
The meaning of time(promo)

What is time? I've wondered for year's trying to find the answer that fits the mold. "time" some would say "time is what you make of it" or "time is an allusion" a made up concept made by scientist to hold up formaity in everyday society, a term made by people who suspect the worse from others. But the one I like the most was told by an older man "time is just a thing we value it has no meaning nor a solid mold, but people take time for grated.Others wish they had more.its what you make of time that shows the true meaning, but that meaning might not always be good."

Though on the outer lining of what he said that to other people it just mean" Time is what you make of it," but I knew he meant much more, as if he knew more then he was letting on so I held onto his words.

To me what that man said that day filled in all of the blacks "time" although has no form and no meaning doesn't mean it can't have meaning, make it meaningful make others wish they had the time. We can't make time, but we can get it back. From the Angelaium.

I'll bring the Angelaium to earth once again.