
Ancient world biochip

hundred years ago, humans discovered the ancient world. it is the origin of all species, humans included, it is also the origin of the supernatural. A young man discovered a strange black bead in the ancient world. he will gradually unravel the mystery of this world and possibly change the fate of his kinds.

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17 Chs

8- Weapon aquired

Teitei initially felt that spending 800 Francs on a weapon all at once was the most painful experience in his life.

But all his doubts disappeared when he took hold of the Green devil mantis blade in his hands.

It was not because he felt particularly good with the season that looked like something in between a short saber and a long dagger between his hands.

Teitei had never learned any dagger skills in the past and until now he had been using his daggers with his half-baked skill.

What shocked Teitei was the behavior of the biochip in his body. It had been relatively calm until now. But as soon as the weapon touched his skin he received a notification both visually and mentally from the biochip.

At this moment, from an outside perspective, Teitei seemed to be deep in tough, looking at his dagger while he was just trying to understand the message sent by the biochip.

' ADN similar to previous host #?#?#?#?#4 detected

Permission is required to merge ADN

Compatibility 16%'

" is it talking about the ADN of the Red devil Mantis in the blade? What is the DNA merging and what is that compatibility thing". Teitei was confused.

While trying to not show anything on the surface, he was actually greatly scared. He did not know what will happen If the 'DNA merged' at the same time he did not dare to remain silent, he still remembered what happened the other time when he did not give any answer.

After evolving, The Biochip seemed to have surpassed his initial code. To survive, it needed a host and as ancient beasts did not know how to use a biochip, they needed to learn how to apply a procedure without the permission of the host.

" This is just a time bomb," thought Teitei internally.

" what will happen if the ADN is merged, what does it mean" Teitei simply decided to ask the biochip.

" answering: assimilation, creation of a link"

" This explanation is almost useless. What is the meaning of assimilation and link creation?" Teitei asked once more.

' answering: Merging of DNA'

Teitei frowned as the explanations were as 'precise' as ever.

At this moment, he almost wanted to find the biochip in his body and get rid of it.

" is it possible to get rid of you?" Teitei asked in annoyance.


Biochip #?#?#?# is linked with #?#?#?#?#? 14's DNA

The link will disappear after host #?#?#?#?#14 is dead'

Teitei gritted his teeth.

' in this case, stop the merging of DNA for now" Teitei ordered mentally.

' process of DNA merging stopped

200 Hunger points will be needed for the next merging'

Teitei sighed in relief when he saw that he had managed to stop the process.

" it was dangerous just now. I almost had a heart attack" Teitei thought.

He had long decided to not completely place his trust on the strange biochip. Even more so when it was related to his DNA. DNA research had become an important research field since the discovery of the ancient world. But as humans played with nature, they made many mistakes that caused chaos in the main World.

Teitei never did not have any plan to become an experimental subject, at least for the near future.


" Do not worry, you made the right choice"

Teitei heard Big Bob who was trying to reassure him from the side.

" But a good weapon is not enough. You should also gain some martial training before going to hunt deeper into the wilderness.

If you want, I can recommend you to someone that I know" Big Bob said quickly.

Teitei just shook his head.

At this moment, Teitei felt strange. It was the first time that someone had treated him so warmly since he arrived in the ancient world without taking advantage of him. Teitei remembered all the warnings that he had received before he came here.

That woman had said that, in the ancient world, the most dangerous things were not the Beast but rather humans. Even though he had never fully experienced it,  he had always believed in that woman's world.

She had also told him that free pie never fell from the sky and that the kinder someone appeared toward you, the more they wanted something from you.

Still, Teitei Felt touched. He thanked Bib Bob sincerely. He did not have anything to give to the other party. Teitei did not give his contact information, it was not as if people could make calls in the ancient world anyway.

Bib Bob wanted to hang out, he proposed to bring Teitei around the city and show him some special places.

He had a big grin plastered on his face when he said that. Tietei was quite interested, it was not every day that you could bet the opportunity to meet an experienced hunter that will show teach you useful knowledge.

After all, knowledge was power, and to this day much information about the ancient World we're kept in the hands of a few elites.

Teitei declined after some tough. He had another reason to react like that and it was the new notification sent by the biochip.

' detected that hist #?#?#?##14 had acquired a weapon with the matching characteristic.

Permission is required to deduce a martial art That meets the requirement of Host #?#?#?#?14's body to increase his survivability...

cost: 50 Hunger points '

Teitei was excited that he accepted almost immediately.

A martial arts was the thing that he lacked the most. If he had known some martial arts, he would not have been so miserable while hunting the rabbit.

Teitei calmed himself and remembered that he only had 3,23 hunger points remaining. It was not enough.

Teitei accepted as he wanted to know what will happen when he did not have enough hunger points.

" tentative failed!

Hunger points insufficient'

In the end, the biochip's system was as cold as ever, not giving him any face.

' in the end, I will need to eat more food'

Teitei promised to bring Bib Bob to a meal the next time and they bade farewell to each other.

Teitei went to a familiar place in the market. He looked for the man who had sold him his dagger without success.

Next, he went to the place where he used to bring all the meat that he had obtained until now. He painfully, discovered that the meat Was sold for twice the Price.

(Buying 100 francs of meat, Teitei swore to get stronger so that no one will ever cheat him of his money: author's joke or not)