
Anew Novel Puppeteer

Solace, a mostly unknown solo open-world rpg game that Murata Arata stumbles about. After a freak accident that results in his untimely demise, he suddenly finds himself reincarnated in the game. And whether he wants to or not, he will have to play. Otherwise, he and the world will disappear completely. Inspired by Hell Mode (Expected 5 Chapters Every Week)

RoyalJest · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Solace

Murata Arata ferociously but precisely clicked on the keys of his keyboard. Currently, he was playing a solo open-world rpg game, dubbed 'Solace.' It wasn't a popular game but Murata enjoyed it nevertheless. The game was nothing unique, just your average rpg levelling system and demon king shenanigans. One thing that did make it stand out to him though, was the almost absurd amount of classes. In fact, he was pretty sure that this game had the most classes out of any rpg game ever.

Each class was listed alphabetically, as in the first letter of a class would go into that letter list. For example, Mage would go into M or Swordsman would go into S. There were so many classes that a lot of these classes weren't even separate classes and more of branches or variations to the majority classes. There was a Magic Swordsman, which was just a mix between Mage and Swordsman. Then, there would be another class like Sorcerer, which is literally exactly the same from Mage, except from a few status effects and stats.

Murata couldn't even get through all of them with the absurd amount of classes there were. He ended up just picking one randomly, which was Chaos Jester.

Murata began to lose track of time, getting more immersed and immersed in the game. It had been a while since Murata actually had fun, moving away from those P2Ws and competitive games. Then suddenly, while he was playing, a prompt appeared on screen.

[Player! Please save our world!]


"Huh? What's this?"

Murata looked at the prompt in confusion.

"Must be an important quest or something...."

Nevertheless, Murata decided to click yes. Shortly after that, the screen would become bright white, nearly blinding Murata. Then without warning, he would hear a loud crash before he would suddenly lose consciousness.

What would your class be?

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