
Another 0ne

In the kingdom of Arondight, a boy meets a girl with a hidden past, later did he knew that he himself had something hidden from him, the two encounter dangerous groups and people as they try to enjoy their high school life with their friends.

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98 Chs

Chapter 13: The Droid and the Girl

At the classroom Arthur and Dorothy were already at their chairs preparing for their first subject.

After the whole situation yesterday Atalanta and Aiden were assigned to our city for a month, so they asked if they could stay in our rooms so ofcourse (Flashback) "WAAAAAAHHHHH Ofcoursee you can stay at our room-." "Hey wa-wait a minute her--." As Arthur tried to stop Dorothy he was sent flying by her, "Thank you so much the both of you, if you'll excuse me I'll go ask some questions about this guy from earlier." Atalante said as she was pushing the assailant they caught and immobilized before defeating the Entity towards the police vehicle.

(Flashback ended)

and right now they're staying at our rooms for their missions "Sheesh, they might get me and Dorothy into more trouble than usual *sigh." "Hey Arthur. you seem tired?." Gray asked "Oh just had a busy weekend that's all." Dorothy was seating next to Patrisha at the moment and having a conversation with her "(MIND) You know, It's always a gift seeing her smile." "Ehhh looks like someone's falling in love." Blake said "Hoho you haven't hear--." As Arthur covered Gray's mouth and told him "Heyy come on now Gray me and Dorothy decided to keep our relationship a secret, you're the only one that knows so please don't tell anyone." Arthur whispered to Gray "Alright then." Gray replied "Ummm Guys? You know I'm still here right?." Blake said "Well Blake, Arthur likes Dorothy." Gray replied "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!?." Arthur then choked Gray.

"I wonder what those idiots are talking about." Patrisha said "I don't know, probably something stupid." After saying that Dorothy smiled.


As Arthur and Dorothy entered the room Patrisha ran towards her and have her a tight hug "I was so worried to what happened to you Dorothy!." Patrisha exclaimed as she was crying in tears, Dorothy too were in tears when she heard that "I'm so sorry Patrishaaa." Dorothy yelled "Why are you sorry for? *sniff* You were the one that protected me right? I'm just grateful nothing bad happened to you." Patrisha said as she was wiping the tears from her eyes, Patrisha then went backwards and bowed to Dorothy "Thank you for saving my life." She said as she was grateful once Patrisha gained conscious the doctor explained what happened to her but never told her that it was Dorothy who gained the antidote to cure her, after that Dorothy gave Patrisha a tight hug again "You're Welcome Patrisha, and Thank you too for being concerned about me." Dorothy said as she remembers it was Patrisha who saved her from being shot from the tranquilizer dart. (Flashback ended).

Sir. Charles entered the room "Alright class get back to your seats I have an announcement for today." as everyone took their seats "This Morning we're going to have two exchange students, hope everyone gets along with them." Sir. Charles said as he sat down on his table the two students entered the room..

"Huuh? That can't be!? EHHHHHHHH!!?!." Arthur was sitting at the back row so he couldn't clearly see the new students (Thus is one of the reasons why he fails his quizzes) "My Name's Carla, Carla Brewsworth a Marksman class nice to meet all of you." Carla introduced herself to the class with a kind smile "(Mind) no doubt about it, It is her." Arthur was shocked to see Carla and at the same time happy "M-M-M-My name's Saya hope we all become good friends." as her classmates cheered for the two new students Saya hid directly under the table and took a peek.

"Now now class, Saya here's a shyful one please don't rush anything to her alright." Sir. Charles said as everyone agreed "Oh my Oh my we have two new cutiess in the room may you wa--." "Tchhh onlyy my kingg is allowed to date me." As Carla pointed her two pistols at the now frightened Gray, Saya was still under the table hiding "K-K-King?." everyone in the room asked, Arthur at the back row was already hiding himself to avoid Carla "Psst! Hey Arthur check this girl out she seems very weird." Dorothy whispered to the embarrassed Arthur, Carla noticed Dorothy's whispering and directly head towards the back row "Myyyy Kinnggg !!!!." Carla weeped out of joy seeing Arthur while Arthur was terrified, Carla quickly grabbed Arthur and gave him a hug as everyone saw what was happening "King huh?." "Himm?." "Seriously?." "Not Fair Arthur!! you already have a girlfriend and she's sitting beside you soo what's this about!?." Gray was devastated to know It was Arthur Carla was talking about early.

