
Andy: A world unknown

Deborah_Lesuanu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Andy

"Mama it hurts" Andy screamed out. "Don't worry honey, it's just gonna hurt for a little while" Andy's mum, Racheal said. "She's got no healing abilities so please take it easy on her" Raphael added after he noticed the amount of tears that left Andy's eyes after her squint. Andy had fallen off a tree while playing outside with her brothers Alex and Cisco, who suggested she climbed higher to catch a woodpecker that had landed close to the tree top. The crash from the fall was so loud that Racheal heard it and immediately ran outside to get her little baby.

Andy was six and had no special abilities like her family or the villagers. Everyone in the village had a special ability that was awakened at the age of ten, but some of them awakened their ability from birth. This set of children came once in 80 years and were given a mantle of leadership which made them elders of the community.

Alex and Cisco were eleven and fifteen years respectively. Alex had color magic, which was the ability to manipulate colors, create illusions, and alter properties of objects while Cisco had nature harmony. He could control and communicate with nature and animals.

"There. We're all done" Rachael said after she placed the bandage over her daughter's scraped knee, she let out a sigh of relief, glad that the cleaning and caring was finally done.

"When do I get my abilities mama" Andy asked sadly, even though she knew she wasn't old enough yet. "Soon enough darling..." Raphael said as he held up her right hand "...and you'll be the best at what you do" he added with a wide smile.

"So...what abilities would Andy like to have?" Rachael asked her little girl. "I'll stop time" Andy innocently and shyly said as she used both her palms to cover her face. "Why that honey?" Her curious mother asked another question. "Because I'll be able to stop Mama's food from getting burnt," she said shyly again. Just then Rachael realized that she had left their dinner on fire to attend to Andy's injury. "Shoot!" she said after she noticed how smoke-filled the kitchen had gotten.


The sadness on Andy's face was slowly becoming more than what they had all expected. "What can be done?" Raphael asked an old-looking man who was known to be the only palm reader in the village. He could tell anyone's solution, fault, and future by just staring at their palm. His name was Thadeus. "I'm afraid nothing else can be done about Andy's situation" Thadeus replied.

"What did he say?" Rachael asked her husband immediately after he came back home from the palm reader that day. "Is there a way out? Will she get them at all?" she asked again sounding more worried than the first time she had asked. "I'm afraid not my love..." he replied as he held both of Rachael's hands "...he said nothing can be done. I'm afraid Andy's stuck being just human with no abilities. "What!" Andy exclaimed. Apparently she had been standing at the entrance to their room and they hadn't noticed her presence until then. "it's okay darling. We'll find another..." Andy ran out before her dad could complete his sentence. She was devastated.

Everyone gets their ability at the age of ten and some immediately after birth, except Andy.

She has to struggle with the fact that she can never gain her abilities like others or strive to find out the reasons behind her misfortune

Deborah_Lesuanucreators' thoughts