
The king and his interpreter

Towards the land of the tribesmen.

"Do not bother if that's all?"

Hulu said to the Professor who seemed not to believe his ears, the latter looking somewhat startled and impressed,

"Did you mean that?"

"Why wouldn't I? All that matters is the fact that the Mangani would harm neither of us."

He quit talking. That was quite a relief to the Professor. He concentrated on the path. They were almost out of the forest and he had just finished telling Hulu about the ape and other things.

"But what would the king think of this. Seeking help from the Mangani?"

The Professor had smothered the silence again.

"What could he do when the land was invaded? He couldn't do a thing of course. Why would he make a fuss now? He should be glad that I tried... That's how it ought to be."

Hulu paused and the Professor quizzed,

"What do you mean?"

He shot the Professor a slight glance and nodded his head slightly,