
Ancient world biochip

hundred years ago, humans discovered the ancient world. it is the origin of all species, humans included, it is also the origin of the supernatural. A young man discovered a strange black bead in the ancient world. he will gradually unravel the mystery of this world and possibly change the fate of his kinds.

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17 Chs

the price of picking on weaker opponent

Something strange was happening to him, and Teitei knew it.

It was not only about the fact that he had been unable to move for a while now.

Perhaps, it was because of the biochip, perhaps it was because of this strange assimilation process he was going through, perhaps it was because he was facing a life and death crisis.

In any case, Teitei strangely felt that the things were moving in slow motion. The snake, in front of him with its outstretched 'mouth', the sweat droplet that was falling from his nose.

It seemed like his perception of speed had increased, in turn, things around him seemed to slow down.

At this point, the snake was already close, and Teitei knew that it was going to bite him somewhere between the neck and the shoulder, he just needed to tilt his head to the side to escape certain death.

The ancient green mamba was not a big snake, his body just measured a little more than one meter long, and his head that seemed to continuously grow in Teitei's field of view was only the size of a tennis ball.

At this moment, Teitei had many regrets, many things that he wanted to do, and many people that he wanted to meet again. As he was feeling powerless, their faces started to appear In his mind. He knew that he could not wait for another miracle, he needed to find a way out of this situation.

The venom of the snake knowns as the Ancient green mamba could kill someone with fitness under 10 like himself in less than 30 seconds.

Even more aggravating, was the fact, that the snake did not need its venom to kill Teitei, just with a good attack angle It could finish him off with its great biting power.

Although Teitei had not completely, given up. It seemed like it was already too late even if he regained the ability to move, Teitei knew that he would not be able to evade, much less defend himself. He was simply not fast enough.

" If I am going to die, I am going to need to be able to move and I will bring it down with me" Teitei's thoughts moved at lightspeed, as a ruthless light that should not be seen on a youth appeared in his eyes.

As if the heavens were answering his prayers, Teitei suddenly regained the feeling of his body and his fingers twitched. His right hand contracted around the Devil mantis blade.

The next moment, his hands moved with the intention of mutual destruction.

In the blink of an eye, the world seemed to lose its stillness, things started to move in a blue and Teitei felt once again like a normal human.

The next moment, Teitei's eyes were drenched with blood as were the other part of his face.

He felt a slight pain in his shoulder. He looked and saw two little holes, with black liquid oozing out of them. He had been poisoned but at least he was still alive.

Teitei looked at the ground, there lying in a pool of blood were the two halves of the snake corpses.

At the critical moment, he had been able to move the blade so that it will occupy the little space between the snake's mouth and his skin.

He had intercepted the attack of the snake with unbelievable ease, using the blade. The attack of the latter had turned against it and caused its doom.

The most amazing thing was the level of weapon mastery that Teitei had shown. It was not done intentionally, only by reflexes as if his body has been conditioned by years of training and building of muscle memories.

" I hope that the biochip has a solution..."

While seeing this he quickly crawled toward his backpack on the side.

Inside there was a small case with a syringe and a blue-colored liquid inside it.

It was a basic antidote, it worked against most of the poison of common grade beast, but there were always exceptions, and the ancient green Mamba was one of them.

Teitei knew full well that the shot of antidote could not cure him. It could only give him more time, but not enough to go to the settlement to receive treatment.

At least, Teitei did not feel any heartache while using the shot of antidote worth 310 F. It was to save his life after all.

Analyze the host's Physical parameters...

Host ?#?#??###??

Status: poisoned

Fitness: 11

Dexterity: 12

Resistance: 9 '

Hunger points remaining: 0,5'

His fitness had increased by 2 points, it was the same for his resistance. Teitei knew that an increase in resistance will give him more time before the tissues of his organism could start to get decomposed by the venom. It was his dexterity that had known the most increase as its value had doubled.

Sadly, Teitei was not in the mood to celebrate right now.

'poison detected in the host body...

0,4 hunger points required to Analyse the poisons'

Teitei accepted without excitation.

'Analyse the host Physical parameters...

Time remaining before death 1 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds

In 30 minutes host #?#?#?#14 will lose its ability to move following the disfunctionment of the hearth and the lack of oxygen supply

20 pangs of hunger point required for treatment'  the cold and cruel mechanical voice was heard once again.

" Where do I find 20 pangs of hunger points? Will I need to hunt?"

Teitei's gaze fell on the corpse of the snake. Even though it was considered one of the most powerful among the common beast, it remained a common beast.

Teitei doubted that by eating it, he could obtain the twenty hunger points required. The common beast that had given him the biggest amount of hunger points by kilogram was the big rabbit that had once been the host of the mutated biochip.

He had only gained a little more than 5 hunger points at that time.

Teitei felt his heartbeat increase due to the stress, he also discovered that had that moment the time remaining before his death shown by the biochip was going down at a faster rate.

" The more I get agitated the less time, I have. It will certainly be the same if I start moving around. I can't even move.

In this case..."

Teitei looked once more at the snake corpse, there was no feeling of gratification, there was also no more hesitation in his heart.