Carla's reaction from hearing what Gray said was "(OxO)"

everyone in the room reacted to what Gray just yelled out they were all Shock some were expecting this, and some were jealous of Arthur, Dorothy was embarrassed that their secret was exposed she hid her face with her notebook while Carla was shaking Arthur continously.

"Haaaaah!?!?! Girlfriend? My King?." Carla asked out of curiosity "Ummm Yeah Carla a lot has happened since I came here." Carla was pouting "So you're gonna show me who's the girl?." Carla asked "I'm right here." Dorothy replied "Haaaahhh!? this shrimp?." As Dorothy got mad "What did you say you little twerp!!." Dorothy replied and Carla got mad "What am I going to do now." Arthur was now scared "Looks like Arthur's in the eye of the storm." Gon said "HAHAHAHAHAHA well I'm sure he'll be fine." Blake replied "Nooooo I wontttt!!!!!." Arthur exclaimed.

"Voice recognition confirmed!." As Saya went outside of the table and stood up everyone in the room was staring at her "I've found you! Master!." Saya said in a happy yet deep voice everyone was shock to hear Saya spoke in a different tone "Master?." "Who is she talking about?." "Did her tone just changed?." Saya directly ran towards Dorothy and gave her a hug as everyone in class was shocked "I guess she meant Dorothy huh?." Patrisha said "This Classroom is just filled with weird people." Luck said "And she's an Archer class too." Franklin said "Master?." Dorothy replied as she was curious to what their new exchange student meant.

"Alright now you four finish this up later during break, why not the both of you find a place to sit, it doesn't matter where if you're comfortable with it." Sir. Cu said while preparing to teach, and Carla sat at the right side of Arthur while Saya sat at the left side of Dorothy "Alright Class open your textbooks to pag--."

During Lunch break ..

Arthur and Dorothy were having their lunches at the canteen next to the gym "Hey Master what are you having for lunch today?." Saya asked while covering her face with her lunch box "Oh this? Arthur made this for me, It's Chicken." Dorothy replied "Impossible! you should eat your vegetables Master otherwise you might get sick!." Saya's voice changed once again to a more deeper one, Saya brought up a tray of vegetables and placed it on the table "Now go on eat! It's good for your health." Saya said "EEEHHHHHHH??? I don't want vegetables!." while Arthur was laughing at Dorothy "Oyy, something funny!." As Arthur looked at Dorothy and saw her whole aura filling the canteen with the intent to kill, she then punched Arthur in the head "(Whisper) Like Master and Apprentice." Arthur whispered as he ate his lunch.

"Hewwwooo My King!." Carla appeared out of nowhere and sat next to Arthur "You still love eating, don't you Carla?." Arthur said "Of course, eating is the best kind there is." Carla replied out of joy "Oh what's that?." Dorothy asked out of curiosity "It's a special type of food that me and Carla used to love when we were kids, My Mother would be the one who makes this for us everyday." Arthur replied "You never told me you and Carla met when you were younger aRTHURR ACKERMAN." Dorothy was jealous hearing that but couldn't admit it so she used her frustration as an excuse "C-C-C-Calm down Dorothy I swear we're just friends." Arthur said "Oh? not best friends?." Carla replied as she crossed her arms between Arthur's right arm, seeing that Dorothy was even more furious and Arthur had to calm her down "Before I left town your Sister told me how to make them." Carla said "How's Father?." Arthur asked with concern "He's still the same, at night he would just stare at the moon in the window and say "Find Her", up to this point I have no idea what your Father's talking about or who's he looking for." Carla said as she ate her lunch slowly.

When my Father came back home ten years ago he was already crippled and all I could do was stare at him, at times I'd bring Father around our yard as me and my Sister try to talk to him about things while he was gone.

"So care to explain to me your story with Carla when you were young?." Dorothy asked "W-W-W-What about you and Saya?." Arthur replied as he tries to change the topic "Well to be honest I don't really remember meeting you before Saya." Dorothy said "Well that's to be expected, I was made by your Father and have sworn to him to protect you." Saya replied "But why now? It's been sixteen years now? where have you been all this time?." Dorothy asked "Well the thing is I just woke up a few weeks ago and when I went to your Grandparent's house they said you were at BagonWord Academy so I went towards there and enrolled in it as a student and here I am." Saya responded in a shyful voice "Whoahh You're a robot Saya that's very cool!." Arthur said "Know your place mortal!." Saya responded in a deep voice "Why?." Arthur was shocked "Well I actually have a soul and heart you know." Saya said as everyone in the table was shocked "I used to have a real body once upon a time.. but then my family was attacked by a bunch of assassins I was on the verge of death." Saya said.


