
Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

A vampire who just woke up after his long hibernation, and found out that he have been hibernating for far too long that the world he knows, and the ones he knew as the strongest race was now extinct and only are stated in legends. Being new to this world watch Vladimir on his journey in this new world as he dominates the world and uncover the mysteries that lies within it. ... This novel is very boring at first 20 or so chapters and my grammar is not really that good but I promised I will try my best to Improve. The Cover is Not Mine... Credits to the owner...

TheUnknownEntity · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

He was the only one on Earth who had vampire blood and at that time humans have become lenient and lazy thus they forgot to strengthen themselves and they also forgot about the vampires. The history about them became legends over the course of time that they did not bother to strengthen themselves anymore which was their natural nature. Their lifespan was only limited to a hundred so from generation to generation the truth about the vampire race had long been forgotten and treated as a legend.

His father already lost his interest in worldly things until he met Ivan's mother who gave birth to Ivan. Thus, after a hundred years Ivan's father died due to old age even though he was a vampire he could not exude his limit after all those years. He also had countless damage in his internal body that made him weaker and it was due to the countless battles he engaged in the Ravaryn world. He could escape it by using his reward but he chose to die instead.