

Angela was on her way to Mandala restaurant where she was supposed to be at 1 pm. Rebecca was to remain in car to record Arian's conversation with Angela who had bluetooth on her person. Her car was whizzing past the traffic when, all of a sudden, a speeding bike swerved across and the rider signaled her to pull over. She braked her car on the light traffic road at his gesture. He pulled a gun at her, asking her to get out of the car. She swiftly emerged as directed and looked at him. He accosted her and put his gun to her temple.

He whispered, "Make with your cell phone, baby!"

Rebecca was still seated in the front composed and relaxed. She was sure of her mistress. Angela was best at Kungfu and Martial arts, she was only twenty five, but she was not short on brains.

Angela twisted his arm in the blink of an eye and yanked at the pistol. He leapt at her with all his strength, failing to strike her. Angela performed a backflip, deflecting his blows. She charged at his posture and punched his lights out. He crashed to the ground hard-blown. Rebecca got out to pick up the pistol with a handkerchief. They resumed their seats and drove off to Mandala.

In the restaurant, Arian was waiting for her. She reached his table and was greeted with a smile. Arian had something to tell her about his late father. He narrated, "My dad loved me. He had no rivals in business. Even, he was a necromancer. How was he poisoned and killed?" Arian broke down in tears.

"I think you have something to tell me. Please come to the point!"

"A week before his death he told me that he was cheated. I was shocked. He was disheartened and disconcerted. He told me that his friend, Mr. Mathew, had shattered his trust and his wife, I mean, my step mom, had been cheating on him for years." Arian stopped short.

"How do I believe you? Any proof!" She demanded.

"Yes, my step sister was also there. You can check with her." Arian assured her.

"How had he not found it out much earlier? By your own account, he could talk to the spirits." Angela argued.

"He learnt necromancy from someone after his car accident, four years back." Arian added.

"Alright!" Angela breathed deeply.

"Thank you for your time! I think this information will help you move on."

She proceeded to her car outside the restaurant and joined Rebecca. They drove to Lawson House thereafter.

On the way, Angela wondered who that rider was, why Arian did not share this latest information of Mr. Andrew's secret of his friend and his wife at Walter's club last night. She thought that perhaps it might have been too embarrassing for him to speak of that secret at the club. Probably, Arian wanted some time to share it. Different ideas flooded her mind en route to Andrew Lawson's residence. Half an hour later, Angela and Rebecca got to his abode. They met Mrs Monica Andrew who was a fashionable lady of 40 and very soft spoken.

"How can I help you?" Monica eyed them, inquiring about their visit to her.

"This is Angela Jones! I'm a detective from Anti-crime agency. I want to know the reason for late Andrew's death. Was he sick? Was he suicidal?"

"Nothing of the sort he was. He was a lovely family man. He had a heart arrest." Monica satisfied Angela's curiosity.

"How long have you been married?" Angela asked as if she were an anchor person.

"We have been married for 18 years. We loved each other. We were a happy family. His death has already been investigated and the police have closed the case. It was a heart failure. He was a cheery fellow. He had no business problems either." Monica retorted.

"Thank you for your cooperation and time." She expressed.

Rebecca looked around Mr. Andrew's bungalow, thinking of any possible clue that might have escaped the closed police probe. Angela did not seem eager about any more enquiries. She was only interested in late Mr. Andrew's recent phone calls.