
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Getting invited by supreme beings

(A/N: Damn, what happened with the last two chapters? Suddenly my daily readers are five times before and my power stones are three times. How did such a sudden boost happen? BTW, should I change the book's title, if yes then into what?)

[As you adapted to your newfound powers and form, you gained a position and authority far above the limits of this world. You became a grand existence with the power of judgement. You had become the Law of judgement yourself. In this world, your existence is that of an executioner, but in other world, you might be revered as the omnipotent one.]

[You had judged Ivan as, "Not worthy of death". That means no matter how much you torture him and kill him, you can always do more. Of course, you can change your judgement at anytime and let him die, but death would be too easy of an escape for him.]

["Guillotine of judgement", you used your new powers to create an image of a guillotine which mercilessly beheaded Ivan. Since this guillotine was not a normal guillotine but the guillotine of judgement, every crime you committed will result in the amount of pain you feel. Of course as the law of judgement, if you even say his good deeds as crimes, then they are crimes. And you did exactly that.]

[Ivan, who was now powerless in front of you, wasn't even able to resist. But, your target wasn't Ivan at all. You wanted to destroy the supreme destroyer afterall.]

[You knew that black grade talents are able to survive against a supreme's attacks, but they are nowhere able to rival them. To even make a smallest scratch on a supreme being, you have to use an authority. Even using an authority wasn't enough to kill a supreme being though. To kill a supreme being, you will have to become a supreme being yourself first and obtain the essence of the supreme being.]

[Becoming a supreme being is most likely impossible for current you. Not only you won't be able to get enough resources for that, you also don't know how to become one. Though, you can figure out a way if given enough time, being a half-baked supreme being is worse than not being a supreme being.]

[But, you didn't really need to become a supreme being. Your target, the supreme destroyer, was now just a system without any host. Although his powers were near to a supreme being, he can't be considered a supreme being at all. That means, you can still possibly kill him although it would be impossibly difficult.]

[Fortunately, the supreme destroyer had attached itself to the soul of Ivan. As long as you capture Ivan's soul in a timeless container, you would theoretically have infinite time for getting strong enough to kill him.]

[But, you still had to torture Ivan as much as possible before sealing him.]

[You spent nine years torturing Ivan in all possible ways you could think of. Using every single way to make him experience as much pain as possible, and killing him again and again, until he lost his mind to pain. And then recovering his mind again and torturing him again and again... You finally calmed down a little after that.]

[You even created miniature worlds with different time speeds and let Ivan suffer all kinds of pain while living in that world. Losing everything he could possibly have and suffering again and again, you gained a peace of mind everytime he suffered again and again.]

[Even then, your anger for the supreme destroyer only grew with time. Every moment made you angrier than before, much frustrated than before. Your adaptation power was working at maximum power to turn all your negative emotions into your power. With every second, you evolved as much as the whole world would in zillions of years.]

[Within the next one hundred years,You forced the Supreme destroyer to appear in his real form out of Ivan's soul and fight you. As you expected, you lost very easily. The supreme destroyer also possessed the same authority of destruction as you. Or rather, the authority you have originated from him. There was no way you can defeat him with the authority of destruction, unless you surpassed the creator.]

[But, you didn't necessarily need to make your destruction authority stronger. You had other means to fight him as well. You just needed to get strong enough to kill him along with all your powers.]

[Soon, a hundred thousand years passed by as you continued to fight the supreme destroyer and continued to die to him. Your talents also evolved further.]

[Your talent : Predator clockwork watch (Black) turned to Authority {Devourer, Supreme of Time and End}]

[Your talent : God of Swords (Black) turned to Authority {Severer, The divider}]

[Rest all your talents got increased by one rank.]

[With this power up, you were able to kill the supreme destroyer. But, killing him wasn't enough for you. You weren't satisfied and the fire in your heart was still burning brightly. You continued to kill him in ways so gruesome that you wouldn't have ever imagined as a normal human.]

[For next hundred years, you continued to kill him again and again. Finally you had completely calmed down. Getting bored of them, you decided to finally put them in the unending repeating worlds of constant pain and suffering for them.]

[At this moment, what you felt was complete loneliness. While you were consumed by the fire of revenge, you weren't able to notice it. But now you can see it clearly, the world around you. The world that is now completely silent, completely devoid of life, completely empty.]

[With the powers you currently possessed, you could very easily rewind the world, restart it, or even create an exact world again. But, you just silently sat on the ground. In this completely silent world, you saw the consequences of your actions, but you didn't care. You knew that the world was destroyed from your anger, but it didn't bother you. If not for your love for your wives, you won't even care for this world anymore and just go away to some other world.]

[While you were wondering how to restore the world, and at what time should you travel back, suddenly a godly being appeared before you. He was probably the most handsome being you ever saw, somehow even more handsome than you. He had wings on his back, and a bright aura surrounding him that was the reason of his majestic look.]

[He stared at the direction of system for a while before looking back at you. Without any wait, he directly, politely asked you to follow him to his master and also offered you the position of a Supreme being. You thought of refusing at first, but he then told you that this world is just a mere simulation and that your real self can save your wives at any time. On top of that, you can also create your wives in reality and have them yourself.]

[You obviously already knew this. You also knew that there would be no point in sitting here in grief. You agreed to meet his master.]




[After a long while of leaving system alone, you returned back. Since you had killed the supreme destroyer, you had successfully earned your position as a supreme being. And although, you can't become a supreme being right away, the ruler of supreme beings saw potential in you and decided to let you become a supreme being.]

[Though You were forbidden to be called by the system talents as letting a supreme being be summoned at anytime is not allowed. Thus, you decided to leave a weaker image of yourself in your talent : profile window. That way, you won't be punished by ruler of supreme beings and you also won't be betraying the system.]

[Also as the compensation for interfering with your simulation, the ruler of supreme beings gave you a secret privilege.]

[Simulation ends-]

[Error this simulation was invalid due to interference of supreme beings.]