
Anime Mashup

become I dont like the ending of a certain manga, I made this fun-fic and i want to re-write what happens. ............. what will happen if you transmigration to another world where all kinds of anime character are in same world. Sister is Mikan Yūki from To-Love-Ru Mother is Yasuko Takasu from Toradora Childhood friend is Rikka Takanashi from Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! The teacher is Gozaburo Seto from My bride is a mermaid While he has a bunch of finance that his grandfather decides for him. The world is full of aliens, demons, angels and another extraordinary being that normal in this world. Where people have the ability treats as a genius while normal people become cannon fodder. How can he survive the world if he only has System Summon that is i responsible? Mc: System, why my summon, is only a Lolli vampire? wheres the sexy oneesan? System: You just need to help the Lolli vampier to grow and transformed her into a sexy oneesan. Mc: System why every time i summon my minions I always get a mini version of them? System: What do you mean host? Mc angry shout: Lolli Vampier, Lilli Mermaid, Lolli Dragon you even summon a tuns-tuns Lolli Princess! are you going to make me a father of all of this kids! System: Host please help hem grow adn evolve to god-like being! Mc smash the table and angry shout," Godly being!! after that happen I'm already dead!! System warning! The host need to help them to grow strong if not the system will reduce the size of host bird! Mc: !@#@$@#$% ----------------------- Note: The cover is not mine, i only copy it in google.

LittleApple · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
783 Chs

Race Against Time

Early in the morning when Lou just finished his morning exercise, he saw Hanbei and Goemon sitting in the living room bowing their heads.

From the embarrassing face that they showed, Lou knew that they really did outsmart him yesterday.

Lou walks in the fridge and takes a bottle of water. He grabs a chair and sit in front of the girls.

He smiled and said," So what happened?"

Hanbei who shyly bowing her head can't even stare directly to Lou.

While Goemon who already know that they all discovered by him said," Lou-sama, we did something bad yesterday"

Lou said," And?"

Goemon said," We scammed you with a piece of master and servant contract, without your knowledge'

Lou nodded," That's right, you little girls did scam me yesterday"

"But why did you do that?"

Hanbei shyly said," We know that you will never accept if we tell you so we try a fast and easy way"

Goemon nodded," That right, and the result is good"

Lou sigh and said," You should tell me first, i will consider it if you ask me honestly"

Goemon said," But i know that you will never accept us, you only take a bishoujo"

Hanbei nodded," And we are still not in that category"

Lou thought that they had a point, but still, he need to remind them that fraud is bad and he even wanted to scold them.

But he don't have enough time, his quest duration is almost up, while he need to get ready to go to school for his survival trip.

Lou said," I have special circumstances in accepting summon being"

Both of them listen carefully.

"And that is to grant any condition before accepting a summon being"

Hanbei excitedly asked," Meaning?"

"If you want me to accept you two, you guys need to give me a quest or condition need fulfilled, even wish can do"

Goemon hurriedly said," My only wish is to serve Lou-sama that's all!"

Lou said," Sure why not, i will accept you"

Goemon hurry dogeza and said," Thank you very much Lou-sama"

( Note:Dogeza is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology or to express the desire for a favor from said person.)

Hanbei shyly stares at Lou and asks," Can you really grant one of our wishes?" Lou nodded.

Mikan and Yuu who just awake hear what Hanbei said, they are both curious if Lou really going to grant Hnabei wish.

Hanbei stare flustered to Lou while thinking something improper

While Lou calmly drinks his water, checking the time if he still has enough time.

Hanbei daring said," Then can you take me as your …. Mistress?"


Lou spewed the water he just drank, while Mikan, Goemon, even Yuu who is expressionless was shocked to what they heard.

Mikan ran and grabbed Lou's cloth, she shook him while angry asked," What did you do to Hanbei-chan, tell me the truth!!"

"Did you blackmail her!!"

Goemon thought,' Hanbei is too daring, I did not think that wish while ago'

While Yuu only walk calmly and sit beside Hanbei while staring at Lou expressionless.

Lou was about to ask Hanbei to change her wish but the System stopped him doing it.

System,' You can't do that host, she already gave her wish so you can't just casually ask her to change it'

Lou hurry asks,' Then you want me to grant her wish and become a lolicon?!'

System,' If you can do that, then why not but think carefully~ '

'Nomobuyo, Oshi, Hashitawa ….. Dokeda, Gunmīcha, Dē Ribura!' and boom you're going to become popular.'

Lou starts to get nervous, the system starts to corner him, while the four lolis staring at him attentively.

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 10

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 9

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 8

Lou angry shouted,' Damn you system, you are making my condition more difficult!!!'

System,' Do it host, become a lolicon and join the cult or become a magical girl and become popular ~'

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 7

Lou whos sweating a bucket can't think straight, he feels dizzy, nervous and scared.

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 3

And the system even makes it difficult for him.

But who thought that Lou saw a savior in the midst of despair.

Yuu wrote [ Take her, after all, you already take me, just ask her to wait until she become bishoujo in the future ]

Lou hurry said," I will take you only if you become bishoujo in future"

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 2

Lou hurriedly asked,' Damn system why the clock is still continuing!!!'

System,' She still did not accept it ~'

Ding! Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being! is about to failed in 1

Hanbei shyly said," then i will take that as yes, just wait for me to become bishojo in future.."

Lou depressedly exhale," Sigh ~"

System,' Tsk'

Ding! You Complete Quest: Fulfill any wish of the two new Summon Being!

Ding! You receive a Box of Noodles ( Extra Hot Flavor )

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