
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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98 Chs

Chapter 18: Trapped

"Where?... Am .... I?." Oliver said as he was in an empty room, It was cold, dark and filled with despair.

he noticed a door and proceeded to head there.

Once he opened it he saw a familiar scene..

It was raining.. the base was destroyed.. blood tainting the waters... a girl holding a locket with a picture of Oliver and the herself when they were kids.

"Why am I here again?." He thought to himself..


Oliver then closed the door and sat on the floor..

"Why am I experiencing this again." He said.


Violet swing her sword with deadly force towards Poisan, she managed to graze Poisan and he was forced to back away.

"What's this? running away?." Violet yelled "No way! Think of this as simply retreating." Poisan said "But that's basically the same thing no matter where you look at it." Violet thought to herself.

"We'll be back!." Poisan said he withdraws, Xander then appears behind Violet "Your opponent ran on you too?." Xander said as he looked disappointed.

"Scar, we have a problem." Scorching Scorpion member contacted scar through telepathy "What do you mean?." He asked "Those brats you paid have betrayed us." He said "Hmph. what an annoying day this is." Scar said as he retreats.

"What?." Connor reacted "I'll be back to finish you off! so don't you dare die on me." Scar said as he disappears.

Violet and Xander arrived "Boss, are you okay?." Violet asked as checks every corner of Connor for injuries,sprains and so on "Anything happened?." Xander asked "No, not much what about Stella?." Connor asked "Don't worry I sent Emilia and Cameron with her, I'm sure she's safe." Xander replied.

"Have any of you seen Oliver?." Connor asked.

"Follow me, if you want to know where your friend is."

Everyone was on high alert and aimed all their weapons towards the person...

"Kill me, and you'll never find him." Gwyn said as she raises her hands in the air.

"You were... Why?." Connor asked "Let's just say I hated that guy for using us as mere tools so just this once me and my squad will help you take down that so sad of an excuse of a squad." Gwyn said.

"You can put them down now guys." Connor said "But Boss??." Xander asked "Don't worry I trust them." Connor then proceeds to Gwyn "If you plan on betraying us, betray me first and we'll settle things Leader to Leader, just don't hate hurt any of my friends." Connor whispered to Gwyn's ear.

"Alright, but don't worry about us we'll be gone once we take care of those lowly vermin." Gwyn said.

*In the hidden room*

"It's oddly quiet outside." Cameron said "You think it's over?." Stella asked "We're not sure, so in the mean time let's wait until Connor arrives and opens the door." Cameron said.

"AAAAAAA I'm trapped in a room with my precious Cameron!!." Emilia yelled out as she hugged Cameron from behind and started sniffing him "Hey! Hey! Emilia!! *Laughs* Cut that out! *Laughs*." Cameron reacted.

As Stella was looking at them she remembered seeing Oliver acting like that with someone..

"Now follow me." Gwyn said they arrived at the van a few minutes later..

"Hey Bones is he safe in there?." Gwyn yelled from outside the van "Yeah Leader but he's still not waking up." Bones yelled back as Violet heard the conversation she immediately reacted and placed her sword near Gwyn's neck.

Gwyn sighs "Really? I'm sorry about that, but I haven't told my members to hold back, don't worry if he faces his demons he'll wake up anytime soon." Gwyn said confident on the situation.

"What do you mean?." Connor asked "One of my teammates placed a spell on your friend, we use it when we need to escape at times but it depends if whether she can use it or not." Gwyn said as she was still careful on what to say with Violet's sword near her throat.

"Then do the opposite of placing a spell." Xander said "It's not that simple." Gwyn replied "Smell that?." Gwyn asked.

As everyone took a minute to sniff their surroundings ...

"Xander *phew* you stink!." Violet joked around "Shut up!!." Xander exclaimed.

"You mean that rose scent aroma?." Connor said "Yes, that's the same scent your friend sniffed earlier, it only works on people with regret or despair." Gwyn said.

"Why? and who are you people?." Xander asked "Well we only use it for escaping.. but for some cases we use it on people who wants to be set free from their regret or pain." Gwyn replied as she smiled.

