
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 3

The alarm goes of and I hit the button for it to shut up. I get up and go to the bathroom.

I come out with a towel wrapped around my body. Last night before I went to sleep I cast a spell to pack all of my clothes neatly in my closet.I wear a black turtleneck cropped top, light blue denim heavy jeans, converse sneakers, black leather jacket and my white side bag to put my books in. I tie my hair in a high ponytail and hair left at the back and I put on small hoop earrings.

I came out of the room and came face to face with Sam. "Hi." I said to her.

"Ohh hi."

"You look great." She was wearing black heavy pants and a white tank top with blue and black Jordan's and a navy blue side bag. She had her hair down with all it's natural curls making her eyes pop. Sam was gorgeous.

"Thank so do you."

"Thanks." Things between us were a bit awkward when we saw each other we barely said two words to each other. Maybe she just does not like people and that would make a lot more sense because I am shy and I try to avoid people at all cost.

I walked over to  the kitchen and found a full English breakfast on the table. My mouth started watering. On the kitchen island there was toast, sausages, bacon, eggs, baked beans, freshly cut tomatoes and cucumbers, a bowl of fruit salad, French toast, pancakes, waffles, a basket of pure red strawberries and a huge jug of orange juice and another one of cranberry juice.

"Wow." I looked at Monica "is all of this just for the three of us?"

"Yep they do this everyday."

"What happens to the remaining?"

"The servants take it."


"Sit down let's eat."

There were three seats by the island I took a seat next to Monica, she was seated in the middle seat. A few seconds later Sam came and took a seat.

"May you please pass me the fruit salad." I said to absolutely no one.

The bowl was next to Sam. She picked up the bowl and gave it to Monica and Monica passed it on to me. "Thanks."

"Do you guys have any blood?"

"Aren't you a witch and ware wolf hybrid?" Sam asked me.

"Not exactly." I stood up and went to the fridge.

"What do you mean.?"

"She is an aurorath." Monica answered excitedly.

"I thought those were extinct." Sam said surprised.

"Well I am the last one. My mom was one too."

"Was?" Sam asked.

"She passed away eleven years ago."

"Ohh I'm sorry." Sam said.

I smiled and took a seat after not finding any blood in the fridge.

"Sit down and tell us which creature you have unlocked yet." Monica smile and looked at me so did Sam.

"Ohh. I have witch and ware wolf which you guys already know of then it's my vampire and kitsune."

"Kitsune!!!" They screamed at the same time.

"Yeah... is there something wrong?" I looked at them.

"We just thought those were myths." Monica said.

"Turns out they are not, they are just extremely rare. Like extremely."

"Wow, What are the Powers?" Sam asked me.

"Well that's the thing. I turned a few days ago so I really don't know yet and there is not much on kitsunes since they were only know as myths."

"We should go we are going to be late. Maybe we can ask Mrs braul about kitsunes she knows every creature alive."

I smiled at Monica and took my bag then we started to walk out.

"So we are going to register period right now and I heard we got a new teacher."Monica said.

"I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Monica said.

I waved and smiled at her.

"Let's hurry up." Monica said.

She grabbed my hand and pushed through the crowd of people. She opened a door to a classroom. There were a few students inside and the teacher was sitting on his chair.

He was quite handsome with brown hair, deep brown eyes, brown skin and a defined jaw.

"Ooo new teacher is hot." Monica said looking at him up and down.

I looked at her weirdly.

"What he is. I mean it won't be my first time jumping a teacher."

"Okay maybe we should find a seat."

I was now pulling Monica over to the middle seat. We sat next to each other. More students started to fill into the room. There were still a few empty seats around us. The teacher stood up and introduced himself.

"Good morning everyone I am Mr Tame."

The class murmured morning back.

"I am going..." he did not get the chance to finish introducing himself when the door opened and three extremely hot guys came in. They all had black hair, Golden eyes, defined jawlines, tanned skin and extremely tall. They had tattoos peaking out of their neck and hands. They probably have sticker tattoos. It was hot and it made me shift in my seat.

One of the guys caught my eye. He got in second. He was about 6'6 to 6'7, he had plump pink lips and eyelashes that shadowed his eyes. He had a great physic and broad shoulders. They all looked similar but different in a way. I shifted in my seat and tried to sit more straighter if that made sense.

His eyes roamed the classroom and landed on me. Ohh no I thought to my self. I quickly averted my eyes from him and looked at my hands in my lap. I looked back up and found him standing right in front of me looking into my eyes.

