

Andronika spent most of her life living with her aunt who mistreated her but what happens when he finally leaves home and discovers something shocking about her origins?

blue_bookworm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Drain her

In a room designed with gold vases and priceless ancient paintings, a long tables with chairs made from silver, a massive throne sat at the middle it was black and red and many carvings on it especially that of dragons .it exuded a powerful aura.

One wouldn't know if it's the throne itself or the man sitting on it that exudes such an intimidating aura but most would go with the latter. His name was Balthazar, possibly the strongest being to ever exist.

His trusted servant Puck walked in and gave a deep bow but his usually straightened back slouched and shuddered a little bit, you could tell it was out of nervousness.

Well ? the man on the throne asked with a raised brow, his expression unreadable as always.

The prophetess said not to touch her until she's conscious, puck

it's been a whooping 31 days and she's still laying there useless, Balthazar barked. I have waited more than 400 years to find this flimsy descendant, to think the descendants of the Almighty one would look so tacky, he scoffed, he then suddenly stood up.

We'll go through with the extraction whether or not she's conscious or not, Balthazar said.

But sire that's dangerous, the prophetess clearly said not to touch her in her state, especially now she just manifeste, puck said .

I am Balthazar, I have been here before the Almighty himself walked among his creation, I am the most powerful man in the world and even the magic surrounding her will shudder in my presence, since you're so scared, I'll do it myself, I don't need you or some carnival fortune teller, He replied with his voice booming through the throne room.

If I had listened to everything that dammed woman had to say, I wouldn't have made it this far, Balthazar said, storming out of the room with Puck hot on his trail.













