
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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98 Chs

Chapter 84: School Wars prt II

The Gym's bounded field has been activated, the match has already begun, Arthur and the others were simply waiting for the announcer's mark.

"Alright folks! now that both teams are ready it's time to get things started!! And now for WordBagon's principal to please flip the coin."


Alex from WordBagon team said as Anastasia smirked and replied,


"And there we have it, both leaders have chosen their ends and is left now is the principal's flip.. and we'll then know the results."

before she enters the stage Arthur manages to spot her on the way as his brows furrowed upon seeing her trying to hide her obviously seen yawn.

[Man, she sure doesn't change] He thought.

As she stands on the stage and without a second to waste she immediately skipped saying a word and flipped the coin.

The crowd was going wild as how things are proceeding too quickly but they were still fired up because of it, once the coin landed she caught with her palm, she closes her eyes and lets out a sigh as she says,


Alex closes his eyes and smirks while Arthur and the others were staring their enemy head on.

"And there we have it folks! Team WordBagon are tasked as the Defenders while Team Rainbow will be tasked to Attack the enemy base, and also for a little note, just because one team is tasked to defend doesn't mean they can't send out their members to attack as well."

Dorothy was in deep thinking about their plan for this, they know nothing about the enemy, their powers, their tactics, they have to be careful with every move they make.

[I can trust with Patrisha and the Student Council members to attack their base while we defend our own] She thought.

"Alright now! everyone to their marks! once both bases are fully activated the battle will begin."

As Anastasia was about to head towards their position she looked back towards her opponents and stared into Dorothy's eyes, but it wasn't for intimidation, she just smiled and Dorothy had already puzzled what she was saying to her,

[We will Anastasia... we will have fun]

Once both teams had already built their base, the announcer had already yelled out,


Inside the base the others were simply waiting on Dorothy's instructions,

"Patrisha, I need you, Gray and the Student Council except for Abigail to sneak into the enemy base while we all stay here and defend this base until you beat them."

She swallowed her fear as she took in some air and said,

"May, Zack, Abigail, Saya, Arthur and I will stay here and defend the base with all our strength." Dorothy said.

"I have no problems with that." Alex said.

"But President.."

"Abi--Vice President, your abilities are more confident in defensing am I wrong?." Alex said.

"Ermmm no.. you are right.."

"Don't worry we'll be fine, just make sure to never release that armored version..we need to keep that a secret until the finals."

As Patrisha, Alex and Jazmyn went out to sneak towards the enemy base, Arthur and the rest were at their stationed areas, Saya was using the dark corners of the building to hide herself and ambush any intruders who'd infiltrate their base.

Zack and May was at the walls of guarding them while laying their traps in motion while Arthur and Abigail were right with Dorothy in the throne room as her body guards.

"Now... Anastasia.. let's have fun." Dorothy said to herself.

Her eyes were shining with excitement, her heart was set ablaze as she was waiting for her opponent's move.

Patrisha and the others were already entering enemy territory,

"What's with these intense atmosphere I'm picking up as we go further?." Patrisha asked.

She felt a heavy feeling on her shoulders as if something heavy was placed on them.

"It must be a spell, right?." Gray replied.

"It's one of the Student Council abilities from the Rainbow Academy." Alex's eyes faced downwards.

Alex and Abigail have been digging for some information about the Student Council from the other schools and so far they've managed to found some good intel on them.

"So this could probably mean we're facing with one of the Student Council this early on." Patrisha said.

Sucking on her lollipop, she cracks her knuckles and her neck Jazmyn says,

"Doesn't matter, we'll beat them, and their base with just the three of us."

"Skadi Volneur.. a Mage class known for her only spell relating to Ice Magic.. then this could mean this is her skill, Snow of Cosmos... an ability that looks like snow to others but in fact is her own mana spread out unto the range of the battlefield.. once an enemy felt it's pressure it's already too late.. they already know we're here and where we are." Alex said.

"So no choice but to keep moving forward?." Patrisha asked.

As they proceed to head towards the enemy base the snow were starting to get deeper, their feet were almost sunken by the huge pile of snow.. the atmosphere was getting more colder.

"EERRRGGHHH I hate this much cold!! reminds me of my brother when he turns on the air conditioning in full max."

Jazmyn then manifested her fiery wings to keep them warm, and to add things up she extended her range the heat would reach, hitting all three of them, keeping them warm and at the same time blocking the snow's spell from giving away their position.

"Wait!." Alex said.

At the Rainbow Academy's base..

"Oh? did they figure out my spell was tracking them?." Skadi says to herself.

"What's wrong?." Anastasia asked.

Seeing through Skadi's eyes it's the same way as Annie's ability, when using it all she could see are dots, for Skadi's case, all she sees are the heat signatures of people she's familiar with as they lit a green light while other people she hasn't seen are bright red differentiating her allies and foes.

"Nothing.. they're on the move.." She replied calmly.

