
Anomlitic Disorder

A kid who grew up with with the belief like "Whatever I touch turns to dust" falls in love with every powerful entitiy's eyes on him. Will he be able to save himself, his girl the world or will he leave his humanity and become something else?

BlazingPheonix6 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Prologue 2: Tragedy Strikes Again

I was just having fun with Mr. Sharma's house. I don't remember what happened and what was before I came to this house. But, I didn't care. It was fun here. I spent all my time playing with other kids who he found like me. He was a good man. Probably, about forty-one. Yeah, he was young; I mean he was not that old. Tall, muscular, handsome. I was shocked when I got to know he was unmarried and never had a relationship. I wanted to be blood related with him because I was the total opposite of him. Short, pretty thin, not muscular at all.

It was an ordinary day. I got up and had breakfast with my brothers and sister. We weren't blood related but were no less than siblings. Probably, because we have been living together now, for a long time. I was the youngest among them all and was a little different because I was normal. All three of them had some kind of powers, like the oldest one was very fast. At the age of sixteen, as he was, he could easily run twice the speed of a train without any training. The second oldest was my sister. She was the sweetest. She could open a portal to another dimension and from there she could open a portal to any other place she wished. Now, she is so good that we might have played some pranks on some shopkeepers. The third brother who bothers me the most, the one I hate so much, has the coolest power according to me. He is a Sword Master. He uses his sword better and more easily than I can walk. He is just eight years old and has mastered some sword techniques that even those who have trained for several decades in Mr. Sharma's team have not been able to learn. He is a bully to me. But, he respect Mr. Sharma so, he is now training me with the sword because he told him.

The day was going well. Mr. Sharma has a day off today, so he was teaching me. Usually, Emma teaches me, but he is smarter and a better teacher overall, so I like to study with him. There was a sudden knock at the door. No one comes to his house frequently, so it was like a surprise. He has been telling us from the start that if anyone comes home, we have to hide if he doesn't call us.

I knew it, so I went running to the storeroom which was in the basement. I thought that was the safest place. I also thought that it was only me who knew about that spot, but when I reached there, all three of them were already there. They were arguing about the fact about who found this place first. It was the first time that anyone had come to this house, so it was their first time hiding, and they all came to the same spot. I, too, joined the argument, saying that I came here first.

We were just enjoying our argument when we heard the basement door open. We thought that it was just Mr. Sharma, so we let our guard down. We were busy till we heard a voice, "There are some kids in here!"

I jumped to hear this voice. We were caught off guard. We turned to the stairs to see who it was. It was a not so tall guy in military uniform as Mr. Sharma wears when he goes to work. We were confused as to what was going on. That's when Mr. Sharma and some other soldiers came behind him. Mr. Sharma was scared. He ran forward shouting, "RUN! They will kill you!"

He ran from the stairs, and then we heard the sound of gunfire. The soldiers fired on Mr. Sharma and filled his chest with bullets. My ears were ringing, and I felt nauseas, my head was spinning. I could hear everything clearly. But, I heard Adrian screaming, "RUN!"

I tried but was unable to move. I… was scared. I was picked up by someone and my head landed on a black t-shirt. It must be Jack. He usually wears black. I was in my head, it was functioning very slowly. I looked around, trying to regain focus. I saw we were in Emma's dimension. Jack put me down. I was wobbling but was able to stand.

We couldn't stay in this dimension forever because Emma can only manage this dimension for about ten minutes. We were just thinking of what to do when we heard a voice which sounded like an egg cracking. We instinctively looked where the sound came from and saw a crack in the bubble dimension (I like to call it that). We looked at Emma and Adrian said, "I thought it was at least five minutes."

"It's not a natural crack. It was made by someone or something," Emma replied.

"How do you know?" Adrian asked, folding his hands.

"This is my realm, and it's kind of a part of me, so I can feel it." Emma replied with the same look.

When they were fighting, we heard another crack and when we looked in that direction we saw the crack widen and a hand sliding in from the crack. The soldiers also had the powers.

Jack and Adrian jumped in front of me and Emma. Jack almost yelled, "Take him and run!"

I could see in her eyes that she didn't want to, but Adrian said, taking out his sword, "I know you don't want to go. But, we have some responsibilities as older siblings," he said, pointing to me. He used two light single-handed swords. Well, he sometimes used them on poor trees and sometimes animals that are about to be eaten by us.

Jack and Adrian went ahead to fight them and Emma took my hand, tears shining in her eyes like diamonds. She opened a door outside, and we were at the back of some big building.