"So now it's up to your friend whether he faces that trial he's supposed to let go." Gwyn said.

*In Oliver's conscience*

He was still depressed seeing that, He saw another door and decided to opened it.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Oliver said to himself as he saw his younger self.

"Ummm excuse me?." the girl removes the bag under young Oliver's face "Are you okay?." She asked.

*And another door opened Oliver turned around and this time they were in elementary..

"Hey Charlotte, umm if I may ask what do you like to do for summer?." he asked as she was gazing as the sunset "Well I wanna play with the snow with just you Oliver." she replied "It may sound childish but I really want to play with you in the snow for once." She said as she approaches Oliver and smiles at him.

"Every time it snows in this city, I would be forced to go to my aunt's place for the whole month, and I never got to play with her when it did snowed." The Present Oliver thought to himself.

The present Oliver then saw another door and went towards it, and when he opened it he was already in highschool.

Oliver and the girl were at the park bench talking..

"I really like you Charlotte, ever since you took off that bag from my head and ever since then I really really like you and I was hoping you feel the same." Oliver said as he casts a spell that made it snow in the area they're in "Whaa.. Snow.. You remembered." Charlotte had a big smile on her face as she catches each snow flake falling.

"The thing is Oliver, I don't like you." she said.

The present Oliver was watching this moment happen but all he did was smile and tears were flowing down.

"Ohh is that so.." The past Oliver felt sad and heart broken.

"I love you Oliver." She said, as he was then shocked to hear what she just said "I don't like you Oliver I really don't, that's because I love you .. ever since we were little all I've been waiting was a time we get to play in the snow together because that would've been the time where I told you how I feel, but what you just did for me today was the most romantic and beautiful thing ever." She replied Oliver was in tears and gave her a hug.

The moment was already beautiful enough.. until..

Oliver felt something cold behind his back and gave him shivers, Charlotte then laughed as hard as she could as she placed a pile of snow behind him.

The present Oliver's tears were flowing unceasingly as he remembered all the memories he had with her.

In the door the two continued to play in the snow until they finished at midnight.

Oliver then closed the door.. and the other ones disappeared except one remained, he could see the water leaking out from the door and could hear the screams he made on that day.

"What do you want from me!!!!." Oliver yelled as he kneels down "Why are you doing this to me!! WHATTT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!." Oliver yelled as tears were flowing "What did she ever did to deserve that.. why couldn't it be me? all she ever wanted was to live on.. SOOO WHYYYY MUST SHE SUFFER!!." Oliver yelled as he was lying on the floor crying..

"I'm not really the one suffering right now.. you do know that right?."

Oliver opens his eyes and could see someone in front of him..

"It can't be... must be my mind playing tricks with me." He said as he continues to be miserable.

"You really think I'm what your mind put together?."

"Yes, because she died on that day in my arms, I couldn't protect her, I couldn't make her happy." Oliver said "What happened on that day wasn't your fault."

Oliver then sit up "OFCOURSE IT WAS MY FAULT!! I PROMISED I'D PROTECT HER, BUT WHERE WAS I!? I WASN'T THERE WHEN SHE NEEDED ME--." He was then slapped by Charlotte "How did yo?." He asked as he was shocked "You may not have realized it but we are in your mind right now." She said "C-C-Charlotte?." Oliver opened his eyes and tears were flowing down his face.

"You're wrong Oliver." Charlotte said as the door opens from behind and she pushes him in.

*A year ago*

Oliver was holding Charlotte's body in his arms.. and a huge splash occurred in front of him..

"What?." He reacted.

*In the present*

"C-C-Could he see us?." Oliver asked "No, but you do realize why you're starring towards us right?." she said as she points out the reason, he then remembered witnessing a huge splash in front of him a year ago..

"Yes, you were the reason of that splash." Charlotte said "Impossible." Oliver reacted "Would you care to listen to this Olivey?." She asked.

"Why are you making me do this." He replied "It seems you've forgotten something." She replied.

