
Shadowed Purple

" Here, Silva, the parts you wanted."

" Thanks, Em."

I thanked the mint-haired girl as I focused on my infiltration gear for my trip to Atlas. Thanks to Pietro Polendina's knowledge, I now know how to handle the security up in that floating eyesore and get what I want. The hardest part was coming up with a hacking program to help set up a backdoor program to go through Atlas Academy's security network. That took me a week by itself, and my new cloak took me another week to make. The cloak is lined with some special tech that makes who wears this look blurry to cameras as an extra measure to help hide my identity.

I did consider having Neopolitan helping but decided against it as I rather not have to explain myself just yet. Neopolitan and I may have gotten familiar with one another, but I don't think she considers me a friend, an acquaintance, maybe, but that's it for now. I put some finishing touches on the mask I was making, and I was ready to start my field tests. Emerald looks over my shoulder and asks.

" So, what is all of this?"

" Just some gear to help me wander around Atlas undetected."

Emerald then asks me while looking a bit suspicious.

" For that "item" you and Raven talked about before?"

" Yes, and I won't tell you just yet as it is one of the biggest secrets I know, and it is dangerous to know about it."

Emerald then asked me in a concerned tone.

" Dangerous how?"

" Let's just say there are some extremely dangerous and powerful people who would love nothing more than to have the item to themselves."

The mint-haired girl sighed and gave a small complaint.

" How vague."

" And for a very good reason, Em. I know you are curious, but please keep it to yourself for now, and I will tell you when I feel it is okay to do so."

Emerald huffed, looking a bit annoyed but agreed.

" Fine... but you will tell me eventually?"

" I promise."

The mint-haired girl didn't pursue the matter further and went to the kotatsu, where Neopolitan played a game on her Scroll. She did steal some glances as I put on my cloak and mask as it was now nighttime, which worked out perfectly for me. I gave my goodbyes to the girls as I opened a portal on the floor.

" I will see you two either tonight or in the morning."

I fell through the portal and found myself high in the air with Atlas in view below me. Using Emission, I controlled my landing and found myself atop a building overlooking the floating city. While the sight was beautiful, I also knew it was a place of racism and self-entitlement, which ruined the view for me. I sighed as I worked out where I was in Atlas and go to my first target, one of Atlas' science labs where the focus is on weapon systems, robotics, and engineering. Sticking to the rooftops, I navigated the city and soon reached the lab.

I smiled beneath my mask as I made it to the roof of the lab without trouble and took out my Scroll to test the malware I programmed. The security network got hacked after a few minutes, and I could now use the cameras in the building to find the scientists. After going through the cameras, I found scientists getting ready to call it a night, and I entered the building through a window. As I approached the locker area, I readied a bomb loaded with sleeping gas and opened the door a crack, and rolled the bomb into the lockers.

I soon heard coughing and then some dull thuds. After a few minutes, I entered the locker room and picked up the expended bomb. I saw the scientists knocked out, and I touched each of them while using Soul Archive to copy all of their knowledge. Now on to the next one.


In the Headmaster's Office in Atlas Academy.

General James Ironwood massages his temples as he goes through the paperwork for being a General, Councilman, and Headmaster. He felt the slightest twinge of regret at holding all three positions because the sheer amount of paperwork is truly staggering. He Uses his Semblance Mettle to power through the reports, requests, and items needing his signature by ignoring his reluctance and growing migraine. He paused at seeing Winter Schnee's reports and smiled as he looked forward to her graduation and eventual introduction to Ozpin's Circle.

She is the most promising prospect for becoming the next Winter Maiden because with the Schnee family Semblance coupled with magic would undoubtedly lead to an invaluable asset. This, however, is still in the future as she needs to put through her paces to test her character and, more importantly, loyalty. Loyalty meant everything to James, whether his loyalty to Ozpin or the loyalty of his subordinates to him. James already worked out his first test for Winter Schnee to see if she can be invested in.