"Where are they heading? me and the girls can handle them."

"Odd." She uttered.


"They seem to be heading to the west side.. and here I thought they were heading towards us in a straight line, Go Anastasia, bring at least four girls with you and beat them without mercy."

"As always old friend."

After picking the four girls to go with her Anastasia smiled and thought,

[Hope it's you Dorothy..Arthur..]

And outside the field was a huge screen displaying the footage for the viewers to see what's going on inside.

"Oh? and it seems as Rainbow Academy has started to make their move.. now what will happen in today's match, will they meet their infiltrators? or will the infiltrators manage to pull this through."

Anna was on the edge of her seat clinging both hands together, praying for their victory.

On the other side of the benches Anastasia's bestfriend, Raelynn was watching match proud and was supporting her from the sidelines.

Anastasia and the four girls were heading towards the destination their leader told them,

"We're getting close girls, be on your guard." Anastasia said. "We have to be ready for anything."

Upon arriving at the area all they saw were sleeping familiars, her eyes widened as she came to a conclusion and contacted Skadi via telepathy.

[Skadi! we've been tricked! they're heading for the base!!]

She reacts and slams her hand on the throne as sharp icicles surround the entire base serving as an extra wall.

"Well looks like they've finally took the bait." Alex said.

"We maybe hidden from her ability but it doesn't mean we're invisible."

"We'll just need to finish it quickly."

"Ehh??." Gray reacted.

Patrisha grabs hold on her blades, readying them at any moment.

[Anastasia, I have commenced phase two a little earlier.. so I need you and the girls to instead destroy their base.]

[Alright, good luck over there.] She replied.

As they end the contact the familiars dispersed and instead of feeling a rageful expression she instead smirked and whispered to herself,

"You got us good.."

"What did Skadi tell us to do now? I can see the Ice wall from here." Girl asked.

"Does that mean we're trapped outside!?."

Things were looking bad for them, some were panicking as they thought they might get picked off one by one from where they are.

"Everyone calm down! She told us to go and defeat the enemy base as quickly as we can."

Anastasia's loud but smooth voice managed to calm the other girls who were in a panic,

"We must not loose this match! we must win!."

She raises her hand in the sky to declare victory while the other girls followed shortly after.

At the WordBagon base..

"What's going on over at the Attacking team?." Arthur asked.

"I don't know I couldn't get a hold of them just a while ago.. something's blocking my telepathy skill from reaching them." She replied.

[Dorothy, me and May have already placed all of the traps in the base..]

[Good work Zack and May, prepare for any enemy attacks alright you're our first line of defense.]

[Oh and there are also traps there inside the base and in the throne room.. so don't worry.]

As she looks around the interior of the base she could x marks on the ground showing the traps's positions.

[Dorothy, this is Carla, I've spotted at least five girls sneaking towards here]

She was at the rooftop simply observing as the eyes since she has long ranged sight but her pistols were right next to her just in case.

[You can deal with them if you like.]

[Dealing with them now.]

As they ended the connection Dorothy sighs and stares on the ground nervous.

"Something wrong?." Arthur asked.

"They're here." Dorothy replied with a nervous face.

As Carla was heading towards the enemy she was already holding her pistols and with the flick of her thumb she turned off the safety trigger.

"Anastasia one target incoming!."

She turns around and saw Carla heading towards them with a serious dead face.

"Girls! get behind me!." Anastasia yelled.

Carla leaped from the air and started rapidly shooting, Anastasia then snapped her fingers as golems made out of ice appeared and defended them from the hail of bullets.

"Golems aye?."

She then leaped from place to place to reload her pistols to avoid getting caught and confusing the enemy,

"Golems isn't the only one I'm proud of."

Her eyes then shone a dark light in them as new slimmer and faster golems appeared out of nowhere.

These were different from the golems made out of ice, these new ones never had a physical form, they looked like ghosts with blue eyes.. with their dark aura holding everything together.


She managed to reload on time and aimed directly at Anastasia but was then cut off by one of the new golems that she immediately summoned.

Carla then changed another direction to avoid the particularly new golems and find a better opening to take her shot.

As she got closer and closer to the enemy while the fast ang agile golems were right behind her she noticed one of the girls was staring right into her.

"What the hell is she doing?." Carla said to herself.

Then the girl who was staring at Carla was using her ability, Tracking, If she can get a fixated read on a person's mana she can then use her ability to track them without a problem.

"She's right behind us.. oh? she stopped.. place two ice golems over here."

She pointed as Anastasia created two new Ice golems and protected them on time from Carla's shots.

"Damn it!."

One of the golems from earlier almost managed to slam her unto the ground as she dodged it's strike.

"This is getting us nowhere!!." She yelled out.

She then leaped around in circles open firing on them, as Anastasia would simply strengthen their defenses by adding more Ice Golems, Carla was getting pissed, by not getting her shots while running around as golems were chasing her.

But their defenses were just that strong especially since they know where the enemy would come from thanks to the girl with the tracking ability.

