
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 1

11 years later.

"Aunt Scarlett we got a letter," I yelled as I made my way back inside.

"Really." Aunt Scarlett said in disbelief. It was quite rare that we got any mail considering we live in the middle of the forest away from civilization. I have never seen anyone either than my aunt. As far as I'm concerned we are in isolation from the world.

Aunt Scarlett opened the letter and read the contents in it. She dropped the letter and her mouth was left hanging open. She left and took a seat.

I picked up the letter from the floor.




From: Angels § Demons Academy

To: Luna Starr

We are pleased to inform you that a spot in Angels § Demons Academy is open. We would like you to fill in the spot. We went through your academics and you are A§D Academy material. We would love for you to join our academy. You are due to leave in three days. A car will be there to pick you up and be ready.




I let the words of the letter process in my mind. How did they find us? I mean I was homeschooled by my Aunt my entire life. I have never had any human or mythical creature interaction. My aunt has educated me about everything from humans to animals to mythology and so on. I know that my mom was an aurorath and so am I. My aunt is a witch and half werewolf and my family consists of one witch and one werewolf that I have not had the pleasure to meet.

My aunt told me that my father was a vampire which is why my vampire powers were the first to come. An aurorath is a mystical being that was said to be extinct after the death of my mother. An aurorath is known to have every mystical being power in them. They tend to have a werewolf, Angel, Demon, witch, siren, And kitsune powers in them. So far I have only unlocked my vampire, ware wolf, kitsune, and witch side the rest are yet to be discovered.

"Aunty." I go to the living room and take a seat opposite Aunt Scarlett.

"Yes, honey."

"What does this letter mean?"

"It means that you have to leave and I can't be with you anymore. I was afraid this moment will come."

"So what now?"

"Well I have taught you everything I know from martial arts to fencing, how to control your thirst, I have taught you every spell known to man, how to transform into an a werewolf without feeling any pain and I have taught you academics."

She looked at me with a smile. "I guess it's time I let you go. I have taught you everything I can it is time for someone else to take over."

"I will miss you, Auntie." I smiled at her and sit next to her then I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Now don't act like this is the last time I will be seeing you."

I smile at her. "Do you know anything about the school?" I ask my aunt.

"Well, you will be meeting more of our family."

"Huh," I say shocked. "What do you mean?"

"My brother, your uncle owns the school and he is the headmaster. I have not been in contact with him for some time now but he and your mom were close. He is a good guy and he is the youngest in the family."

My family tree is extremely complicated. All I know is that my mom has three siblings. My Aunt Jasmine, my uncle which whom I am going to meet John, and my other aunt Stella. Aunt jasmine is the oldest, then comes my mom, then my aunt Stella and the last born is John.

I know that my grandparents are still alive. My grandma is a ware-wolf and my grandpa is a warlock. This is why my aunt was a mix of both, my mother an aurorath, my uncle a warlock, and Stella a ware wolf.

If two different types of mythical creatures mate. They could either give out a hybrid or the child can inherit power from one of the parents.

As far as I know, all aurorath's have gone extinct and I am the only one left since my mother died. I don't know my dad all I know is that he was a vampire one of the most wanted vampires which is why he had to go into hiding.

"I am going to go for a run so that I can get rid of this extra energy I have."

"Okay honey don't stray out too far."

"I'll be running I won't go far after all I have lived here all my life I know where our territory ends."

There is a wolf pack a few miles deep into the forest and as far as I know, they don't like people on their territory and tend to kill people they do not recognize at first interaction.

I strip down to my underwear as I start my transformation into an aware wolf to avoid ripping any of my clothes.

I run for miles in circles making sure not to cross the territory line.

I come back after running two miles in six minutes. When I come back I get dressed in the clothes I took off and go to the training bunker that's right next to our house.

I go down the stairs and go straight to the punching bag. I throw a few punches and kicks then I get the weights. When I'm done I start to practice my fencing I call out on my witch powers and make an opponent  I usually kick and punch but he also has skills and comes right back.

I do some fencing then I practice my magic. I call out on the elements of nature. Most witches are gifted in only one or two elements and it is very rare to find one with all elements unlocked but they make up for that with the spells in the Bible. We call them bibles because we recite them as much as Christians recite the word of the lord. They are our spellbooks. We all know the four elements which are air, water, earth, and fire.

"You should work on your kitsune powers after all you only got them a few days back. You try and earn the other eight tails." A kitsune usually has a maximum of nine tails, you gain a tail every time you transform so far I only have one tail.

Kitsunes are known as a myth they have never been seen before even my mom as an aurorath was never able to unlock her kitsune side.

"Is that part of me really important?"

"A kitsune was just a Japanese legend before I met you we have not unlocked the powers of your kitsune but just the transformation."

"What are the powers?"

"The only thing I could find on the urban legend is that a kitsune has healing powers meaning we have to do a lot more research on its other powers may be your new school will help."

"Maybe but my witch side already had healing powers."

"Yes but a witch uses herbs and the elements of nature were as a kitsune has mystical powers and does not need an energy source."

"Hmm okay fine I'll keep on trying to transform again."

"Good I'll be inside making dinner."

I smiled at aunt jasmine and continued trying to transform into my kitsune.

I spent two hours trying to transform but it seems whatever I do it just won't happen. I punched the back to reales the frustration of not being able to turn so I went to bed without dinner.