Let's see here; I have robotics, weaponry, engineering, Dustology, Dust synthesizing, Dust applications, chemistry, experimental material development, and several other things after seeing the majority of Altas' scientific community. Unfortunately, Arthur Wattz is out; field testing his experiments which would've answered some questions, like most importantly, has he gotten in contact with Salem yet. I can catch him later if I want to, but for now, my next target is James Ironwood himself to find out if the Vault has any additional security measures I need to be aware of and such.

Unlike the science labs and personal homes of the scientists, Atlas Academy is always under guard by students, professors, and soldiers. They make infiltrating the Academy far more dangerous and difficult. I took a deep breath and then made my way to the Huntsman Academy, which stuck out like a sore thumb as it was near the center of the city and was one of the tallest buildings in the whole city. I soon found some soldiers patrolling the perimeter and used an application of Door to Darkness I had worked on for a while.

I focused on one of the soldiers and opened a small portal that was just big enough to put my paw through. The small black hole followed the moving soldier, and I extended my paw through it and lightly touched him. Using Soul Archive, I now roughly knew where everything was in Atlas Academy and the patrol schedule. I got closer to the Academy and used my malware to access the camera system and soon found out where James Tindick was at currently. I planned what to do next and used Emission to make me reach the window to the General's office.

As I propelled myself upward, I was mindful of my Aura reserves and decided that after I got the information I needed from Tindick, I would call it a night. I soon saw James Ironwood through the window of his office and used the trick I used before on the patrolling soldiers. I opened a small portal near the General and lightly touched him, and used Soul Archive on him. Now with everything I now know, I can plan my heist for the Staff of Creation in detail. I then opened a portal below me and fell through it back to the room at the tavern. Now for some well-deserved sleep.


Emerald Sustrai woke up feeling her bladder needing release and pulled herself out of her warm bed into the cold room. As the mint-haired got up, she found herself being held in place by Neopolitan as the sleeping tri-colored girl refused to let go of her personal heater. Emerald was forced to wake up Neopolitan, and the tri-colored girl groggily woke up as the mint-haired girl demanded with a bit of urgency in a whisper

" Neopolitan, let go!"

Neopolitan simply mouthed as she held Emerald tightly.

" Cold..."

" I know it's cold, but I need the bathroom!"

Emerald whispered in the darkroom of the tavern to Neopolitan. The tri-colored girl begrudgingly let go of her personal heater, and the mint-haired girl went to the bathroom. As Emerald did her business, Neopolitan felt the cold get to her as she wasn't awake enough to use her Aura to keep her warm. The tri-colored girl noticed that Silva was back from Atlas and was sleeping in his bed. Neopolitan made a choice and got off her bed, then quietly walked up to Silva as he slept. Neopolitan moved Silva's blanket aside and got into the bed of the snow leopard faunus.

She moved his fur-covered arm out of the way for room and used it as a pillow. Not only was Neopolitan surprised at how plush the snow leopard's fur was but also how warm he was. Neopolitan snuggled against Silva as she quickly fell back to sleep. A flush could be heard as Emerald emerged from the bathroom and returned to her bed but found it empty. The mint-haired girl looked around for her bedmate and saw Neopolitan's three-colored hair on Silva's bed.

Emerald quietly walked up to the sleeping duo and started to shake Neopolitan to wake her. The tri-colored girl got up groggily, looking displeased with a look at the mint-haired girl that asked. What? Emerald demanded in a whisper.

" What do you think you're doing?!"

Neopolitan plopped back down against Silva and made a shooing motion at Emerald. The mint-haired called for the tri-colored girl quietly.

" Neopolitan!"

Neopolitan covered her head with the covers and continued to use Silva as a bedwarmer and pillow as she ignored Emerald. The mint-haired girl sighed in defeat as the tri-colored ignored her and looked at her empty bed. Emerald shivered slightly from the chilly tavern room, then looked back at Neopolitan and Silva as they slept. The mint-haired girl grumbled as she didn't want to sleep by herself in the cold bed.

" I can't believe I'm doing this."

Emerald went to the right side of Silva and took a page out of Neopolitan's book. The mint-haired girl was also surprised at the snow leopard faunus's warmth and soft fur. Soon finding herself surprisingly comfortable, the mint-haired girl's eyes felt heavy, and sleep beckoned her.