
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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Chapter 80: Anna's first School event

The clock's hour hand was at the six while the minute hand was at thirty, It was six thirty in the morning.

Saya was ironing what appeared to be a little girl's blue blouse while Dorothy was taking a bath in the bathroom getting ready for their meeting at the gym at eight, Arthur was cooking omelet eggs and fried toast.

The crispiness of the bread as he took a bite from one of the bread to see if it's crispy enough while preparing the Jam in the table.

"Saya, when you're done can you go wake up Anna for me please."

"Accept." She replied while placing a hangar inside the blouse and hanged in the wall.

Anna was still rolling in bed while drooling all over her mouth,

"I wannaa huge ice creamm fwua fwua hehehe."




"Rise and shine ms. Anna, it's time to get up or you'll be lat-- wait! she doesn't have school today? soo ummm how shall I say it?? hmmmm----."

As Saya was trying to complete her sentence, just from those three shoves Anna was slowly opening her eyes,


She rubs her eyes for a few secs and stood up in the bed seeing Saya who was still thinking of how to wake her up..

"Aaaaahhhh morning Saya."


A brief silence among the two, Anna's brows furrowed as Saya stared at her.

"Morning ms. Anna, your Father wants you up." she gives her a warm smile.

"Okiee dokieee."

She rushes up and head towards the door filled with energy and peeks before closing the door,

"You should come too Saya!!." A warm smile was thrown at her Saya was unable to expect that and nodded her head.

as Anna closes the door and leaves Saya all alone in the room, she sees her reflection in the mirror and smiles...

"She kinda remembers me of Master when she was young..."

Anna runs around the whole room while looking for her parents, she yells around giggling, laughing and screeching, she makes a stop at the living room as she smelt the fried toast..



She heard the bath water reaching the floor in the bathroom, she stares at the clock and it says the time is six forty five.

"Hmm Mama's still taking a bath.... soo Papa's cooking for today!!."

She rushes towards the kitchen only to see used up cooking utensils but no sign of the food nor her papa, she pouts of disappointment and crosses both her arms with both hands out.

Stomping heavily towards the table, filled with disappointment sees the table filled with the food she was looking for..


Her eyes let out a glittered glow, her stomach growling as loud as it could, she places her hand over her stomach to feel the rumbling in her tummy, she wasn't embarrassed but was starving even more as she kept her eyes on the food on the table.

"Looks like someone's getting hungry.."

Arthur who was about to place the plate filled with omelet eggs on the table noticed Anna standing in front of the food doing nothing but to starve herself even more by staring at the food.

"Papa! can I eat now!!." she asked kindly.

"--!? We need to wait for Mama, is that alright with you Anna?."

"Buut---- I wanna eat no---!!."

*Growl* *Growl* *Growl*

The two were silent from Anna's stomach grumbling as loud as them but Anna was the one who was more embarrassed for she was the victim here.

"Okay.. but you still need to eat with us in the table alright."

Arthur gives her one bread with jam on it as her eyes lit up even more and couldn't handle it any longer and took the bread with gratitude.

"Thannk youu soo muchh Papa!!."

She took a chunk on her bread and squealed as much hopping around in one place, she was really filled with energy today.

[It's not like it's first time you've tasted this.. but she's sure adorable as always.]

After that a few minutes later Saya was with Anna in the bathroom taking her a bath..

Arthur was ironing his clothes while Dorothy was combing her hair in their room, while ironing Dorothy could hear both their voices coming from the wall..

"I wanna eat the food in the stalls today!!."

"Calm yourself now ms. Anna, you might get soap in your eyes now.."

"But I'm just very excited for today.. food stalls, games and I'm going with Atalanta and Aiden today!!."

"Where's your manners ms. Anna."

"Oh right.. Ma'am Atalanta and Sir. Aiden..sorry."

Dorothy giggled upon eavesdropping on their conversation in the bathroom..

"But will you, Mama and Papa not make it today? and tomorrow? and the day after tomorrow too?."

"Well... apparently me and your parents will be attending an event called School war and we'll be busy for the next couple of days until the fifth day.."

"I see.."

Dorothy placed her palm on the floor where on the other side is where Anna was.. she was sad to think about being busy for the next few days because of this event..

A tear fell upon her eye and reached the cold floor as she continues combing her hair thinking about what to do about this.. about Anna.

A few minutes later Arthur was done taking a bath and was already done with his clothes, Anna, Saya and Dorothy were already at the table waiting for him.

"Took you long enough Dear."

An arrow pierces Arthur's chest as she said that..

"C-Could you repeat what you s-said Dorothy??."

It was a critical hit for him to be called "Dear".

"Just sit down and eat Dear."

