The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.
Next morning,
In the Yaoyorozu mansion, everyone was up and about doing their own things. Only two were still in bed, it was already eight and to be still in bed is something only one person can get away with, the young master of the family, Yuki Yaoyorozu.
Everyone had already gathered at the breakfast table, and to see Yuki missing was not that uncommon considering the schedule that allowed him very little sleep and leisure, Momo looked at her mother and the two shared a glance and the latter just nodded with a smile.
Momo stood up with a smile and dashed out of the dining hall with Mellissa and Himiko in tow, one dash to Yuki's room later, the trio was standing outside a beautifully carved wooden door with a maid standing outside to attend to Yuki's needs, should he need something.
The maid bowed seeing the Yaoyorozu princess and stepped aside in curtsy, knowing that the princess had a habit of not knocking on Yuki's door and just that happened. Momo, with practiced ease, barged into Yuki's room and hopped to his bed to see a sight that made her lose any and all words.
Mellissa and Himiko stretched their necks to see what had Momo so shocked, they were welcomed by a beautiful sight that they were sure they could never forget. Yuki was sleeping so peacefully and, in his arms, a little girl with a content smile.
Momo took out her phone and started snapping pictures from all possible and impossible angles, but she was still not satisfied, she used her quirk and made a top-of-the-line DSLR and began clicking madly with a smitten look on her face.
The shutter sounds made the two frown a bit and they woke up with dazed eyes and lazy expressions, the three were even more surprised to see that the two before them had similar expressions, similar to the point of an uncanny resemblance.
Momo snapped another few pictures while Eri, who was now looking around to see that this was not her room and there were people who she did not know. Where was she and who were they, would they hurt her as Chisaki did, would they be good people, was she finally safe? Away from that nightmare?
A million thoughts coursed through her little head, but just when she was about to have a panic attack, she found herself in a warm embrace, the same one that had given her a night without pain and nightmares, she looked up to see her in the arms of a man who had silver hair, much like her, but only more shiny along with a very handsome face and mesmerizing azure eyes.
"Shhh~ You are alright, nobody will hurt you now. You are safe, you are safe Eri." Yuki spoke in a gentle voice that warmed the hearts of those that heard him.
Eri shuddered at the words and tightened her embrace around Yuki as she silently sobbed. Yuki softly caressed her back, consoling her with gentle hands.
The trio who were about to bomb Yuki with a barrage of questions stopped themselves and kept looking at the endearing scene before them, they were happy, confused, and curious, but at the same time, a little jealous. Jealous that Yuki never showed warmth like this, even though he was always kind and polite, he had never shown them such care.
They really wanted to be in Eri's place, to be loved and consoled like that by Yuki, but they understood, all three of them were smart girls, seeing Eri's hospital gown and the bandages on her limbs, they knew that more than any of them, Eri needed that kindness, now more than ever.
"Momo, I better get a copy of all those images after breakfast and the rest of you, out. I will meet you guys at the table, now let me and Eri get dressed up." Yuki picked them up with telekinesis and placed them outside the room and closed the door behind them.
He turned to Eri and found her looking at him with a confused expression. He placed her down on the bed and smiled at her.
"Hello Eri-chan, my name is Yuki Yaoyorozu and you might have a lot of questions for me, so ask away as I help you get out of this outrageous gown." Yuki smiled as Eri floated up and her bandages got unwrapped, shocking her even more than her scars and injuries were gone with the pain, vanished as if they were just a bad nightmare.
"U-Um, did you save me from those bad men?" she asked with a shaky voice.
"Yes, I did, along with a few others. So, let me tell you Eri, you are free and nobody will ever hurt you again. Well, seeing that we have similar hair, what do you think about me adopting you?" Seeing the confused face of Eri who was facing a huge dilemma, Yuki smiled, "don't worry about your quirk, mine is stronger and I will stick with you till you learn to control your quirk, regardless of your choice."
Eri was dressed up in a nice floral dress that made her look super adorable and the brush was brushing her hair neatly. Yuki simply walked to the bathroom and beckoned Eri to follow him.
The two brushed their teeth as Eri tried to imitate Yuki and did things as he did. Yuki simply chuckled at the sight and had a flash of brilliance, he called in the maids and asked them to get a set of clothes Momo used to wear when she was young.
The kind that the nobles particularly wore on formal occasions, after growing up Momo had shifted to a more informal style of clothing but Yuki stuck to the formals and that suited him perfectly. Yuki changed into a white shirt and black trousers with matching black belts and boots.
The maids helped Eri change into a similar white shirt and black skirt with white socks and black shoes. She looked so similar to Yuki that they really looked like they were related.
The two put on white gloves and stood before the mirror to make a few final adjustments, Eri was thrilled to see how amazing she looked in the mirror, a tear leaked from her eye as she looked at Yuki, her expression asking him if it was really okay for her to be so pretty, for her to be so happy, to be loved.
Yuki simply knelt down to match her height and wiped her tears with his handkerchief and looked into her eyes.
"Little miss Eri, are you willing to take me as your father and my family as yours?" Yuki smiled with a playful voice.
She simply nodded.
Want some fillers???
Or should I jump the gun with AFO >?>
Anyways, just give some nice reviews and comments...
POWERSTONES are a must !!