
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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98 Chs

Chapter 74: Droids vs the Student Council

Arthur, Dorothy and the others safely arrived at the gym, Alex was in no shape to fight any longer and was being carried by Abigail, Damian and the others were still trying to contact Miko and Jazmyn who were fighting the droids at the front of the dorm building but lately still no answer from the two.

"Any words from Jazmyn and Miko?." Alex asked from his exhausted condition while being carried by Abigail.

"Nothing President."

"Abigail no need to worry about me I'll stay here with the Students, you guys go and help out Jazmyn and Miko."

"But President?."

"Please, I don't want to loose anyone on the Student Council, I'd liked to go myself but I'm in no condition to even stand."

"Okay President, I'll put you in Class L1 with Ackerman and Ritsu."

"Why them?."

"Out of all the students in this school, those two have been the only students you love to interact with... Am I wrong?."

He chuckles at the fact how the Vice President could see through his mind about something.

"You're right.. We're gonna need their power in the upcoming school wars.. if the event itself doesn't get cancelled."

After placing the exhausted President near Arthur's place, Vice President took command and ordered Damian and Drake to go with her to help out Jazmyn and Miko who were still fighting at the front.

"Hey Alex."

"I love how you can call my name so casually as if we're that close."

Arthur freaked out for a bit but his face turned back to normal after seeing Alex's smirk knowing he was just joking around.

"I don't mind to be honest.. what were you going to say?."

"Do you think they'll be fine?."

"Who? Abigail?."

"Yeah I me--."

"They'll be fine.. I just know it."

Arthur was silent and accepted what Alex replied from his question.

"I trust her with all of my life.. so I know she'll be fine, I've known her since we were grade school and I know she's going to come back safe and sound."

Abigail and the other student council members were heading towards the Dorm buildings..

"Drake, we need you to defend us from any droids in the front, Lance you stay at the side and make sure no droid enter our perimeter and Damian stay behind me and shoot anything that moves."

meanwhile Jazmyn and Miko at the front were still fighting, the droids never stop coming, if they both retreated earlier the droids could reach to the gym and they'd be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers so they decided to stay and defend the line.

One of Jazmyn's wings was already gone, the one that was left remained form but the light was fading, anyone could see how transparent the wing that's left is.

Miko was almost running out of mana at the rooftop all he could do was hope his mana would still hold out until reinforcements would arrive.

"Come on guys! where are you!." Miko was getting exhausted and his mana was increasingly decreasing at a fast rate.

Jazmyn dispersed her last wing and transferred what little mana she had left and made claws for both hands instead, although this would mean she had to get in even more closer to her enemies to destroy them.

a voice from Miko came in from Jazmyn's head,

[Sis, reinforcements are finally here!.]

"Took them long enough!."

even after hearing what his brother told her she decided to take out a few droids before taking a long break, she plunged into the droids slashing them one by one with her claws, she jumped and dodged the droid's attack and sliced it's metal head, she side stepped and sliced the droid in half.

Things were going fine until she realized she was already surrounded by the droids.

"Ohh I did not think this through."

she readied her claws as the droids get in even closer to her..

"Jazmyn!! Jump!!!."

Drake came in from above as Jazmyn was shocked to see him flying out of nowhere she never care why and how but she jumped,

the two held hands as before Drake reached the ground he threw Jazmyn in the air and punched the ground destroying the droids in the area at least that were in his range when he landed.

With Jazmyn in the air she couldn't summon her wings anymore, the claws she summoned dispersed as she finally ran out of mana.

"Oh noo I really did not think this through."

As a ribbon came in and caught her and pulling her towards somewhere although she already knew who it was since only one of them is capable to summon ribbons.

She looked around to look for her brother, but couldn't see him anywhere she was getting paranoid on where her brother would be.

