked his knuckles and said "You want to try again short stack?"

Vegeta threw Bulla away and snapped "What did you call me, reject!?!" and they started fighting, Bulla caught herself and clapped as she watched and said "Yeah, go daddy!"

A while later

A small namekian named Dende arrived with Krillin to give them an important message about the dragon balls. Krillin, Gohan, and Bulla flew away with the dragon balls as the rest were in a healing pod, getting ready for Frieza, who was on his way.

They summoned Porunga and wished to bring back their dead friends, but the dragon said that they can only be done one at a time, it really wasn't hard to imagine why this planet had literally 100 namekians on it, Gohan got a message from Piccolo telling him to just revive him because the dragonballs on earth would return and they can wish them back there.

Gohan wished for Piccolo to come back and the second wish was to get Piccolo to Namek, the group didn't really know what to do next and Bulla said "I wish for-" the dragon disappeared and the balls turned to stone as Vegeta and Dragon came out of the ship. Dragon shook his head and said "Too late kiddo." Bulla pouted and Frieza landed in front of the group.

Vegeta said "Frieza!" Dragon said "Frieza's a woman?" Freiza seethed and said "Do I look like a woman to you?!" Dragon nodded his head and said "You sound like one too." Vegeta was sweating and said "Idiot! Shut up!" Freiza's eye twitched and Dragon shrugged before shooting towards Frieza and kicking him into a cliff saying "Me first!" the rest had their mouths wide open.

Freiza came back and grit his teeth as he transformed into his second form, he turned into a giant with 2 horns on his head, Dragon whistled and they started fighting. Dragon kicked at Frieza, who dodged and whipped his tail, trying to pierce Dragon, but Dragon grabbed his tail and slammed Frieza into the ground saying "I thought you were stronger..." Frieza was getting really angry and transformed again, he had a long head this time and flashed in front of Dragon and punched him, sending him flying.

Dragon flew back and punched Frieza in the head, smashing him into the ground as Namek trembled. He kicked Frieza into the air and punched his back before flashing under him and kneeing his stomach, sending him back up. Dragon appeared behind him and grabbed his long head before shooting down and crushing his skull into the ground and kicking him into a giant rock.

Frieza flew back and screamed "Damn worms!" as he transformed again, he got smaller and more sleek. Dragon got serious and turned Kaioken x10 on as they clashed in the air, Vegeta watched and gasped "Could it be?" the rest also watched and Bulla had stars in her eyes as she watched her dad fight.

Dragon kicked at Frieza, who caught his leg and threw him into the ground before firing a laser from his finger and piercing Dragon in the stomach, making a hole. Dragon coughed out blood and got up, he went full Kaioken x20 and flashed in front of Frieza, kicking him in the head and sending him flying to the ground and creating a deep pit. He crossed his claws and charged up his Ki before firing a massive azure colored beam into the pit, blowing up the area and shaking the planet to the core. Dragon fell from the sky and smashed into the ground, his body destroyed from Kaiken x20, Dende ran over and dragged him back before healing him.

Frieza crawled out of the hole with cuts all over his body as he said "Not too bad but not good enough." Vegeta charged at Frieza and started fighting him as Goku finally woke up and came out of the healing chamber.

Frieza made short work of Vegeta and Goku arrived just in time to see Frieza shoot a death beam through Vegeta's chest, killing him. Vegeta coughed out blood and said "Kakarot! You must defeat him, he destroyed our planet and both our families. You are the true super saiyan!" Frieza was enraged and shot him again saying "Die already!" Vegeta breathed his least breath and Goku buried Vegeta before fighting against Frieza as Piccolo showed up and protected the rest.

Freiza saw Dende healing Dragon and shot a death ray at him, killing him too. Goku shot forward and had Frieza on the ropes for a while but was ultimately beat back by Frieza, he charged a spirit bomb and the others attacked Frieza hoping to stop him. They bought enough time and Goku sent the spirit bomb down, The rest grabbed Goku and Dragon and got a safe distance away from the explosion.

Krillin looked over and paled as he saw Frieza standing on a rock bleeding from the cuts that Dragon gave him. Frieza fired a death beam at Goku but Piccolo jumped in the way and saved him life, he was seriously injured and fell to the ground, unconscious. Frieza sneered and levitated Krillin's body in the air before making him explode and killing him, Goku's eyes widened as he shouted "KRILLINNNNNNNNNNNN!" and screamed in fury.