"WHYYYY!!!!!!!." Oliver yelled as Charlotte's blood was tainting the waters around them "WHY COULDN'T I BE HERE ON TIME!! WHY DID I MAKE YOU SUFFER LIKE THIS!!." Oliver yelled, Charlotte then caress his face "Idiot, You have made me the most luckiest girl in the world Olivey." Oliver was bursting with tears "Please hang on a minute longer, help will be coming soon!." Oliver said as he caress her face.

"I'm sorry Oliver, but I gave life a shot and you were the only one keeping me happy all this time, especially that time when you confessed your feelings to me and made it snow for me." She sad as tears were flowing down her face.

The present Oliver was crying as the present Charlotte patted his head she then placed something next to Oliver..

"Oliver.. please take care of the squad for me.. I know you'll pass down the leadership to Connor one day, but please even then ensure this squad's future by seeing the day the Shining Knights becomes an official squad of the Kingdom." She said as she holds out her locket "I remember the day you gave me this locket." She said.

The present Oliver then saw a door opened behind him

"It was on our first date, and you told me." Charlotte narrated.

"I wanted to give you something on our first date, so I hope this proceeds your expectations." Oliver gave Charlotte the locket, and once she opened it, inside it was a picture of them when they were still kids.

The door closes..

"I was really happy about the locket you gave me that day, so please take care of yourself and make sure you live a happy life Olivey.. and Thank you for everything you've done for me, I'm glad I get to see you one last time Oliver.. I .... love... you." She then died on his arms.

"And then you blamed my death to yourself shortly after." She said "Becausee..." Oliver replied "Oliver, I want you to let me go, your friends need you out there." Charlotte said as she strokes his hair "But." Oliver replied "I want you to let go of this pain you've been clinging on." Charlotte said as she hugs him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything Charlotte!, I'm sorry If I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry for being useless." Oliver was crying "That's not true." She replied.

"I love you Charlotte, I really really love you!." Oliver said "I love you too Olivey." She replied "Please don't go, Please don't leave me behind." Oliver said "I was never leaving you behind Oliver, I've always been with you from the start." Charlotte said as she pats his head.

"Will I see you again?." Oliver asked as tears were flowing "Ofcourse you will, I promise you we will see each other again." She wipes Oliver's tears "I love you Oliver, I want you to have this." Charlotte said as she picked up the locket and gave it to him.

"I don't know what'll happen if I open this locket." he said as he was frightened to open it "Let's do it together." Charlotte said as she gave him a smile.

and the two opened the locket together, and every moment they've spent together popped into Oliver's head.

When they first met.

When he first confessed to her and made her wish come true that night.

When he gave her the locket.

When they formed the Shining Knights together.

He took one last look at Charlotte..

"I'm going to mis--." She hushed Oliver "Whenever you miss me, simply open this locket okay." She said as a single tear fell from her eye.

"I will, until we meet again my princess." Oliver said, Charlotte then remembers a specific moment from their childhood.. "I'll be waiting for you in my tower my prince, you better save me when we see each other again." Charlotte said.

As the two hugged each other one last time the room was starting to collapse..

"He's awake!." Oliver could hear a feint voice as he slowly wakes up..

"You okay there Mage?." Violet asked, Oliver then sits up "How long was I out?." Oliver asks..

But everyone was silent as they could see tears flowing down from Oliver's face..

"Did something happened while you were out Oliver?." Xander asked "He faced his demons and broke the spell." Gwyn said as she and Violet enters the van

"can someone explain to me what's going on here?." Oliver asks "In a while, we'll contact Cameron and Emilia." Xander said "It's good to have you back old friend." Connor said as he pats his shoulders.

Oliver then remembers it was Connor who introduced Charlotte to him when they were kids.

"Boss, no Connor Thank you so much." Oliver said "What? where did that come from?." Connor asked.

"I don't know if this was all planned or fate itself, but what I do know is that someday we will see each other again and I'll be waiting for that day to come." Oliver thought to himself.

End of Chapter 18: Trapped