His nose bled as he fell on the floor.. shortly after they were all at the table finishing up their prayers..

Everyone "Thank you for the food."

And just that they all had their breakfast together while Patrisha was in her room still combing her hair, Carla was already done with everything and drinking a cup of warm chocolate in the canteen waiting for the others, while Gray and Zack were still asleep.

"Zack! Hey Zack! we're gonna be late you know!! ---nghh!!."

May was trying to wake him up but failed to do so as Zack was wearing ear plugs, and now back to Arthur and Dorothy's room, Arthur noticed Anna not finishing her food anymore..

"Anna? what's wrong?."

She panicked and flailed around saying,

"Nothing, Nothing's wrong." She replied firmly.

The thing was, when everyone was out of sight Anna kept on sneaking out the bread and ate them resulting her to be full with breakfast already.

"You sure?." Arthur asked.

While Saya was merely drinking a cup of water and eating her food Anna was really sweating like crazy meanwhile Arthur was trying to pry even deeper to how she's feeling.


"Yes.. I promise I'm alright see I'm eating my food awmm hmmm yummy!."

She hid her reaction but right after she put her food in her mouth she was about to vomit but managed to hide it from Arthur..

"Alright then."

Arthur continues eating her breakfast, as Anna lets out a silent sigh she stares the floor and notices dust particles forming words.

"I won't tell your Father you've been eating the bread ;>."

She immediately looks at Dorothy in shock with eyes wide open, her heart was beating faster and faster.

[I-Is Mama going to tell Papa?? eeeekkkk!!!]

With the fear on her mind she started forcing herself to eat up her breakfast meanwhile Dorothy was looking at her daughter's actions, She tilts her head in confusion.


After a few minutes everyone was all ready, Arthur, Dorothy and Saya were waiting for Atalanta and Aiden to pick her up so they could head towards the gym for their practice.

Anna was laying on the couch trying to grasp the ceiling with both her hands, Saya was merely checking her parts, tuning them if needed.

Arthur was cleaning his sword while Dorothy was on the phone talking to Patrisha,

"Where are you right now?."


"I see, me, Saya and Arthur we'll be heading there now."

Dorothy ends the call and faces towards Arthur saying,

"Well Patrisha is heading towards the gym now."

"Atalanta and Aiden should be here in a few minutes."

Anna runs around in a circle for some reason while Saya tries to stop her and three knocks could be heard coming from the door.

"Oh! that's them now."

Arthur proceeds to go and open the door while Saya managed to hug Anna very tightly making her stop in her tracks, Anna was exhausted and was starting to feel dizzy from spinning around.

"I see...whoah stars hehe."

Atalanta and Aiden enter the room while Arthur says,

"Well Anna we'll be off now, you be a good girl while we're gone alright."

"Yes Papa, Bye Byee."

She waves them goodbye as they leave the room, Atalanta then asks,

"Well shall we get going now?."

Her eyes shined brightly as ever as she was excited to go since she woke up, a few minutes later when they arrived at the school campus, it was filled with tons of people, students from other schools, parents and civilians all came here to enjoy the event.

many stalls were lining in order, food stalls, gaming stalls it was a crowdy place, and from seeing the bulletin board, tons of activities were planned for today, A concert going on in a few hours, cooking contests, a theatre room opening at nine sharp in the morning.

"It's still cheery as always.." Atalanta said to herself as they walk around.

"Oh right! you graduated here right Sis?."

"Yup, It's been a while now.."

Aiden sees a bench and decides to take a nap there,

"Well contact me if anything happens alright sis, I'll be right in this bench sleeping."

"Alright..... ---??."

Someone was tugging Atalanta's shoulder, it was Anna trying to go to the cotton candy stall, She chuckles as she lets Anna drag her towards there.

"Excuse me sir. how much for this cotton candy?."

"That'll be three bucks." the man said.

Anna was staring at the different color variations of the cotton candy hanged up for display..

"What would you like Anna?."

"Umm excuse me.. are you perhaps Atalanta of the RedWolves?." the man selling cotton candy asked.

"Yeah.. I am.. but d-don't worry I'm going to pay for these." She flailed her hands around.

"Ohh I see.. I would've given the child here a free one if it's alright with you?."


"Well if you're watching over her then she should at least enjoy the event --."

The cotton candy seller gives one pink cotton candy to Anna, her shining eyes were as bright as ever as she was about to take her first bite on a cotton candy.

She squeals with joy, stomping her feet on the ground to express what she's feeling after taking the bite,

"Thank you soo much Sir. but I'll just leave the payment here."

"Oh you don't need to, it's on the house, think of it as payment for protecting the kingdom at times from danger."