[Carla, I need you to return now.]

[You were using telepathy the whole time huh? looks like that's not a bad idea.]

She then redirected her aim at one of the golems chasing her and fired, it landed their mark into something shiny in it's chest, as it fell she then made her escape back to their base.

"Confirmation. the enemy has retreated."

"Looks like we survived that.. but at the cost of our abilities.. I'm sure she'll report what just happened now to their leader." Anastasia said.

"And we still don't even know anything about the enemy leader and who's in there yet." Girl said.

"The odds are really against us."

[This is starting to get even more challenging.. but bring it on! I'll face anything you and Arthur will throw at me] Anastasia thought.

As Carla went back inside the walls, Zack and May were there guarding it,

"How'd it go over there?."

With a smug look in his face she then replied,

"Shut up!."

As she makes her way into the throne room, May looks at Zack and says,

"That was unnecessary Zack."


Once Carla arrived at the Throne room Dorothy asked,

"What can you tell me about their abilities?."

"I only saw two of them using their abilities, one is a golem creator while one can track people."

Dorothy placed her finger under her chin as she thought,

[Could the golem master be Anastasia?.. is it unlikely?.. or is she the one who can track people.. or maybe she isn't any of them and I'm just overthinking this]

"Still, for Carla not able to pierce their defenses proves their very strong." Arthur says.

"Unfortunately so.. that girl creating the golems, and the one tracking me.. they predicted my every move.. it was annoying."

After hearing their conversation Abigail was then thinking of a plan on how to breach their golem defenses..

[Could my ribbons pierce through them? It's a tough question..]

"Either way, we need to think of a plan how to defeat them."

"You better hurry though, last I was with them they were right in front of the base.. all they needed now was to cross the vast field and whether or not they noticed the traps there.. well it's up to them."

*An explosion occurred from behind the base*

Dorothy then immediately used her telepathy skill to contact Zack,

[Zack! what's going on!?]

[The traps I placed behind the base activated.. they're probably here. I'm heading there right now to give Saya support]

Meanwhile at the back of the base there they were, Anastasia and her group,

"It seems as they've placed a lot of traps here as well."

"Don't worry girls, I'll lead the way!."

She smirked at the traps in front of her as if they were nothing, she spread her arms open and released an icy mist that revealed the traps's location.

[Saya, we have incoming guests, be ready!]

[A little too late for that Master, I'm dealing with golems right now.. but I never saw anyone enter so they're probably still outside]

Saya was dealing with the golems that were fast and agile, the ones with the dark auras yet have no physical bodies.

She leaped in the air and used her scythe to slice the golem's head in half, as she landed on the ground the slice she made was simply regenerated.

"This is gonna be hard." Saya said to herself.

She rushes towards the golems spinning herself like a propeller would, slicing the golems in half as she reached the other side they damage she has done was simply ignored as they regenerated again.

"I'm heading there to support Saya now." Arthur said as he rushes towards the door.

"No, we can't afford to split our forces Arthur."

She stopped him from going,

"But what about Saya?." He asked.

" I already sent Carla there just in case and looks like I was right, Zack and May are also heading there as we speak, and Saya is an excellent fighter.. they better not underestimate her."

Arthur clenched his fists as he was planning to go either way, Abigail then approached him and said,

"She's right, we're suppose to protect Dorothy in case they reach us here, have you forgotten about that Arthur?."

"No, but Saya is dealing with the enemy now as we speak if we co--."

"And what if you go there and help her, what if that was their plan so they could distract us."

Arthur was confused as he thought about it, he was gritting his teeth as he was thinking it carefully.

"Arthur, Trust Saya, Carla, Zack and May." Dorothy said.

He then calmed down and went to his spot meanwhile Saya leaped from the walls and tried grabbed one of the golems only for the tip of the scythe to pass through them.

"I can't grab them? are they ghosts?."

She dodges one of the golem's strikes and said,

"Unveiling defensive weapons."

As multiple tiny missiles, guns appeared behind her.

"Open fire!."

She launched everything towards the golems, they were all blown away as a shattering glass could be heard among the explosion.

"Did I get them?." She asked herself.

As the smoke cleared the golems were all gone what was left was broken purple shards scattered across the area.

She then quickly reacted to the increasing sound of footsteps heading her way.

"Looks like more intruders."

[This is bad.. I used up all my weaponry. and they're still recharging.. it'll take at least thirty minutes or so to be fully ready..]

Two girls appeared, one was a short haired girl with a staff while one was a long haired blonde girl holding a red lance.

"Two enemies.. this is getting annoying." Saya said.

as she was about to head in towards the two girls, two bullets were heading towards the invaders, the girl with the staff immediately went in front and conjured up a shield and protected them from the bullets.

"Mind if I join you?."

Carla walked towards her while aiming her pistols at the enemy,

"No, I do not."

"That Mage is gonna be annoying."

"I'll deal with her."