"Heyy Abigail I know you can hear through these ribbons.. please tell me you got my brother out first?."

the sound of the strong wind causing a problem for her hearing but what's specal Abigail's ribbons is that she could write anything in her thoughts to those ribbons.

and in those white strong ribbons a word appeared, the ink itself came to the center of the ribbon where Jazmyn was staring at.. the word.


after getting a confirmation she was relieved and lets out a sigh, after getting to know her brother was safe she then fell unconscious, she couldn't handle it any longer, she ran out of mana and needed to rest, learning of her brother's safety was the only thing keeping her awake.

As Jazmyn was caught by Lance mid air Abigail was busy healing Miko's injuries, once Lance landed on the ground with Jazmyn on his arms, he placed her next to her brother as their Vice President would heal them.

While Lance and Damian would guard Abigail as she would heal their wounds, the reason for why they couldn't just go was because their injuries was just too fatal too wait she had to heal them or something worse might've happened to them.

"How's it going over there Abigail?." Damian asked as he slides and shoots a droid in the head.

"Just give me a few more minutes."

Lance used the tip of his spear to impale two droids at once and used them as a weapon to slam other droids around.

Drake grabbed a droid by the legs and spun it around knocking off any droids that were around him and after threw the droid in a building.


The droids all stopped moving towards him and were standing on guard. the same goes for the ones around Abigail and the others, The droid's around them have come to a halt as if they were told to hold their ground.

None of the droids around them moved an inch, their red gleaming eyes were simply staring at them, no movement whatsoever the cold winds passes by as it gives everyone the chills.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Drake said as he readies both arms and clenches them tightly.

Abigail was on her guard while at the same time healing both Miko and Jazmyn, What's their motive here, she thought.

[Why did they stop moving?]

"Umm Vice Pres. can we suppose get back to the gym I really have a bad feeling about this." Damian knocks his bow and takes aim.

Even though it looks like the droids could easily overwhelm them with their sheer numbers they just randomly stopped, it appears they've been told by someone to stop.

But as the area was quiet, they could clearly hear the chaos that's going on in the city, explosions, abilities by the heroes being used, the sound of the cries of people, it was all hearable from where they were.

They couldn't moved an inch.. they were terrified upon hearing everything going on in the city.

"What the hell!?." Drake said when he noticed something was walking towards him.

A metal clanking sound was heading towards him, as each second passes the metal clanking became louder and louder.

Another gusts of wind passes by as it gives Drake a cold chill running up towards his spine.

"The hell is this! President looks like I'll be busy for a while."

In front of him was a droid, that had skeletal parts in between every joint in the body from the arms to it's leg, Drake knew this was not some any random droid like the rest he's been fighting lately.

It had only one red eye, and had two swords in both hands Drake had a feeling this was the commander of these droids attacking the city.

"It's an honour to meet the Commander of these one strings."

"Must... find... Rul--!."

The droid leaped towards him with no hesitation to not give him any time to think.

"That won't do!! whoahhh!!."

He dodged the droids strikes one by one, hoping he'd find an opening, but the droids movements were just too swift for him to find an opening, it's obvious that this droid's different from the rest not just it's appearance but it's skills with the swords and movement this could look trouble if Drake doesn't end this soon.

"Must... find..."

"You move fast, than these other scrapheads, but I'm faster---."

The droid he was facing immediately appeared right behind him and flung him to the other side of a building.

It seems that droid was looking for something.. or someone.. who could it be? Drake thought before he was flung, he managed to guard himself right before the sword hit him, but the damage was still too heavy for him to be safe and sound.

Meanwhile at Abigail's side of things the droids around were still in a standstill and she wasn't done with healing both of them.

"Vice President.. I need you to hurry."

"Huh? you know I can't rush these things Damian."

"He's right Vice President.. I don't know why but I'm sensing something from a far heading towards us." Lance said as he twirled his lance towards the direction their opponent is heading.

It was faint but they could definitely hear metal clanking footsteps heading towards them but Abigail was doing her best to heal them as fast as she can.. but as the metal clanking kept growing louder and louder some of the droids around them were starting to walk away.

They were on their guard while she was focusing on healing them both with all her strength.

"Are... you...friends...Ruler?."

End of Chapter 74: Droids vs the Student Council