
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
667 Chs


"So what's the plan??" asked Nia.

She found it funny that they suddenly became friends and now only to both connive against Selene.

"It is very easy" said Hunter

"We have to poison her" said Hunter seriously.

"Poison?" asked Nia

"Yes Poison" said Hunter

"It is only by subtilling poisoning her that no one would suspect that we both planned it" sad Hunter.

"Not that a single person would mourn for her death but rejoice, but anyway, just for Azazel's sake, we do not want any evidence pointing to us, so we need to poison her and very carefully" said Hunter

"Okay" said Nia as she understood what Hunter was saying, he was right, the only way to catch a woman like Selene was to poison her, and that poison must be very lethal to be able to work on her.

"And that is where you come in Nia" said Hunter as he looked at Nia.

"You are her maid, you are basically the closest witch to her in this whole camp" said Hunter

"And you will be the one that would have enough access to plant the poison in her room" said Hunter, he had thought this plan out very carefully and wisely, that was why the last step that he needed was to get Nia on board, and now that she was on board with him, everything else would be easy.

"Okay I understand why you say that" said Nia

"But if we do go through with this plan, and I do plant the poison" said Nia as she heard herself utter words that she never thought she would say.

"I would be the main suspect, as you said, I have full access to her room, and everyone knows that, I would be trialled for her murder" said Nia as she thought of what would happen if she went through with what Hunter was saying.

"You are smart for thinking about that" said Hunter as he smiled, he liked intelligent people, that thought of all the options, and Nia was one of them.

"But don't worry, you will not be suspected" said Hunter.

"How come?" asked Nia

"Well Nia, because you only need to do one little thing" said Hunter

"Which is?" asked Nia

"Pretend" said Hunter as he smiled.

"Pretend?" asked Nia

"Yes Pretend" said Hunter

"Pretend to be nice to her, pretend to adore her, pretend and make her trust you, and then when the time is ripe, we strike, no one would ever suspect that you did it, if you make them all believe that you were close" said Hunter

"Besides it would be a lie to say that Selene does not have other enemies in the camp, so it would be easy to cover our tracks" said Hunter

"Yes, I hear you, … But" said Nia

"But what?" asked Hunter as he noticed that Nia was being hesitant, and he did not want that, he had to be very sure that she would not compromise.

"But… I understand your plan and all, but I just cannot stand Selene, not even to talk about pretending to like her, and forgetting the fact that she killed Milady" said Nia with anger.

"I know how you feel Nia, I also hate that woman" said Hunter as his gaze soften on Nia's face.

"But we need to do things, you need to pretend, just pretend on the outside and say whatever you want to on the inside" said Hunter.

"Just act like you don't care and that what she has done does not bother you at all" said Hunter.

"Say that you have come to the realization that she is the only one in charge here, and that you need to stick with her to be someone" said Hunter

Wow Hunter really did think ahead, he had a plan for every single thing, thought Nia to herself, it seemed like he had been planning this for a while now.

But still, Nia could not bring herself to even think of pretending to like that woman, what she has done was beyond horrible, it was terrible, unthinkable, and Nia did not know if she could pretend like that.

Nia was not usually someone who thought of hate, to her it was a big word that should only be used in dire situations, but Selene was just another case entirely, Nia could proudly say that she truly hated Selene more than anyone else.

"Look Nia, I know that it must seem like a hard task to pretend to support Selene" said Hunter as he could see right through her.

"But there are just some sacrifices that we have to make in order to get things that we want" said Hunter.

"You do not even have to say too much, just act as if you are in support of her, that is all I ask of you right now" said Hunter.

Nia looked at Hunter, it was almost like he was pleading with her, and she did not want to let him down.

"Fine, I will do it" said Nia as she sighed.

"Thank you Nia" said Hunter as he smiled at her.

"But first I have another question" said Nia

"Ask away" said Hunter as he was ready to make sure that Nia had no doubts at all.

"What type of poison exactly are you going to use?" asked Nia as she just had to know, she had to make sure that she was not incriminating herself, or if they were to fail, Selene would not track the poison back to them.

"Good question" said Hunter as he smiled.

"The poison will be the type that once she drinks it, she will not be able to wake up" said Hunter as he suddenly went as cold as ice, and Nia went silent.

She did not care at all, if Selene did not wake up then so be it, at this point she did not care at all, she was tired of been soft and mistreated, she had made up her mind that she was going to do whatever it takes to get rid of her.

"Okay then" said Nia as she replied which snapped out Hunter from his cold spree, she did not even care that he looked so angry, she was busy with her own angry thoughts.

"We make a perfect team don't we?" asked Hunter as he smiled.

"Sure if you mean in killing someone" said Nia to herself.

"Yes... yes we do" she said as she smiled back at him.

As the saying goes, the most unlikely situations cause people to come closer together, and for Hunter and Nia, it was getting revenge on Selene that brought them close.


"What do you want?" asked Hunter as he turned around and looked at the rogue coming towards him, it was nighttime, and surprise, surprise, he was on night duty yet again.

Not that he did not mind at all, but him being all alone, it gave him the chance to think and clear his mind, and also to come up with more plans.

"Heyy chill Hunter, I thought we are cool" said Willis as he seemed to be on guard, who knew if Hunter would suddenly attack him without reason... again.

"That's as long as you keep your mouth shut" replied Hunter harshly, this his behaviour was far much more than what he showed Nia.

"Yes yes, and I agreed to, so I come in peace" said Willis as he chuckled, and raised up his hands as if to signal defeat.

"You better have" said Hunter

"Or else..." he said.

"You see this is what I am talking about, why are you so violent nowadays??" said Willis as he just had to ask, this attitude of Hunter's was worrying him, and he was sure that if Hunter was not careful he would soon get himself into something he would not be able to get out of.

"I don't get what you mean" said Hunter as he seemed not to care at all.

"Oh you know what I mean, you go around looking like you have a death wish, any little thing angers you, and you solve mostly everything by punches" said Willis

"That's just called being a vampire" said Hunter as he snickered.

"Sure we are rogues but that does not mean that we have to act senseless and brainless" said Willis

"You are one to talk" said Hunter.

"Look Hunter, I am not going to fight you, because that is just stupid and unreasonable" said Willis, he was the older one here, and he would make sure to act matured, and not like Hunter who was behaving like a little one.

"I just have one question for you" said Willis

"Which is?" asked Hunter as if Willis was wasting his time.

"Do you think that Liam would be proud of what you have turned to?" asked Willis

"Just think it through, you don't even have to give me and answer, because deep down you know the truth" said Willis as he did not even wait for a reply and he just walked away.

"*Tisk*" said Hunter

"I know he will be proud of me, I am revenging his death" said Hunter to himself.