"Wait! are you telling me to deal with the Lance--!!."

Without listening to her complaints Saya immediately rushes towards the two girls, in a blink of an eye Saya was already above them.

The Lancer couldn't even react as her Mage class friend was grabbed by Saya's scythe.

She tried to go after them until she was stopped at her tracks by Carla,


"I don't think I will."

She smiles at the Lancer and rushes straight towards her while firing a shot, The Lancer blocked the bullet with her lance but she was shocked how a Marksman class like Carla fights up close.

She slams her lance towards her until Carla uses one of her pistols to parry the strike, the two were in a lock, The Lancer was still in confusion and shock to what just happened.


She uttered a giggle as she then reloads her other pistol with just one hand, The Lancer noticed it and tried to back away from her,

"Too late!."

She took her shot but the Lancer managed to twirl her lance as fast as she could, saving her from the bullet.

meanwhile Saya threw the Mage into a wall, She readies her weapon while was on her guard.

Her eyes widened as she dodges the intense current of electricity, She ran and ran avoiding the streams of the electricity until she was far enough from the Mage.

The Mage from a far stood up and waved her staff around as more current streams of electricity were heading towards Saya, she dodged them all but she managed to get some grazes from all over her body.

[I just need her to use her strongest electricity attack.. so I can strike her back.]

She kept on dodging, leaping from wall to wall, pillar to pillar, anything to do to avoid getting a direct hit from those electrical streams.

Carla went in close and exchanged blows with the Lancer, she would often use her other pistol to open fire but would get blocked by the Lance at times.

"Fighting up close for a Marksman? Surprising!."

"Is this the first time my class has done this? you'll be surprise we have someone who usually does this type of stuff."

She was starting to get the hang of it, she parried the Lancer's strikes with her pistol while landing any shot she can get.

The Lancer kicks Carla away from her as her facial expressions became hard and furious, the Lance lit up an even brighter red color.

"I'll show you something I rarely do to others so I call you a worthy person of witnessing my ability."

"Fine by me."

Carla then pressed a button at the right side of both pistols, as they split openly in half,

"Hey now! don't tell me you're giving up already by destroying your pistols!."

"I am destroying these.. with you along with them!."

The four halves of the pistols all combined into one big shotgun, as steam was getting out of the tip she then aimed it at the Lancer as a concentration of her mana was at the tip, as it grew brighter by the minute.

"Interesting! bring it on!."

Saya then tried to parry the electrical strikes with her scythe but it was not enough for her to attack.

"Why won't she get hit!!."

from a far it would just look like her scythe was merely dissolving the electricity but in reality it was absorbing it.

She waved her staff even more intensely as the streams of electricity became even more deadlier.

"Once I unleash my special attack nothing can withstand it, not even that scythe of yours! this is the lightning of the God of Thunder, Thor himself!."


Saya was preparing her scythe for the immense strike while Carla was still charging her weapon the same goes for the Lancer, It was a matter of who goes first.

She launched a huge stream of electricity towards Saya, She twirled her body and consumed the massive stream of electricity heading towards her.


As she fully consumed it, her scythe lit a bluish color with sparks coming out of it, without a second thought she then rushes towards Carla's position.

"Carlaa!!!!." She yelled out.

Carla then faced behind her and the two crossed paths,

"we'll ----."

"----Finish this!."

Saya launched the massive stream of electricity towards the Lancer while Carla open fired the towards the Mage.

"They used our ----."

"----Attacks against us!."

The whole sector of the room collapsed as the two landed their hits.

Meanwhile at the Rainbow Academy base, The three still hasn't been caught so far, they've fully infiltrated the base without getting caught, although they were still searching for the Throne room.

"Where now Patrisha?." Jazmyn asked.

"Over here."

As they reached a closed off room, with two girls standing in front of it.

"Let me deal with them." Alex said as he summoned his first familiar.

"We haven't found them yet Skadi."

"Then search the other areas of the bas-- get down now!!!."

As the door was busted by a Samurai familiar the one girl managed to duck and dodged the flying debris.

"I won't allow familiars like you rampaging unchecked!."

She then steps on the floor as a wave of ice shards was heading towards the familiar.

It simply held it's sword and in a blink of an eye the wave of ice shards was sliced into million pieces.

"Impossible! what happened to the Student Council members outside!?."

"Oh you mean those two? they're being entertained by my Treasurer right now, hope you don't mind me and the girl beating you." Alex said as he stands right below his familiar.

"You must be the President of the student council in WordBagon, It's really nIceee!!."

"Hey now you're not going to finish that sentence!?." Alex reacted.

As she waved her hand to the left as icicles came raining down on them, the Familiar protected Alex while Patrisha parried the icicles with her blades.

"Shine I need you to fight! you're a student council member aren't you? show me the resolve you showed us back at the campus!." Skadi yelled.

As the girl on the floor stood up with pride on her face, her hands were glowing a bright light.

