
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 4

Luna's POV

It was lunch time and Monica could not stop bothering me and asking me about what happened in class. I have been changing the subject every time she asked because, to be honest, I also don't know what happened in there.

We were picking up our food in the lunch line and I had this sudden thirst for blood. It is starting to worry me because it has been happening a lot lately.

My throat became dry and all I wanted was blood. " hi." I smiled at the cafeteria lady. "Do you have animal blood?" I asked her. She looked at me a bit weirdly not knowing what she is thinking I linked into mind to mine and read her thoughts.

Since when do you blood sucking demons drink animal blood.

I quickly tapped out of her mind. She was human I could hear her heart beat and her blood running through her veins. 'Blood.'  No wonder why I am so thirsty. I went back to what she said and I got angry and a bit defensive.

"Well this blood sucking demon can read thoughts and would like to know if you have animal blood or not."

She looked at me scared and her eyes bulged out of her sockets. Her heart beat started to increase and her blood was running much faster. I could smell it and I was so close to piercings her neck and drinking her blood. In a second my hand was on her throat and tilting her head to the side and my vangs were barely inches away from her neck.

She started crying and asking me to stop. I felt eyes on me and when I looked up I found that everyone in the cafeteria had stopped what they were doing and started to stare at me. But the eyes that stood out were the three pairs of golden eyes staring right into my very soul. I pushed the lady away from me a little to hard and ran out of the cafeteria.

I went straight to uncle johns office. I needed help.


Andrei's POV.

I was drinking my blood in the cafeteria and eating some food because even though vampires don't eat I still have a demon side that loves human food.

I looked up a second and my brothers were talking about something stupid as always.My eyes started roaming the cafeteria and landed on Luna.

I saw her standing next to a girl who could not keep her mouth shut. She kept on asking her what happened in class with me and Luna kept on changing the subject. To be honest I don't want to talk about it as much as she does.

I overheard the conversation with the lunch lady. She was asking for blood. Wait why would she need blood... unless she has vampire in her. But hybrids can only have two species in them. I stopped my thoughts when I saw the look the lunch lady was giving Luna.

I got inside her mind and read her thoughts.

Since when do you blood sucking demons drink animal blood

I saw Luna's reaction as if she heard what I heard. Continuing to surprise me Luna speaks out about what she heard and how she felt about it.

The lunch lady being surprised that Luna had heard her thoughts started to get scared. All our staff here is human except the teachers.  The lunch lady's blood started to run faster than normal and so did her heart beat.

Luna sped quickly to the lady and turned her head to give herself more excess to the neck she was inches away from drinking and nobody was going to stop her not even her babbling friend. She suddenly caught her self and started to look around when she noticed all eyes in the cafeteria were on her.

Her eyes landed on mine and she looked at me for some time and ran out of the cafeteria. What just happened her eyes were red. She has vampire in her. What kind of hybrid is she? I need to find out.

"Hey your girl might be a bit crazy." Anakin said to me bumping my shoulder.

I gave him a death glare and continued to sip my blood.

"What is wrong with you? First you lose dominance to a girl then you distance yourself from us. Then you disappear. Then you go all goggly eyes on her."

"Fuck off." I said dryly and threw everything into trash then walked away out of the cafeteria.


Luna's POV

I barged into uncle Johns office. "I need help." I said out loud.

He was sitting behind his desk typing something on his laptop.

He looked up. "Hey, What do you need?"

"Weird thing have been happening to me." I take a breath and pace around the office. "First I have staring contest for dominance with some guy in class . Then a weird but comforting smell surrounds me. Then I go crazy in the cafeteria for blood."

"Okay calm down, take a seat and explain to me slowly."

I breath to try and calm down. I take a seat and explain everything to him again slowly.

"Okay." He walks over to me. "Do you mind lifting your hair for me."

"Umm sure." I lift my hair and uncle John tilts my head down and starts examining my neck and my ears. "So after you won the fight for dominance did you feel a little tingle behind your ear?"

"No why?"

"Well because you have an alpha's Mark."


"Yep, But the thing is it is not your ordinary alpha mark yours is gold."

"How is that possible? I thought alpha marks a silver and retired alpha are bronze then potential alpha has black."

"Yes that is it but you have a gold one."

"What does that mean?"

"Well I have read in on strange marks and I did come across a gold alpha mark."

"What did it say?"

"Not much really except that the one who possesses the golden mark shall be crowned alpha king or alpha queen."

"Isn't that already what the silver A stands for."

"Well Yes But as I have said there was not much said about this mark so I will go do some more research and I will let you know when I find out."

"Okay thank you."

"Now go change. You are going for training next."

I smiled at him and left the office. I made my way to the girls locker rooms. There were already people in there. Everyone stopped talking and gave me weird looks. Ignored them and went to my locker. I changed and put on black shorts and a black tank top. I tied my hair in a messy bun and went out.

I arrived at the field and found Sam and Monica stretching. I jogged over to them.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

Monica looked at me. "Ohh my god where did you disappear to."

"Ohh I'm sorry I had to see uncle john."

"I heard what happened are you okay?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah I'm good." I smiled at her and continued stretching. My eyes caught a group of five guys.

"Hey who are they?" I asked both Sam and Monica.

"Ohh that is the crescent pack you do not want to know them or get in the middle of their fights with the Gotham brothers."

"Who are the Gotham brothers?"

"They are the guys who came in late today at class and you challenged one of them who's name happens to be Andrei."

Andrei. It totally suits him. "Ohh."

"Any ways... the crescent pack has about twenty members. The alpha is Parker Belvins and the delta is Bryan."

They all had their shirts off and were standing in shorts. Their skin was tanned and their muscles were flexing. Parker looked at me and quickly averted my eyes. I caught a glimpse of his features. He had a strong jaw, hazel eyes, on pink thin lips, brown hair and tattoos all over his body.

I bent down and stretched my legs.


Parker's POV

Bryan was busy throwing jokes and teasing Daniel and the rest of the group as always. We were stretching when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I let my eyes roam to the beautiful blue pair of eyes staring at me. She had plump red lips, high cheek bones, cat like eyes and long thick black hair. She quickly turned away when she noticed that I caught her staring, I didn't want her to look away, I liked the way her gaze felt roaming my body.

She bent down and stretched. Her body was amazing she had an athletic body that still had lushes curves. Her long legs were amazing.

I got pulled out of my daydream when Bryan patted my shoulder. "Hey they are here."

I followed his eyes to come across the Gotham brothers. How much I hate that family and their devil of a father.


Andrei's POV

Me and my brothers walked into the field as if we own the place. We were all wearing black sleeveless tops and black knee long shorts with white stripes on the sides.

I caught site of the crescent pack. I don't know why they still combine our classes when they know we don't get along. We don't know why exactly we don't like each other. I guess it's just in our nature.

I saw Luna sitting on the ground stretching her legs. She stood up and did a sort of yawn stretching. Next to her were probably her friends the one who talks a lot and Sam. I know Sam because my brother Andrew likes her but he is too afraid to go talk to her. How manly of him. I thought the Gotham brothers weren't afraid of anything and here we are tucking our tails between our legs the moment we find our selves a dominant girl. Most girls throw themselves at us. I guess we just want to work for the love and affection.

Me and my brothers found a spot a few feet away from Luna and her friends. She saw me and looked away. Why does she keep doing that? I want her to look at me the way I am looking at her right now.