His hair exploded into a gold color and spiked up as his eyes turned green and he had a fiery yellow aura around his entire body. As he said "Get Dragon, Piccolo and Bulma and leave the planet as fast as possible." Bulla grabbed her dad and Gohan grabbed Piccolo and flew off towards Bulma's location. They got there and Bulma flew towards Dragon saying "Is he okay?!" Bulla nodded and Bulma sighed in relief before looking over Bulla and making sure everything was okay.

Suddenly they were all teleported back to earth with a bunch of Namekians and Vegeta.

Dragon opened his eyes and saw the rest of them and overheard a conversation about bringing the remains back to earth and then reviving them. He stared at the sky and knew that he lost again, he was really getting sick and tired of losing all the time, all he heard was a scream and then he felt a massive increase in Ki from someone right in front of him, while he was unconscious.

Bulma looked over and saw he was awake and hugged him on her knees and said "You're okay!" Dragon smiled and said "Where's Goku?" Vegeta said "Dead." Dragon frowned and said "What happened?" Bulla explained what she saw, and how Goku went super Saiyan before they were all teleported away.

Dragon nodded and said "Maybe he's not dead then?" Vegeta sneered and said "You think he can survive in the vacuum of space?" Dragon shrugged and said "Maybe." Bulma smacked him lightly and said "What are you moving around for?! Bulla take us home." Bulla nodded and grabbed Bulma and Dragon, who said "Wait, Vegeta come with us. You don't have anywhere to stay right?"

Bulma said "You want him in our house?!" Dragon nodded and said "He's my brother." Vegeta didn't really have a choice and picked Dragon up before following Bulla back home, leaving the rest after saying farewell.

They arrived back home and Vegeta dropped Dragon on the ground and scoffed, Bulma helped him up and glared at Vegeta. Bulla shook her head and sighed, she never got her wish, maybe next time. Dragon chuckled and whispered in Bulma's ear "I could use a nurse.." Bulma blushed as she looked at him before smiling slightly "Oh yeah? Did you make an appointment?" as she brushed her fingers against his tool and winked at him.

Tights walked out from inside and said "Bulma you're back?!" she looked up and stared at Vegeta before saying "Who's this?" while blushing, Vegeta scoffed and passed her as he said "Vegeta." she watched him go and followed after him. Bulla picked up her dad and said "To your room mommy?" Bulma smiled and nodded.

The trio got to Bulma and Dragon's room, Dragon laid down on the bed and smiled as he held Bulla in his arms "You fought well, but that doesn't mean you should slack off." Bulla nodded and Bulma said "Maybe you should go see Gohan." there was a hidden meaning in her words but Dragon didn't notice and said "That's a good idea! You two can spar together! When I recover i'll show you the Dragon's Breath technique!" Bulla winked at Bulma, who giggled and said "Okay! Love you!" before leaving.

Bulma locked the door and turned on the soundproofing before walking over to Dragon and feeding him a Senzu bean she kept from Korin. He ate it and healed up, she sat on his lap and pressed her hands against his chest as she said "You needed a nurse? You look pretty good to me.." Dragon pretended to be hurt and said "I still have some pains.." she moved her hands down and rubbed his tool as she said "Here?" Dragon grunted and said "Yeah right there."

Bulma slowly stripped and said "I might be able to help~" she slid her hand inside his pants and took out his rock hard dragon before sitting on it and moaning "Does.. That.. feel.. any.. better?" Dragon pulled her down and kissed her as he shot his hips up rapidly, she moaned loudly and said "Harder.. you're so good.." Dragon pumped her full of cum and she licked him clean before pulling her on top of him and saying seductively "I don't think you've fully recovered~" he grinned and bit down on her nipples as he fuck her again.

A few days later

Dragon was training again and had Bulma make a new gravity chamber, he wasn't going to let Goku surpass him, the new chamber had 300x gravity as the max and Dragon was using 100x right now. Vegeta squinted at him training in a gravity chamber before going into the original one from Shenron and putting it at 100x, he wasn't going to let anyone be better than him. Dragon's life passed like that in a cycle as he got back into his habits again, he also taught Bulla his technique and trained her as well, while spending time with Bulma at night. Time passed by quickly as he got more into the routine.

The Namakians used their dragonballs to resurrect Tien, Chaiotzu, Krillin, and Yamcha over two Namekian years, which were 130 days each. They also learned that Goku, was in fact still alive, and would come back when he wanted to, Vegeta was outraged and left the planet to search for Goku himself, the Namekians then wished to be teleported to their new planet, New Namek and life went back to normal for the rest of the Z fighters.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Frieza done, lmk what you think. He will get Super Saiyan eventually but not right now. I need a catalyst and maybe make him a little special... maybe not though i'll see.


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