While the two were still being occupied by the Icicles the girl was given time to charge her attack.

It grew brighter and brighter by the minute, Alex noticed her from where he was standing.

"Stop her!!." He yelled.

"I'll try to deal with that!!." Gray said.

As he summoned his four familiars to charge towards the girl charging her power, two of them were impaled by the Icicles while the two managed to continue on and was getting close to the girl.

Gray's arrow managed to pass through the barrage of hailing icicles finely until..

"Sasavi Helios!."

She aimed her hands and let out a beam, disintegrating the two familiars and Gray's arrow in front of her.

It was like a tiny lazer with the heat of the sun in the palm of her hands.

"What is this power?." Alex uttered in shock.

"Isn't that a little dangerous to be waving around!?." Gray reacted.

The girl's hands have stopped producing the beam but her hands were still glowing a bright light in her palm, did she ran out of power? is she saving for the next one? does she have a limit to how much she could fire? these were the questions that filled Alex's head.

"Good work! now take them down for ruining my throne room, Shine!."

Her hands grew even more brighter as she was preparing for the second attack,

"Permission to take her down!." Patrisha asked.

She was willing to risk it, if it meant them a victory then she was willing to go that far and risk her life.

"Denied! we're getting out of here!."

"Are you crazy Patrisha!? let's get out of here." Gray said.

She clicks her tongue and leaves the throne room once they were gone, Skadi raised her hand and said,

"You can stop now Shine."

There was no response from the girl in front of her, her hands were still glowing, meaning she wasn't planning on stopping.

"This...This much power? is amazing." She uttered.

At the next second she was knocked unconscious by Skadi as she sighs and says,

"Looks like your other side is still unstable.. sorry I had to rely on you for this match Shine."

"What a shocking development, Shine from the Rainbow Academy has been knocked out by her own leader, that leads to ten vs seven, I wonder how will things end up after this!." The P.A. announcer said.

The whole stage was tense as they were on the edge of their seats simply watching the battle from the benches.

Meanwhile Jazmyn was dealing with two of the Rainbow Academies student council members,

One was a Manipulator while the other was a swordsman class, Plunging herself towards one of them, she used her wings to try and land a hit on one of them.

"Stop moving will yo---!!."

As she was then slammed with a metallic gauntlet by the Manipulator class.

"Tchh I always hated the Manipulator class." She uttered.

"You look what I can do? I can control my gauntlets as I wish, but unfortunately this is all I can do in my level, so consider yourself luck--."

"I never even considered you a threat to begin wi--??."

She sensed an immense bloodlust coming from her side, as she slowly turns her head, she sees the other girl, she had reddish hair and orange eyes staring into her own.

"You have pretty wings." She said.

Jazmyn used her left wing to parry the Swordsman's weapon although because she was already weak on mana and was getting exhausted, she couldn't fully block it and the sword managed to make contact and graze her wing.

"Oh? what's this? are my attacks working?."

"Don't get cocky, you little brat!."

She then pushes the swordsman girl back while she flies up in the air to think her next move.


She dodged a gauntlet heading her way from above,

[She can even send it towards the ceiling? just as I would expect from a Student council from the Rainbow Academy, they're probably worthy for my skill]

"Your wide open!." The swordsman girl uttered as she was right behind Jazmyn from above.

She turns towards the swordsman behind her with a cold blank stare, she simply stopped mid air and backed away from the crimson winged girl.

"What's wrong?."

"Something's not right with her." She replied.

Jazmyn was slowly heading down to the floor while her wings flaps softly yet loud, Alex, Patrisha and Gray went inside the area to give support to Jazmyn but..

"Where is sh---- Oh! wa-wait! never mind let's get out of here as well." Alex said.

As the three yet again leaved the area, Jazmyn was concentrating on her wings while the two were stunned at the woman in front of them.

They were too afraid to make a move, they were even too afraid to run away.

"I'll let you in a secret, my class is a Tamer.. but you two never saw my personal pet.. right?."

They were silent, their eyes were wide open as they were fixated on what was behind her.

"This is my personal pet.. Phoenix."

She simply smiled at them, as they were still trying to understand what they're seeing right now.

The Phoenix, a Legendary bird from a long time ago, it said the phoenix chooses worthy fire users Classes but it only appears rarely, word has it that once chosen the user's skills and abilities would heighten up to the max.

The whole area was starting to slowly melt from the heat, the two girls were sweating intensely while Jazmyn herself was fine.

"Let's get it started."

The two readied their weapons as the Phoenix plunged towards them, the Phoenix never had a physical form, it was made of fire itself.

"We won't fail with this!!."

She placed her gauntlets in front of her while the other one simply tried to parry the Phoenix itself with just her sword.

Jazmyn then snapped her finger as the Phoenix has gotten even more stronger and rushed towards them without a problem.

And the entire area exploded, the whole room collapsed in on itself.

