
6 - Take

"How many of y'all watch news today?"

He looked at all trying to catch all of him at a glimpse. That was pretty impossible. His audience had been rising and he was beginning to be a threat to the authorities. That was why he had brought them that far away from the city.

A very young man in the sprout of his 30s stood up. He had a pair of sneakers on, and a muffler running through his neck down his chest. Blue top and a pair of to matched jeans.

He stepped forward. That was the ritual. Whoever was going to speak in the camp was supposed to stand up firstly and boldly identify his or herself.

The murmurs were strangled as the guy faced the professor and rode on the words,

"I stole into the house of one of my exes. She used to trust me. I guess she still trust me though."

"Hop on the point, man. Hop hop."

A very rough man from the rear of the audience screamed at the fellow. The fellow only chuckled. They had been told by the professor never to be at odds. Make a joke out of anything annoying said to you. Even if it ain't funny.

"I have one of her keys and well I entered. I met some leftovers and ate them too. I was hungry as fuck. "

"Bitch, hit the point. Hit it."

The cry of the man came again. The professor looked towards that angle and chuckled too. He waved the fellow on as though he approved of his merry-go-round with words.

"Thanks, Prof. Having eaten to my fill, I slid into the sofa. I wanted to succumb to sleep before I..."

"Prof, Prof, imma kill someone now. Wave him down. Wave him away. He has nothing good to say."

Many other murmurs seconded the call of the same rough man. He was dressed in a caftan with some multicolored hat. He was a hell of a joker.

The professor raised his hand and tried to restore the peace and quiet he had always preached. Some grunted firstly then kept quiet.

"Let's allow him a say. He's almost at the point. All work no play kills the vibe."

"He better be."

The man called again. Some bounced back the words and echoed the input of the rough man. Then they all kept quiet and listened to the young man.

"The news had gotten to the Africans. Nigeria, Ghana, Cameron, Ivory coast, Kenya and lots more."

"What news?"

You can guess who that was again. The fellow didn't even look towards the man. He was fed up already.

He occasionally looked at a lady who was few metres away from the elevated stone he was standing on. If he wasn't standing there, he wouldn't had been able to address all of them at a go.

By the way, that was the idea of the professor.

The lady had this sheepish smile which swept the guy off his feet whenever he did look at her. He was sure that she liked him.

You can now guess why he kept doing the merry-go-round with words.The lady laughed at that, and the professor already noticed that.

One of the things the professor loathed was marring the course of love.

"You should wait before you hop, rough."

The young man lashed out the venoms at the rough man who tried to fight his way through the thick and heavy crowd. But he was restrained by some guys who were heftier and stronger than he was.

The young man savored the victory seeped in that and looked at the lady again. She wasn't looking there anymore. She was wearing a bold face.

He was lost. He saw her looking towards the rough man. Damn! Had he mistaken? He thought she liked him. Probably twas the craziness of the rough guy she liked.

He didn't want to continue with the speech. There was no motivation anymore or he was just going to reel over pretty quickly and jump off what was close to a podium.

"And that was it."

"That was what?"

A man standing few steps away from him bent down and picked up a stone, and aimed it at him.

The young fellow fidgeted and was going to fall but he couldn't afford losing his balance.

The professor pointed at the enraged man and waved him to drop the stone which he did.

He looked at the young and ate him up with a disturbing ogle. The young man knew what that meant and continued, but he was intruded,

"Y'all see. I said already. Break that bitch's head. He's got nothing good. Arrgh."

The rough man called again. He was shunned. Some men covered his mouth. He was way too razz to be amongst them.

He used to be one of the top drug traffickers of LA before he was taken to Rhodes Island for proper watch.

The fact was, the governments of the world were beginning to let all the criminals out of the prisons because of the newest malady which has caught up with the humankind.

The professor had chosen the Rhodes Island which happened to be one of the smallest states in the US. He had his reason for that.

Where they always met was a large spot which had a hill. The giver of the speech was made to stand on one of the steeps of the hill that others could hear clearly.

That exactly was what the fellow was doing but with shenanigans.

The noise died down again. The professor jeered the young man into action again,

"The aliens also..."

"He couldn't even say, "pardon me" for all of that. Let me kill him please."

The rough man called again.

Some of the people laughed hard but the reaction of the professor shunned all of them.

They all paid attention to the fellow again,

"That same alien appeared to other countries the same day he appeared to us, the same hour, minutes and seconds."

"How's that possible? All 193 countries addressed by one person at a time?"

The fellow pointed at the professor and jumped off the steep. He was done being intruded. Twas pretty annoying.

The Professor filled the position and said,

"Let it be known now that some would be sieved. We'll only go with few. But pending that time, get rid of any technological products and those who use them. Even if it's your lover, son, or mother. Love would be meaningless that day. The only thing with meaning would be obedience. Observe an interval."

The people knew what the last sentence meant. They were to disperse for the meantime.

The professor climbed off the steep and headed towards the rough man. He needed to speak sense into him.

But as he walked towards there he saw like ten of the men having a group fight.

Of course you should guess who their leader was.