"I'm gonna do something to keep you alive but you're going to have to adjust to it, If you want to live." Ian Ritsu said "I want to live, I don't want to die." Saya replied "Alright please hang in there I'm gonna save you no matter what." Ian replied.

"And after that I woke up. but I was all machine, except for my heart which I could still feel for some reason beating and then I had sworn myself to protect you when you were old enough to walk, we even played a few times when you were still a baby walking on your first steps." Saya said.


"Saya I'm going to have to shut you down for a while, is that okay with you?." Ian Ritsu asked "Sir? when are you going to activate me?." Saya asked "Ten years from now I'll be gone and I'm leaving my daughter's safety to you." Ian said "But Sir I ca--." As Saya saw tears flowing from Ian's face "Alright Sir. I'll protect your daughter for you." Saya replied and as Ian was joyed to know Saya's answer "Go and play with Dory today Saya, the next time you two meet she'll be a full grown teenager by then." As Ian smiled towards Saya "As you say Sir." Saya replied and went upstairs to play with Saya for the day..

"Hey Saya? why is daddy always down there?." Dorothy asked "Well Master as you know he's making things to protect us." Saya replied as she was holding back her tears "Heyy Saya look at this." As Dorothy gave Saya a flower she was deeply moved by how Dorothy is so kind to her and was thinking about how she's going to miss watching her grow up and the two kept on playing until it was almost evening.

"Hey Saya before we eat let's play hide and seek." Dorothy suggested "Ehhh? but you're too good at hide and seek Master." Saya replied "Hehehe but I want to play with you Saya and then we can eat." Dorothy begged "Come on now Master it's almost night time, food might be ready inside." Saya said "I'll be it." As Saya saw Ian waving at the window "I'll be the one to find you, come on Saya." she pleaded "Alright then." As Saya gave her a head pat and hugged her "Hmm? Saya?." Dorothy was confused she was still a six year old at the time "If you find me I'll give you this flower back okay." Saya smiled at the young determined Dorothy "Okayy This is going to be easy!." As Dorothy went behind the tree to begin the countdown "50...49.....48...47....46." Saya was walking back towards the house and slowly started to run faster but couldn't hold back her tears flowing from her face "(Mind) We'll meet again one day I promise you Master." Tears were flowing continuously "40...39...38...37..36...35...34...33...32..." Saya was already at Ian's basement "Sir before you shut me down sir, can you keep this flower alive and well until I wake up?." Saya asked "I'll try Saya." "And also maybe open your basement door Sir?." Saya asked "Alright Saya, Thank you for everything, don't worry you'll meet her again." Ian Ritsu said "25....24...23.....22.....21.....20.....19....18." Saya was already at her chamber "Please take care of yourself Master Dorothy." "10.....9...8....7....6....." "I'll be hiding for quite a while now." "5.....4....3." "I hope you won't forget about me." "2" "I'M READYYY NOWWWWW!." Before she was shut down she gave one last yell to Dorothy "1! Ready or not here I come." Dorothy said as she was so determined to go and look for Saya "Sleepwell Saya." Ian said before hiding her at the back of his things.. Dorothy's Mother was already crying and was preparing dinner, taking one plate away from the table.. "(Mind) I hope you can wait for me Master." Saya thought to herself.

*This is now Dorothy's memories, that she just now remembered..

Dorothy kept on looking for Saya but to no luck couldn't find her, days,weeks and months has passed "Hey Mother, do you know where Saya went?." Dorothy asked "I'm sure she went somewhere important to her for now sweety." Carla Ritsu replied by patting Dorothy's head "Well I can't wait for her to come back home I'll give her a big warm hug when she does." Dorothy said.

And then my chamber woke me up 10 years later which is today, once I did all I saw was the house destroyed.. and that's where I set off my journey to find you Master.

(End of flashback)

"Its.....not...fair.." As tears were flowing down Dorothy's eyes continuously "I ... was supposed to be the one looking for you Saya." her tears never stopped flowing "Ahhh yes now that you've found me Master." Saya said, she then gave Dorothy the flower


"If you find me, I'll give you this flower okay." Saya smiled

(End of flashback)

She gave Saya a hug while screaming with joy as tears were flowing down her face to know she had found her best friend after all these years.

"You found me." Saya said while tears were flowing down from hers.

End of Chapter 13: The Droid and the Girl