"And that's forty-percent of the Rainbow Academy base destroyed, who knew that they had a person who wielded the legendary Phoenix, has the match been decided? let's find out folks." The PA announcer said.

Anna was eating popcorn while Atalanta thought to herself,

[I can't believe one of them had the Phoenix as their personal pet.. this itself is dangerous to let out in the open]

"Oh? looks like I overdid it again.. sorry guys." Jazmyn said to herself.

"Oh?? and what do we have here? The Leader of Rainbow Academies squad has now challenged the leader of WordBagon Academy.. a clash between leaders this will be interesting." The PA announcer said.

"Good luck Mama, Papa." Anna uttered to herself as she clings tightly to her shirt.

"Looks like this is where we decide the battle." Anastasia said.

"I agree."

She then immediately casted multiple fireballs while Arthur rushed towards the enemy, Abigail was simply next to Dorothy just in case.

with a snap of her finger, multiple ice golems came from the ground and took the blasts of the fireball Dorothy launched.

And as Arthur was getting closer he simply sliced the Ice golems left and right until his sword was stopped by someone,

He looked whoever was holding his sword and it was a dark Golem with blue eyes, it had no physical body but it managed to grab hold of Arthur's sword.

"How do you like my Shadow golems? It took me a year to master something like this... I hope they look challenging to you.."

Arthur swung his sword to the left and the golem simply countered it, it used it's arm as a sword to parry the strike.

They broke off from locking each other's weapons and clashed multiple times, He leaps from the walls and plunged towards it.

"This'll end it!."

He sliced the Golem in half and was heading towards Anastasia.

"They were challenging, Anastasia!!."

"Should you really be focusing on me right now?."

He turns around and saw the Shadow Golem in tact, raising it's arms aiming for his body.

Arthur then changed his formation and countered the golem's strike.

"Now then, while Arthur is busy dealing with my golem I'll fight you Dorothy." She uttered.

Multiple ribbons then stopped Anastasia from moving as one wrong step could've pierced her with them.

"Did you forget that I was still here?." Abigail said.

She smirks and snaps her fingers as behind Abigail was another girl with long dark hair with purple eyes.

"An Assassin class!?."

She summoned multiple ribbons and made a shield to protect her from the blade, as the Assassin then leaps towards a wall and stuck her daggers into them to have something to grab on.

"Don't worry about me Abigail.. I'll deal with her." Dorothy said.

"But --?."

"I'll make sure to be careful."

She then used a ribbon to swing herself towards the Assassin meanwhile Dorothy was walking slowly down the throne with eyes the same as Anastasia's, Ready for battle.

"I always keep my promises Anastasia."

"I'm looking forward to i--!?."

Dorothy was still at five meters away from her, but in a blink of an eye she then appeared out of nowhere.

Anastasia got her mind together and backed away, mid air she snapped as four shadow golems appeared,

"Get her!." She said.

One golem leaped from above as Dorothy evaded it and used her staff to block one of the golems's attack, one golem then tried to head behind her but was then in pieces as thin threads were placed behind her.

While she was still in lock with a shadow golem, one tried to ambush her from above but she simply sidestepped causing one of the golem to be the one to take the hit from the one above.

Two shadow golems were left as they immediately rushed towards her with everything they got, Dorothy merely sidestepped and dodged their strikes from left to right in the same spot, never moving an inch.

She then uses her staff to parry one of the Golem's strikes, while reacting quickly and casted a fireball blowing the other one away.

"I still have one left ---!!?."

One remained but was in the air for some reason, she squinted her eyes to get a better look and saw the threads that caught it.

"You know it's pretty simple, They may seem powerful but not invincible."

She crushes her hand and the shadow golem in the air dispersed as she crushed it's purple core.

"So you figured it out then? Very well, let's get serious then." Anastasia said.

As the two rushed towards each other clashing in the middle while Arthur managed to hear what Dorothy said and was still in the middle of his fight.

[So I just aim for their cores hm?.]

After learning this, he placed all his efforts into aiming it into the golem's core which was in it's chest, but was thwarted by the same golem as it used it's arm as a blade and countered his every strike.

"What's up with this golem!?." He uttered.

from left to right, top to bottom, he couldn't get an opening even if he wanted to, the golem itself wouldn't even make openings ever since he found out it's weakness.


His mana was skyrocketing by the minute as a black gauntlet out of nowhere manifested in his right arm and without noticing it he landed a punch, as it passed through the golem's arm and destroying it's core into pieces.

As he was breathing calmly now the gauntlet that formed in his right arm dissipated.

He noticed right before it vanished and was still in shock to understand what just happened.

"W-Was that mine?." He uttered to himself in a nervous tone.

"W-What was that power just now!? I never seen anything like it!?." The PA announcer said.

Meanwhile in a random base..

"Looks like the kid's starting to notice.."

"Let him be.. Ruler has already learned to control it's power now all we need is for Servant to learn his."

Back at the gym everyone was surprised, some were astonished, some were even mad about themselves being weak, Reid clicked his tongue and left the gym.