She couldn't ignore something given to her out of good will, she accepts it and bows down to the cotton candy seller as he gives her another cotton candy just for her.

The two went out to search for Aiden who was now missing or just hidden from the crowd, Anna was on Atalanta's shoulders to help find him and to ensure she doesn't go missing too.

"---!! Over there!!." Anna points out to where she found Aiden.

Once they got there he was still fast asleep on the bench snoring and drooling.

"How could you still be asleep with all this noise going on?." Atalanta talks to the sleeping boy in the bench.

"Maybe mr. Aiden is very tired.."

"I think so too ---- hey I have an Idea!."

~~~ At the gym ~~~

"Arthur, did you contact Atalanta and Aiden to watch over Anna for us?." Dorothy asked as she heads towards him.

"Yeah they're with her now, they just sent me a photo.. here."

Arthur shows Dorothy a picture of Anna and Atalanta placing cotton candy on Aiden's hair, the two laugh as Anna seems to really enjoy herself out there.

Back at the campus Aiden's hair was consumed by the cotton candy they've placed while the two were laughing very loudly, Aiden was still fast asleep.

"Alright Anna, where do you wanna go next?."

"Hmmmm?? ---- over there!!."

Anna pointed at a stall where you need to catch the fish with just a wooden spoon while placing them in a plastic bag.

"You want a pet fish Anna? you better take care of them alright, It's a big responsibility to take care of fishes."

Anna nodded intensely as she was pumped up about taking home a fish, Atalanta leads her towards the stall as Anna went off and checked the tank filled with swimming fishes, red, blue, yellow there were different color variations of the fishes she could see.

Atalanta got the spoons, two spoons for she will help her catch fish,

"Are you gonna help ms. Atalanta?." She asked as she accepts the wooden spoon.

"You can call me Emma Anna, no need to use my hero name, and yes I'll be helping you.. don't worry we'll buy a tank for your fishes later." She replies with a smile on her face.

"Get... ready....set.... Go!!!."

With one minute they began their journey to catch some fishes with just a wooden spoon and if they managed to get some they'd have to place them in the plastic bag.

They did their best, some would fall off from the spoon and go back into the container while Atalanta seems to catch a few tiny fishes, it seems to be guppies, while Anna was doing the best she can just to focus on the one fish she was targeting.

It has a goldlike color, and was different from the rest, it was basically a goldfish, and a guppy at that one.

She swoops in and swipes at it with the spoon but doesn't manage to catch it, thirty seconds left and she still hasn't caught it, she chased the goldfish everywhere as it would move non-stop.

Anna was starting to get frustrated as the goldfish kept on escaping her grasp, with twenty seconds left she calms herself down and pokes Atalanta who was now holding a bunch of fishes inside her plastic bag,

"Excuse ms. Emma can I borrow your spoon?."

She stares at her wooden spoon and hands it to Anna saying,

"Go for it!."

Giving her confidence Anna was hyped up and with all her might used two wooden spoons to try and catch the fish she wants, her hands were going fast until it was starting to get attention by the people around them.

Her hands disappeared but the ripples from the spoons entering the water was still present, it was just fast that the human could not see, some people were cheering loudly for Anna to catch the fish while some were amazed by her skills,

"How is she doing that?."

"Is she even a child??."

"You better catch that goldfish kid!!."

while that was going on, Cameron and Emilia were passing by enjoying the events as well,

"I wonder what's gotten everybody so riled up over there?." Emilia asked as she gobbles her cotton candy down.

"Well where do you wanna go next Emilia?."

They were given a day off by Connor to go enjoy the festivities of the school war in WordBagon while some of the knights do their tasks..

"Hey Emilia wanna go there?."

Cameron pointed at a haunted house but Emilia was too scared to even look at it,


"What? you called??."

"I think we should go there."

"I don't know what you're pointing at."

After numerous trial and errors Emilia confessed that she doesn't like going in Haunted houses, whether they're real or not.

"I see well we can go to the concert then if you'd like."

He held Emilia's shaking hand as she was still afraid of thinking about the haunted house, she calmed down after she felt Cameron's warm hand.

"You're not mad... at me?."

"Now why would I be mad at you? I-I just wanna spend some time with you that's all..."

He looks away hiding his embarrassment from Emilia acting all tough and cool but she could see it even from a mile away, she lets out a smile and says,

"I'd love to go to the concert with you."

as she tightly grips his hand back while dragging him towards where the concert would be held.

Meanwhile back at Anna's situation, she was still going at it, numerous trials and errors but still wouldn't catch the goldfish,

[What is this fish!?] she thought after seeing it move around up to this far.