Of course my ware wolf side took that as a challenge for dominance and me not being afraid of anything stared right back at him.

"You are in my seat." He said looking right at me not breaking eye contact.

I stood up from my seat without blinking and looked at him. Of course I had to tilt my head up. "And what are you going to do about it?"

"Stay and you will find out." He said still not breaking contract.

I stayed and did not show any sign of movement.

He took that as a threat and took a step forward. And not taking the hint that if I don't move I will get injured, moved a step towards him.

He smiled at me or more like smirked. "What is your name?" He asked me.


He broke eye contact and without another word he took the seat behind me.

I looked down then looked back at him. He was looking back with an emotionless face. I looked around the class to find everyone staring at me. I turned red and started remembering my introverted self so I looked back at my hands and sat down.

The class went on and I could not help but think of what my wolf just did. I smelt something like men's cologne and a mixture of cigarettes. I looked back at him slightly and could not help but feel the smell was coming from him. I turned back around and took a deep silent whiff, the scent was addicting and smelt like home like I was supposed to be here but if felt wrong, intoxicating and dangerous.

I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag and walked out of the class.


Andrei's POV.

I walked in class with Anakin in front of me and Andrew behind me. Me and my brothers were late again as always.  My brothers took seats behind each other. I looked around and my eyes stopped at a girl. She was beautiful. She had big blue eyes that curved up a bit at the corners, Olive skin, thick eyebrows, long black hair, plump red lips, high cheek bones and cute little pointy ears. I wonder what creature she is.

I have never seen one with pointy ears. But she has blue eyes which meant she is an angel, but she could be a hybrid like me. Maybe her angel side over shadows her other side. She was dressed amazing nothing revealing but nothing to covering too. She had nice taste in clothes. I noticed she had no makeup on and only a bit of mascara and lipgloss.

She was stunning. I thought to myself to not do anything stupid but that did not work because I ended up doing something stupid anyway. I walked over to her and challenged her. That was not in my nature at all but I just felt like it.

She stood up and looked at me accepting the challenge. "What are you going to do about it?" She asked me.  I kinda liked that she could stand up for her self and show her dominance.  Her eye color changed to a hazel brown confirming the fact that her other side is ware wolf. What on earth have I gotten myself into.

"Stay and you will find out." I found myself saying before I could hold myself. There we go again with the stupidity. She never blinked nor shifted her gaze. Her eyes were beautiful wether brown or blue. 

Not feeling threatened by my...threat she tilted her head to the side a bit and gazed deeper into my eyes. Her pupils got deeper. Okay so she has potential alpha in her. That is a rare occurrence.

I took a step closer to her and smirked. "What is your name?" I asked her and waited silently for more of her witty responses. I enjoyed her company and that is something new. I should probably stop before I actually start to like her.

"Luna." She took a step closer to me. Luna What a beautiful name. I quickly wiped the smirk of my face and mentally slapped myself. I averted my gaze and immediately regretted it as I have given her the taste of victory. I walked past her and sat at the table behind her.

She stood there for a couple of seconds and looked down that looked at me. Her eyes roamed the class and realized that the class was staring at her including the teacher. She turned red, looked down at her fiddling hands and sat down.

You might be wondering why the teacher did not interfere and stop us. Well because you would be stupid to stop a ware wolf from fighting for dominance and besides that I am thee Andrei Gotham. Everyone who knows me and my family, knows to not mess with us but Luna seems to not have gotten the message.

The teacher continued and I could not help but keep on staring at Luna. I was staring at the back of her head but who cares. I saw something gold faintly glow behind her ear her hair was covering it up a bit but I managed to see what was happening. An A was forming behind her ear. It took some time for me to register what it was but anyone could tell it was an alpha mark but what I did not understand was why was it gold. Alpha marks are usually silver and a retired alpha is bronze and a potential had a black mark. Hers was gold what did that mean.

She slightly turned her head barely facing me did she feel the mark forming. I was not sure if it hurt or had any feeling at all after all I am not a fucking dog.

She abruptly stood up and got out of class. I wanted to get up and run after her but I stopped myself. I am a Gotham after all running after girls is not in our blood. The class felt empty without her presence it was cold and not welcoming.

I pushed her out of my head and started writing down the notes that were on the board. Apparently they were important as they will guid us through the upcoming tests to every subject or something like that.

The bell rang and it was time for first period. I shoved my book in my bag and slung it over my shoulder and I walked out of class quickly not wanting to be tormented by my brothers.