"What was that just now?." Cassidy asked herself.


"Umm Sis what was that just now?." Aiden asked.

"I don't know.. it looked like Arthur focused his mana into spot unto his body.. but would it actually take form and make a gauntlet?."

As Anastasia and Dorothy were in a lock with their staffs and managed to notice Arthur's new gauntlet appearing out of nowhere.

"My, looks like mr. Ackerman has gained a new ability himself.. not even he's aware of it, hehe."

Dorothy wasn't shock at all and was focusing towards her enemy in front.

"Perhaps you know something about Sir. Ackerman, Dorothy Ritsu.."

Dorothy broke off the lock and casted multiple fireballs towards her, Anastasia then snapped her finger as golems took the blow creating off steam in the area.

And in a certain area Abigail leaped from the steam to find her enemy, she pierced her ribbons unto the ceiling and swinging herself while the Assassin was using the steam as cover.

"Don't you dare think you're safe just because a little fog like this can hide you!."

[Crap! I have no way in learning where she could be.. I'm just playing into her hands if I try to dive into that steam] She thought to herself.

"Sasha.. she's right above you."

A girl yelled from the other side,

"What!?." Abigail reacted.

From below her, the Assassin leaped towards Abigail with her daggers armed and ready to strike.

"Sasha, she's about to---!?."

The girl using an ability noticed Arthur and dodged his strike.

"Looks like you're the one Carla talked about huh?." Arthur said.

She closes her eyes and activates her ability, once he rushed towards her, he wondered,

[Why is she able to dodge my strikes so perfectly?]

One of Anastasia's golems took a hit from Dorothy's rapidly casting of fireballs while she noticed one of her allies were in trouble.

"This is bad! I'll summon a few more shadow golems even if I run out of mana.. in order to protect her!."

She tried to wave her hand towards her teammate who was dodging Arthur's strikes but was then stopped when the impact of the explosion managed to disturb her, it was more powerful than her recent ones.

"W-What happened!?."

[Did she boosted her abilities by casting multiple fireballs?? or was she not putting in a lot of effort into the others before now]

She smirks and says out loud,

"This is getting even more interesting Dorothy Ritsu!!."

She summoned more Shadow golems and commanded them to attack Dorothy, With a wave of her staff she fired multiple fireballs hitting some of the shadow golems right before they could even reach her.

Three managed to dodge her fireballs and were right in front of her, she simply used her staff to hit and fire, she blocked one of their strikes only to fire at the other one coming for her.

She twirled her staff like a lance and used it to pierce one of the golem's core and blasted it with a fireball.

With one remaining shadow golem, it rushed towards her in a zigzag pattern as it dodged Dorothy's fireballs, It was already in front of her as she merely touched it's core and said,


She placed her own mana into the core itself, overriding it's control and in the process overcharging it with too much mana.

Dorothy then aimed her wand into the ground surrounding her with a cloud of smoke, Anastasia was on her guard and forgot all about her teammate being attacked by Arthur.

As the dust cleared multiple Dorothy's came out of it and were charging towards her.

"You seem to be copying me now Dorothy."

Anastasia herself then manifested a shadow golem's arm on her own and used it to attack Dorothy's copies.

Once she was done dealing with copies she swung her arm towards the smoke clearing it away, a confused look was on her face as she found no one there.

Dorothy then re appeared behind her and at the tip of her staff was shining a red glow as Anastasia then used her arm as a sword and swung the staff away from her.

The spell activated and it headed towards the ceiling blowing a hole through it, and the two were now in a crossfight, Dorothy twirled her lance as she parried Anastasia's blows.

Meanwhile Arthur still couldn't land a hit on the girl in front of him, he kept in swinging but still couldn't even put a scratch on her.

Arthur's eyes revealed away his plan as he backed away, the girl never understood why but once she did it was too late,

"Gotcha!." Zack said.

She stepped on a trap Zack and May planted, and activated an electrical field, stunning her in the process while detonating the explosion knocking her unconscious.

"Thanks Zack! May!." Arthur shot them a thumbs up.

"It was all part of the plan my friend."

"Zack behind you!." A shadow golem was heading behind him.

Arthur then took the blow and in one strike slashed the golem in half, as he aimed for the core.

"Thanks Arthur."

"Don't mention it."

Arthur then leaped towards Dorothy and Anastasia to help her out while Zack and May rushed towards Abigail's position to help her out.

"Even if my eyes were taken.. I'd still sense you coming from way back there... Arthur."

She squints her eyes as an ice golem manifested behind Arthur and managed to grab on to his leg without giving him any time to react the golem threw Arthur into the wall, immobilizing but not knocking him out completely.

"Sorry about that Arthur teehee."

"Should you really be concerned about anyone else besides yourself Anastasia?."

She wasn't mad or anything but she was enjoying the battle, She then launched multiple fireballs towards her.

[Crap! I can't keep this up.. or I'll fully loose my mana at this rate..]