She even goes faster and faster until she managed to corner the goldfish, she poured all her might and speed into that opening and managed to caught it.

But it wasn't over...

After being in the spoon the fish tried to flail around and get back into the container. (Ten seconds left)

She moved the spoon to the direction the fish was heading this way it wouldn't fall off, and even if it managed to let itself fall off she would catch it with the second wooden spoon. (Eight seconds left)

The crowd was yelling out very loud, they were cheering their best for Anna while the rowdiness of the crowd managed to woke Aiden up,

"What? Where am I!?."

(Five seconds left)

Anna thought of an idea she moved the spoons towards the left while controlling the goldfish's movements using the two spoons leading it towards the plastic bag.

(Three seconds left)

It was almost there to the plastic bag.. just a little bit more, she was getting nervous, it was like she was gonna feint from the suspense.

She was starting to feel heavy all of a sudden (Two seconds left)

And in the nick of time the goldfish tried to leap thinking it would lead to the container but it landed in Anna's plastic bag instead.

(One second left)


And she finally caught it!!

[I can't believe people stayed just to know if she could do it] Atalanta thought to herself while clapping so hard for Anna.

Anna was so happy she finally caught it, she closed the plastic bag and placed the goldfish in her sight, she was amazed by how beautiful the goldfish looks, she was in tears staring at it.

"Hey Mister. how important is that peculiar goldfish?." Atalanta asked the owner of the stall.

"Well it's a legendary fish, some people say this kind of fish doesn't want itself to get caught by humans, and once you do manage to catch one it accepts you as their owner..At least that's how I know it.. that's all I know about it's kind."

"Really?? Interesting.."

"There are seventy two of them at least and I believe only five people have one."

"Out of them seventy two!? only five people have caught at least one of these things!?."

"Yes.. and apparently she's the sixth owner..I managed to get that one by accident, I caught it by one of my fishing nets but it doesn't accepts me as it's owner I tried to catch it on my own but I still can't.. not like what she did today.. watch over her ms."

After that Anna was super happy about the fish she caught, she noticed a girl feeling sad in the corner, rushes towards Atalanta and asks,

"Can I have that bunch of fishes you caught?."

"O-Oh suree."

She takes the plastic bag filled with multiple fishes and gives it to the sad girl in the corner..


The girl opened her eyes as her frown turns upside down, a warm innocent smile was on her face seeing the many types of fishes in the plastic bag given to her.

"Thank you sis.."

Anna went back to Atalanta and shortly after The three of them (Yes, Aiden has managed to fully woke up and has rejoined them) went towards the Canteen to eat a few snacks.

"Something wrong Anna? you just caught a magnificent goldfish today? why the sad face?." Atalanta asked for concern.

"Well as much as I enjoyed spending time with you today ms. Emma and Aiden.. I just hoped Mama and Papa are doing fine."

"Fine? where are they right now by the way?."

"They're probably training for the School war? was it?."

[The School war? so they're the participants for this year?] Atalanta thought to herself.

"Maybe we can visit them.. I think I know where they could be right now.." Atalanta said to cheer her up.

"Really!? we need to go no--!."

"Whoah! Whoah! calm down, they're not going anywhere if I'm right about this.. we need to eat first."

After a couple of minutes of eating their snacks they were all full from the delicious food.

Atalanta, Aiden and Anna entered the gym and saw all of them gathering around each other and Anna directly rushed towards Dorothy and Arthur after seeing them from a far.

"Mama! Papa! Good job!!!."

Anna plunged herself towards the two, they caught her and gave her a big warm hug.

"How was your day Anna?." Dorothy asked as tears were flowing out of her eyes.

"Mama why are you crying?."

"I just miss you soo much."

Dorothy snuggles her child so much she wanted to get out now.

"Well how was it Anna?." Arthur gave her a smile.

"It was very fun, ms. Emma and mr. Aiden has been with me all the time and look! look! I even caught a legendary goldfish!!!."

Seeing the big smile on Anna's face was enough to relieve them of their tiresome day.. The joy she had today is what they wanna protect and see for themselves as she grows up in this kingdom.

"By the way Anna, where are we going to put your new friend tonight?." Dorothy asked as she ruffles her hair.

"Well we could and buy a fish tank right now if you guys want to." Arthur suggested as he caresses Anna's cheek.

"Yes! Yes! let's go buy a fish tank!! right now Mama, Papa, just the three of us!!."

Anna was thrilled to know the three of them would go out and buy a fish tank for her new pet fish, But the majority was more on the fact that they'd go together and buy the tank together.

"I'd pretty much love that." Dorothy agreed to it and gave them both a warm smile.

"That settles it! the three of us are going to get Anna a fist tank tonight!."

Anna and Dorothy: Yeahhh!!!!!.

End of Chapter 80: Anna's first School event