
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 7

Andrei's POV

I cannot believe that is what she thinks of me. I know that she is capable of taking care of herself and she does not need me. But has it ever crossed her mind that I want to be there with her? I mean, I stayed there for over an hour missing my classes just so that I can be a helping hand and in my case, that is rare unless it is family.

I mean it's not like I care about these classes I have seen them over a hundred times but that's not the point. I was just so angry and confused that I had to leave that place. She is the first girl I have ever liked... Wait did I just admit to liking her. Even if I did like her I cannot be with her it's part of the Gotham curse.


Parker's POV

Where is she? according to her friends, she should be here now. We are in the same chemistry class and she was going to be my lab partner but she is not here.

What if something happened to her? The last time I saw her she was being pulled away by Andrei, I mean sure he is one of the better Gotham brothers but that does not mean she is safe with him. The Gotham brothers are the worst of both worlds, being demon and vampire. Especially their bloodline. They come from the two most powerful and dangerous and disturbed souls that this earth could find.

Pure evil beings. The seeds from the two are also evil the Gotham brothers.


Luna's POV

I did not mean it to come out like that. I can be a bit over-defensive and political but it's just an automatic defense mechanism I have. I probably hurt his feelings and should go apologize for going off on him.

I was walking back to my classroom. I am glad that I finally got my wings back in. It was time for sorcery and no one I know is in that class. I guess it is time to make new friends and after that, I'm going to apologize to Andrei he did not deserve what I said to him.

I arrived a few minutes late and the teacher was not having it. "Mrs. Cohen you are late and just because your uncle owns the school does not mean you can do as you please."

"I..." I tried to explain.

"No excuses I want a letter nobody comes late to my class."

I took out the letter from my bag and placed it on her desk. "I was not going to give you an excuse I was just going to say sorry," I said to her and took a seat in the empty seat in the second row.

She looked at me behind her glasses and gave me a up down look. Just had to have a teacher like her. I am starting to miss home. I would train for hours and be educated for hours and then I would go relax and switch on Netflix and watch vampire diaries but when those seasons were over I just watched teen wolf and never have I ever.

I miss being at home, I don't even get the chance to do all of those things because I need time to study.

"Tomorrow you will be writing a test just to see your progress." She looked at me suspiciously as if I did something. It is obvious that the statement was directed to me but I don't care at this point.

The bell rang a few minutes later and I was the first one out of class. I never thought I was ever going to dislike a teacher but here I am. I was late so I don't even know her name, maybe I should ask to transfer to another teacher's class...Nah I would be making it too easy for her besides as my aunt always told me. I am a Cohen and Cohens never give up. So to Mrs whatever her last name is, 'GAME ON'.


Andrei's POV.

I was now heading to my dorm as it was already after school and there was as nothing left for me here. I was walking back to my dorm with my brothers Anakin and Andrew. People often wonder why we are always together well because we protect each other and unlike werewolves, we don't have pack links to communicate telepathically so it's better to be closer. That and we are triplets, we aren't identical but we do have extremely similar features.

Our father is pure evil and our mother was a broken soul turned bad. Our family is so twisted that we are not allowed to be with someone without an evil bone in their body. Anakin was the first of us to fall in love. He fell in love with a girl named Vicky, she was beautiful, had strawberry blond hair and was an angel werewolf hybrid.

Anakin didn't introduce her to our father because he was not sure of his reaction, he did a good job for a while but nothing gets past our father he is one of the most powerful beings in the supernatural world and no one dares to cross him. That is why our family is so feared.

Anyways father found out about the girl and demanded Anakin bring her to him. He said love is the weakest emotion of them all and if we dared to fall in love this would happen. He made us all stand and witness him hurting Vicky.  He tortured her in the worst ways possible.

He cuffed her hands with iron since he is aware of wolves' weakness. He made the witch practice spells on her and we witnessed and heard every organ in her body pop one by one. We watched in horror as this scene was unveiled in front of us. She was screaming in pain, in agony and there was nothing we could do about it. Anakin shed a single tear and promised himself not to love another girl so that she does not experience the amount of pain that Vicky had experienced.

We also made the same promise. We couldn't go through what we went through again and allow another female to go through what Vicky went through because of our foolishness.

That's why I can't allow myself to be near Luna but every time I see her those thoughts disappear and I want to spend every second of every minute with her. I need to be careful or someone might get hurt.