[When is Dorothy going to loose all her mana! She's been casting spells from to left to right now, just how much mana does she have!?]

Anastasia dodged the fireballs and was heading towards Dorothy while readying her arm to try to land a strike.

[I'm going to make her stay in one place with one of my gole--- wait! since when did she wore an eye patch!?]

As she was still confused on what was going on she was too late to notice behind her,

"From behin---!?."

"Too slow!!!."

She fired an extremely massive spell with everything she had and landed a direct hit on her, she was thrown into the wall and knocked out unconscious.

Dorothy was pretty exhausted as she was gasping for air herself.

"And there we have it folks!! the winners for today's battle has been decided!! Rainbow Academy only has four members left which means WordBagon Academy is the winner for today's match with all members still standing!!!."

Anna rose from her seat and yelled out a cry of joy as she was so happy for her parent's victory she couldn't contain her joy.

meanwhile the people watching all over the kingdom were amazed by how the battle progressed, occurred and ended.

~ At the Convenience store ~

"Well looks like Dorothy's gotten a lot more stronger since the last time I saw her." Dr. Sarah said.

"Soo has Arthur too you know ..." Liz replied.

~ In a plaza where a giant tv was place for any people to see ~

"Hmm.. after seeing him today, I wanna have him all for himself now.. Ooohh I can't contain myself...ahhhh Arthur.. why won't you be mineee." Elizabeth said.

~ In a abandoned building ~

"Ohh'yah? Dorothy has gotten a lot more stronger now.. that's good." Merlin said.

Once Merlin turned his head behind him Tazer was already gone,

"He left ever since that boy defeated a golem with a strange power." Annie said.

"Oh well.. looks like he really hates Arthur that much huh." Merlin said to himself.

~ At the gym ~

"due to some issues the next battle between WordBagon and the SK Academy will happen in the next two days from now.. I hope everybody can wait until then." The PA announcer said.

The crowd was in a disappointment after hearing that, meanwhile Arthur and the others let out a sigh of relief to know they have a few days of rest before the finals.

"I did nothing today huhuhuhuhuhu." Gray was crying himself at the corner.

"Now Now Gray, It's not your fault." Alex tried to cheer him up.

"Well no matter what happens Dorothy.. I'll make sure to protect you.. not just in the finals but forever." Arthur said.

"Thanks Arthur..."

After a touching scene Dorothy managed to giggle and had to contain it as she faced the other way.

"Ehh?? what's wrong Dorothy?." Arthur was dumbfounded to her reactions.

"Umm.. is protecting me back there has something to do with you being immobilized back there."

"Ehhh?? but I was dealing with those shadow golem things, and those were tough you know."

"Oh so you're the only who faced them? Come on I faced like eight of them I think and look what happened to me? nothing. I beat her with my own abilities and skills."

"Ummm you know what.. that doesn't count.. forget about that please.. I'm sorry I raised my voice earlier."

"Hmph! you should be."

Doorthy then gave Arthur a kiss on the cheek randomly.


"Thanks for doing your best either way."

Arthur's heart was beating faster from the kiss just now, and he was flustered just now and was all red.

"Mama ! Papa !."

Anna greeted them with a smile as she was hoping her way towards them.

"Congratulations!! Mama, Papa you did great there!!."

Arthur carried Anna on his shoulders until his shoulders cracked and he felt an immense pain afterwards, Dorothy then took Anna from his aching shoulders.

Carla and Saya did a fist bump and laughed out loud, Patrisha was holding her blades very tightly while Abigail was looking like she regretted something.

"I'm so proud of you guys." Sir. Charles came in.

"Thanks Sir. Charles." They all replied.

"Now dinner's on me, we can celebrate and rest for at least two days until the finals alright.. I'm really proud of you guys! let's aim for the number one spot!."


They all replied with energy and raised their fists in the air while Raelynn was looking for Anastasia.

"Anastasia's over there Raelynn." A girl classmate said.

"T-Thank you.."

Once she knew where she was Raelynn then went towards Anastasia who laying down on the bench.

"Hey.. you did fine today." She said.

"Rae? I'm sorry I lost.."


Seeing her best friend acting depressed over loosing was a first time experience for her, Raelynn then immediately gave her a hug and said,

"Idiot, you don't need to apologize for that, you did great today.. you did your best.. that's enough for me." Raelynn said as she caresses her hair.

As Dorothy was about to go to Anastasia and saw them, Arthur grabbed her shoulder and said,

"We'll go talk to her another time."

She looked towards the two and smiled at them.

"You're right, Another time then." Dorothy said.

And somewhere in the kingdom, someone was watching the match.

A girl with greenish long hair, with a sword beside her.

"Hey Father... Arthur won!!."

And next to her was a man who was on a wheelchair as he stares seriously into the tv screen.

"Take me there----."

"----I would like to congratulate my son in person."

End of Chapter 84: School Wars prt II