
Pyrus kills Anne Jones

Angela rushed home panting and gasping. The main gate to Fulmer Villa was open, which indicated to her that someone had entered her home. Without further ado, she ran into her house and found her housemaid lying bleeding on the lounge floor. She felt her pulse flipping her body supine. Her maid was dead now. She dashed towards her mother's room which was illuminated and resounded with loud conversation. The sight of her happy mother confused her mind. She had been assuming the worst all her way home. She backed off, making no noise and hid behind the refrigerator.

"What is this? Who is mum talking to?" Angela asked herself, looking spellbound.

She stayed hidden, popping out her head to get the view of the other person her mother was talking to. That was Angela herself. The sight of herself close to her mother made her shudder; her throat parched, her eyes wide open in disbelief and body completely pale and numb. She froze in terror.

"It must be Pyrus, the imposter, the beast that killed Brian." She thought to herself. By the time her mind was still concluding, she was touched gently. In horror, she turned round and screamed with fright at Devin Yukol just close to her.

"This horror and this terror please me too much. Your confusion, your perplexity and your disconcertment help my slaves with their feeding frenzy. Your mother is dead." Devin raged furiously.

"You can't do this to me! My mom is all the world to me. Say this is false." She choked with high emotions and broke down in tears, sinking down to her knees.

Her happy mother swiftly shape shifted into Narcis and her own self shape shifted into Pyrus. The sorcerer ordered her dead mother's body by clapping. Angela had scarcely mustered her strength when Arian came into sight with Anne Jones's body in his arms. Her mother was brutally mutilated.

She shuffled languishingly to her mother whose words and actions had filled her life with innumerable joys. She reached out to her dead body and gathered her into her arms. Angela began to cry like a small child before her spectators.

"What a play by Miss Angela? What a performance?" Arian clapped amid the tragedy. He continued, "I was a fool, boss, I trusted her. Had you not told me of her plan, I would have been an object of ridicule."

"I was wrong. I hadn't reckoned on your powers. The plan was destructive, but the investigation report was in your favour." She sobbed and gave a pause.

Her vacant eyes rested on Arian's face and she puffed on, "Andrew had left the will for Monica, arresting her for your father's murder was a folly. We remarked in the report your father had died intestate, the will was a forgery on her part. All business and property was yours. "

"Nevertheless you carried out my wish, you were against me. It was short-lived. You were going to trap me soon." Arian rapped at her.

The wizard seemed indifferent to this conversation and stormed out followed by Arian, leaving a grieving daughter defeated and devastated.

She looked at her mother's lifeless face, kissed her forehead and swore to avenge her murder. She was unable to move a limb with her dead mother in her arms. Angela leaned against the wall, traumatized by the episode. Meanwhile, the police and news channels had surrounded Fulmer Villa, her residence.

The news that Miss Angela Jones's mother and housemaid were murdered by alleged Jason's gang in her absence had spread like wild fire. Amid the din of police vans and hospital ambulance her office driver arrived only to see Angela and talk to her. Anti-crime agency team officers pleaded with high officials there to allow them to talk to her, as it was urgent.

In the house, the paramedic staff had picked up both the corpses and stretchered them off. Angela was carried into her room and seated in a recliner by the side table. She realized that she had responsibilities for her life and parent. Suddenly, her eyes met the wrist watch which was gifted to her dearest mother the other day. Her eyes wandered over the watch as she extended her hands to it. The watch reminded her of that lovely evening she had brought it for her mother. Angela felt and fondled her mother's watch until she noticed the emblem of 'Gems of Rumaan' under the dial.

Her close look at her mother's watch determined that there were precious gems in the dial of the watch. She stood up, closed the door under the pretense of going to sleep and returned to examine it. Her words of idle mind issued from her lips while scrubbing the dial and looking at it. All of a sudden, her room was filled with some uncanny pall of fog forming in a light figure of indeterminate configuration. As soon as the pall cleared, Angela was able to see a humongous cloudy bear-like figure that she believed to have appeared from this watch.

"Whatever it is. It must serve me now." She mumbled, glaring at the cloudy energy as if wanting to master it. No sooner had she moved her gaze than the magnificent energy entered her body and mind. She felt herself levitating a little. Angela lit on the idea of putting this watch on her right hand. She wore it, absorbing all the energies from it under the sway of its gems. Her mind began to command her faculties most strongly.

Her vision began to move furniture in her room. She resolved to keep it secret.

Out of Fulmer Villa Angela's colleagues were still seeking the permission from the police officers for their entry which was eventually granted. Mr. Hudson Royal and Faizan Akhter were allowed to talk to her. Their ingress into her room was a relief to Angela. Her chief offered his condolences to her avuncularly, but she wanted to know of Rebecca and the finger ring. The office driver, Faizan Akhter, told her about the gem having blown into the cemetery church. He said that Devin could not get it and that emerald was still in the church. He also told Angela about Rebecca's death. They stopped as Angela burst into sobs and tears. Mr. Hudson and the latter were too overrun to say anymore. They left her and made their way, hoping for Angela to come to terms with this grave consternation.

Angela got out of her room and expressed her wish to join in with her team to carry out her duty with earnest humbleness.