
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

First city in the otherworld.

"Status open"

Name : Izanagi

Race : Human

Job : Jobless Lv1

HP: 10/10

MP: 8/8

Phy Atk: 9

Phy Def: 99999

Mag Atk: 4

Mag Def: 99999

Speed: 4

Luck: 20


Casual t-shirt 

Leather shoes



[Acquired titles]


[Possible job changes]




Invincible body

Divine veil

"Yes! It works! I can really have many blessings using these cheat powers!"

Well then, shall we start farming blessings?

This time with an excited smile, I killed myself again.

"Sigh… I am getting bored of this cycle now." Till now, I have acquired ten blessings.

"Status open : blessings."



–Invincible body

–Divine veil

–Job control

–20 times XP acquired 

–Perfect divine weapon summon

–Skill correction 

–Fate correction 


–Magic creation 

Hmm, I think they're plenty? Anyways I am bored, so I won't be farming blessings anymore. Let's just start my new life with just these blessings.

"Let's enjoy this life." I made a commitment to myself as I stepped out to the dark forest.

Surprisingly, this time I didn't encounter that giant white wolf, but I did encounter many small gray wolves.

Who knows, maybe I got lost in the forest and thus didn't encounter that giant wolf? 

These small wolves are a good source of EXP as well.

"Status open : job, level, and skills"

Job : Jobless Lv30

2nd Job : None

HP: 10/10

MP: 8/8

Phy Atk: 9

Phy Def: 99999

Mag Atk: 4

Mag Def: 99999

Speed: 4

Luck: 20


Howl, Strategize, Phy atk strengthening (small).

[Possible job changes]

Commoner Lv1

Strategist Lv1

Warrior Lv1

[Skill correction activated. Howl → Battle cry.]

Hmm, I was hoping to see if I will get any skills from 'jobless', but it doesn't seem possible. I should just replace it, I guess.

Normally it shouldn't be possible to change your job freely, but it's possible for me since I have the blessing of job control.

It was one of the most difficult-to-get blessings. Even koshmar-sama wasn't willing to give it to me. I went through hell to acquire it.

[1st Job has been changed to Commoner Lv1.]

[2nd Job has been set as Strategist LV1.]

[3rd job has been set as warrior Lv1.]

It was one of the greatest blessings koshmar-sama could offer. Afterall, it gives me the ability to have as many jobs as I want. Only condition being that I should have that job in[Possible job changes].

Having three jobs means 3 times the growth rate since each of my jobs will acquire exp from the monsters I kill.

"Let's check my status now. Status open."

Name : Izanagi

Race : Human

1st Job : Commoner Lv1 

2nd Job : Strategist Lv1

3rd Job : Warrior Lv1 

4th Job : None

HP: 50/50 (10+15+25)

MP: 20/20 (5+7+8)

Phy Atk: 33 (9+5+19)

Phy Def: 99999

Mag Atk: 10 (3+3+4)

Mag Def: 99999

Speed: 30 (5+5+20)

Luck: 40 (20+15+5)


Casual t-shirt 

Leather shoes


–Battle cry, Strategize, Phy atk strengthening (small).

[Acquired titles]


[Possible job changes]

–Jobless Lv30



–Invincible body

–Divine veil

–Job control

–20 times XP acquired 

–Perfect divine weapon summon

–Skill correction 

–Fate correction 


–Magic creation 

After nearly an hour of roaming around through the forest, I finally found a road. 

At the left end of the road, I could see a faint image of something resembling a city.

If I start walking now, I can reach there in 30 minutes. 

"Let's check out my first city in this world." 

Without further ado, I started walking towards the city. 

Since it's late at night, I wonder if I would be allowed to enter the city? Usually at night, city gates are closed due to the fear of bandits. Atleast, that's how it is in many novels.

Soon, I could see the faint glow of torches at the city gate. To my surprise and relief, the gates were open. Thinking about it logically, they can't close the gates because of the peddlers and late night travelers.

"Hey you! You are going to enter the city right?"

The guard standing before the gates asked. 

I greeted him, "hello. Yes, I would like to enter the city."

He nodded and pointed at a glass ball kept upon a cushion. 

Maybe he's not much of a social person, or maybe he is just too focused on his job, it didn't look like he wanted to have any conversation.

I wondered while looking at the glass ball. Usually such a ball is used to see a person's status or their jobs.

I nodded and placed my hand on it. 

Suddenly, it shone brightly for a second. I looked at the guard to see his reaction.

He simply nodded and passed an entry warrant to me.

I sighed in relief. Looks like my assumption was correct. 

I entered the city and looked around. The streets were mostly empty.

I need to look for a place to sleep for now. Perhaps a nearby inn? Let's look around.

I started to look around for some inn, but since I have no knowledge about this world's language, I wasn't able to read the signboards. After fifteen minutes, I sighed and decided to ask someone.

Even though I can't read this world's language, I somehow have no problem with talking. I can converse with people of this world, even though we are not speaking the same language. This was proved by the guard at the city gates. I was able to understand him and was he able to understand me.

Since there was no one in my sight, I sighed and decided to ask the only house that had the lamp lighted.

"Hello?" I knocked on the door.

Soon a woman… no, man? A transgender…? Opened the door.

"Ah little kid, are you lost?" He/She asked me.

Little kid? My current body is 18 years old though.

"I am. Can you tell me the way to the inn? I am new to this city." I politely asked.

"Inn huh? That's too far away from here. Since you don't have a place to live, how about you live at my house tonight?" He/She offered.

"Ah, I won't trouble you with that. Don't worry, just tell me where the inn is and I can walk there." I tried to refuse but it looked difficult.

"That blood on your clothes, it's wolf blood right? You must be an adventurer. Even if you reach the inn, they won't let you in in such a state."

"I-Is that so? Then okay. I'll take your offer."

Yep, I definitely didn't think that. Of Course they won't let someone covered in blood stay in their inn. I should have thought of that before.

"I'm…" I was going to say my name, but I decided not to. Since this is a new life and nobody knows me in this world, I can have a different name for my new life! "I'm Anon. Nice to meet you."

"Hello Anon-kun. You can call me Margaret-san. This is actually my shop, but I have a few rooms available on the second floor." 

"Thank you." Margaret-san l

ooks dangerous with her muscular body and her blue beard, but she clearly is a kind person.

Looks like my second life won't be too bad.