
Angel knight Awaken

 Sword raised, ready to defend herself to her last breath.

"Come on, you foul cur!" she shouts.

She swiftly thwarted the attack from the mysterious figure and without hesitation, severed his head from his neck.

It was Stormy while the sea was raging around. The dragon knight warship sets sail towards the white knight ship as they met at the centers point of an island sea away from Amazon paradise island 

Thousands of Ferocious knight attacks themselves to claim the king of the Amazon sea . As for many days the battle keeps escalating.

Meanwhile Ellie Whitevel, an orphanage, who was from the white knight of the Amazon paradise, mercilessly dispatched the men aboard the dragon knight warship, though the pain in her chest left her feeling drained. 

The Dragon knight, a great adversary that threatening to claims the Amazon sea and the beautiful paradise Of the Island.

Pozzo Fortnite, a commander, who led Hundreds of white knight warships, was concerned about Ellie battling with the rest on their enemy's warship alone, as he approached her by the ship's anchor.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," Ellie replied, her voice tinged with solitude. "I just feel lost."

Pozzo reassured her, his hand resting on her shoulder as he let his sword fall against the iron anchor. His calming presence eased Ellie's anxiety.

"I can't awaken my power," Ellie admitted with frustration. "I don't know how to do it."

Pozzo met her gaze, determination in his eyes. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out together."

Ellie's intensive training alongside the White Knight had honed her skills to perfection. As the sole female warrior, she had come to the king's attention as the singular hope to rescue their kingdom and vanquish the formidable Dragon Knight, who threatened to engulf them all in a relentless battle.

Pozzo, on the other hand, held the esteemed position of second-in-command among the White Knights. His commanding presence was marked by great strength and towering stature.

In the midst of the battle, it was only to Pozzo that Ellie would lend her ear, for she had reached a point of despair, and he was her unwavering source of strength and guidance.

Together with thousands of White Knight Warriors, Ellie stood as the guardian of the distant Red Sea, a realm far removed from the heart of the Amazon kingdom.

Their mission was to shield this precious expanse from any threat that dared to encroach upon it.

As the conflict raged on, Ellie sought refuge behind the anchor, accompanied by her steadfast ally, the White Knight Warrior. Their formidable adversary, the Dragon Knight, posed a grave threat to the sea.

They were steadily gaining strength in their quest to seize control of the Amazon island. The king's hopes rested solely on Ellie and her yet-untapped power, for only she could save their kingdom from this impending peril.

One of the Dragon Knights, relentless in his pursuit, scaled the warship's deck and closed in on Ellie. The moment was fraught with tension as their eyes locked in a deadly standoff. The Dragon Knight swiftly drew his sword, the blade gleaming with malevolence. Ellie instinctively took a step back, her heart pounding in her chest.

The Dragon Knight wasted no time, launching a vicious attack. Ellie's reflexes kicked in, and she managed to parry his initial strikes. However, the Dragon Knight's relentless assault left her staggering. In a moment of vulnerability, his sword found its mark, plunging deep into her abdomen.

Time seemed to slow as agony surged through Ellie's body. She let out a piercing cry, her sword slipping from her grasp as she collapsed to the deck. Gasping for breath, she clutched her wounded stomach, her vision blurred by tears of pain.

The world around her faded into a haze as she fought to stay conscious.

Ellie's world seemed to blur as she clutched her stomach, the pain almost unbearable. In a horrifying turn of events, another Dragon Knight ascended onto the warship, his eyes filled with malevolence. With cruel precision, he drove his sword deep into Ellie's chest. Her gasp of agony was cut short as she fell to the deck, a grim darkness descending around her.

Pozzo, with a roar of anguish that echoed through the tumultuous battle, ascended with a rare, unwavering determination. "No!! Ellie!" he bellowed. In a swift and decisive move, he engaged the knights surrounding her. Desperation and grief fueled Pozzo as he fought valiantly to protect Ellie, his sword a whirlwind of fury.

But fate had its own cruel plan. As the battle raged on, Ellie's last breath slipped away, leaving her lifeless on the deck. Pozzo, tears streaming down his face, cradled her form, his heart heavy with sorrow. He had yearned to witness Ellie unlock her dormant power, but destiny had snatched her away. Now, he clung to the determination to honour her memory and carry on her legacy in the relentless battle that still engulfed them.

As the battle raged on into the night, Pozzo, cradling Ellie's lifeless form, made a daring escape from the warship. With every step, he navigated the chaos, determined to find a moment of respite for her in the midst of the relentless conflict. 

The moon cast an eerie glow over the battlefield as Pozzo finally laid Ellie gently on the ground. Around them, the battle continued, a relentless dance of steel and magic that showed no signs of abating.

The hours passed, and the darkest depths of night slowly gave way to the first faint light of dawn. The world began to emerge from the shroud of darkness, revealing the devastation of the battleground. But the battle itself showed no signs of yielding, as warriors on both sides fought with unwavering resolve.

Pozzo, his eyes filled with grief and determination, knew that they could not rest. With the first rays of daylight breaking on the horizon, he gently lifted Ellie once more, his heart heavy with the weight of their mission. The battle for the Red Sea and the fate of the Amazon kingdom continued to unfurl as the world awakened to a new day, and Pozzo carried Ellie forward, determined to honour her memory and fulfil their destiny

 As Pozzo knelt, diligently crafting a grave for Ellie, a sudden and blinding lightning strike descended from the heavens. In an instant, the bolt of electricity arced through the air, striking him with unimaginable force. Pozzo was hurled backward, propelled far from the sea's edge, and the distant ship trembled under the shockwave. 

The two knights, undeterred by the elemental fury, continued their relentless battle, locked in combat amidst the chaos of nature's wrath, as if the very elements themselves were torn between their struggle.

Amidst the electrifying turmoil, Ellie's lifeless form underwent a profound transformation. She defied gravity's grasp, ascending toward the heavens with each electric surge. Her body sprouted colossal iron feathers from her back, resembling celestial wings. Her attire metamorphosed into a resplendent white ensemble, and her hair cascaded into a flowing mane. 

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