
Ancestral Throne : Building The Strongest Empire In Another World

History tells us that powerful people come from powerful places. History was wrong! Powerful people makes places powerful. ___________________________________ Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cyrus The Great, Attila The Hun. All these people were powerful people who made their countries powerful. ____________________________________ Nexus Astaseul possesses everything that many could only dream of having in a lifetime: a wealthy father and the love of the only person who truly cares for him in the world,his mother. Despite living a life of luxury each day, he learned that life can be unpredictable. At the age of eighteen, he was involved in an accident that resulted in the loss of both of his legs. Despite his father being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, his legs were unable to be restored, and tragically, he also lost his mother in the same accident. Nexus father did not have a close relationship with his mother, as their marriage was based on the benefits it brought to their families. His father's infidelity, even while his mother was alive, strained their family dynamic and contributed to his mother's unhappiness. Following the loss of his legs, Nexus's life took a dramatic turn. His father provided him with a small villa outside the city to reside in. Nexus had a passion for reading from a young age, and he cultivated a vast library in his home. His collection spanned various genres, including politics, business, management, and history. The sheer volume of books in his possession rivaled that of a university library, if not surpassing it in size. He sought solace in his extensive collection of books to alleviate the anguish of losing both his legs and his mother. However, fate seemed to have a cruel sense of humor. At the age of twenty-two, a fire engulfed the villa where he resided. On that fateful day, his caretaker was away visiting her family, leaving him helpless to flee the flames with his immobile legs. Tragically, he perished in the inferno. In the aftermath of his presumed demise, Nexus awoke to find himself in a new and completely different world where his vast library of knowledge resided within his mind. In a world where kingdoms and empires stood tall, conquest reigns supreme. Nexus gazed upon this magnificent world and made a solemn vow to become the greatest conqueror and emperor to have ever existed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Ticket = 2 Bonus Chapters 2 Golden Tickets = 3 Bonus Chapters 3 Golden Tickets = 4 Bonus Chapters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can join my discord server: https : // discord. com/invite/c7hm7hVf

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 9 : Bloodline Fusion ( 1 )

"What?!" Nexus coughed and choked on his food, standing up abruptly with his figure trembling. "Your Highness!" Kassius, Sora, and Nyx were shocked as they watched Nexus with a red face and trembling.

Kassius had an unsightly look on his face, thinking that Nexus was finally feeling the effects of everything he had been through.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Nyx asked with a look of anxiety written all over her face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha "

Nexus suddenly burst into laughter.

"Alright, I'm definitely alright!" He said, stepping forward to hug Nyx and spin her in a circle.

Nyx's face turned red, her heart jumping in wildly in her chest.

Kassius and Sora were bewildered by Nexus's sudden change of demeanor. They had thought he had given in to the pressure of losing his prince status and Cultivation. But now, seeing him so joyful, they were surprised and confuse.

After calming down, Nexus put Nyx down but his face was still red with excitement. He couldn't deny that he had been anxious when he heard he could recover his damaged foundation.

Ever since Jade had told him three days ago, although he had been calm on the surface but inside he was really anxious, waiting for the right moment to fuse with the bloodline. And now, hearing he could finally do it, Nexus couldn't contain his joy.

Looking at Kassius, Sora, and Nyx, whose face was still blushing, Nexus exclaimed, "Grandpa Kassius, I can recover my damaged foundation!"

"What?!" They all exclaimed in shock. Their eyes widened, mouths hanging open in disbelief.

Nyx's blushing face now mirrored their shock and bewilderment.

"Your Highness, is it true?" Kassius asked in a trembling voice. Nexus nodded excitedly in response. "Good, good, good. The Heavens haven't really forsaken us," Kassius said, tears appearing in his eyes. Sora also had tears in her eyes as she smiled.

Regaining his composure, Kassius looked at Nexus. "But Your Highness, how can you recover your damaged foundation? I thought those who drank the Void Water would not be able to cultivate again."

Nexus finally a little calmed down and spoke with a serious expression, "All I can tell you is that I received a supreme opportunity while in a coma. It is a positive development for me and all of us."

"Alright," Kassius nodded, understanding that everyone has their secrets and he could not force Nexus to reveal more.

"I am going back to my room. You all can continue to eat," Nexus said, leaving the room without waiting for a response, almost running.

Kassius and the others exchanged happy smiles, realizing why Nexus was in such a hurry. The news of being able to recover his damaged foundation was overwhelming.


In Nexus's room.

He immediately entered the Origin Tower upon sitting on the bed.

Nexus appeared on the First Floor and called out for Jade impatiently. "Jade, Jade, Jade! Where are you? Come out right now!"

Jade's figure appeared, rolling her eyes at Nexus. "Hey, hey, can you calm down? Stop shouting."

"Hurry up and help me fuse with the bloodline," Nexus urged impatiently.<

"Okay, Nexus, calm down. The bloodline won't run away, so relax," Jade advised, noticing Nexus' anxious demeanor.

Nexus knew he needed to calm down, but his heart was racing with anxiety. He was eager to regain his strength quickly, understanding that strength was paramount in the Astheria World.

Taking a deep breath, Nexus finally calmed down. His face regained its composure as he looked at Jade and asked, "I have calmed down now, can I fuse with the bloodline?"

" I understand your excitement but you have to always remain calm in every situation that you face. Calmness allow you to change situations more clearly..... " Jade, adopting the air of a grandmaster teaching her disciple, began to lecture Nexus on the importance of remaining calm in all situations. She rambled on about the benefits of clear judgment that comes with calmness.

Nexus, who had finally regained his composure, looked at her with a dark expression.

His previously calm heart was now filled with rage. "Jade!!!!!" he shouted, his face twitching.

Startled, Jade quickly looked at Nexus's twitching face and smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that, it's a condition that randomly shows up and I can't do anything about it."

"Jade!!!" Nexus called out, almost roaring.

Jade immediately stopped talking and nervously scratched her messy hair. "Oh, sorry, sorry, where was I?"

"You were talking about the fusion of the bloodline," Nexus replied, his face still dark.

"Ah yes, as I mentioned earlier, I have finally finished the thing that can help you fuse with the bloodline without any issues," Jade said, a look of realization crossing her face.

"What is this thing that helps with the fusion of the bloodline?" Nexus asked, his expression returning to normal.

Jade face lit up with realization as she revealed a small metal plate adorned with intricate runes and five stones embedded in its center.

"This is a formation plate, I call it the invincible plate," she said with an eager face as if waiting for a praise.

Nexus didn't seem to notice Jade's expression, but he examined the formation plate in awe. "So this is a formation plate, huh," he muttered.

Jade pursed her lips and let out a small snort when she noticed Nexus's attention was focused on the formation plate. Removing his gaze from the formation plate, Nexus looked at Jade's disgruntled expression and chuckled.

"Good job, Jade. This formation plate seems quite powerful," Nexus praised, giving her a thumbs up. Jade's frown turned into a smile upon hearing Nexus's compliment on both her and the formation plate.

"What exactly can this ' invincible plate ' do?" Nexus inquired.

"Well, this formation plate can assist you in fusing with a bloodline. Since you are currently weak, you can't withstand the power of this bloodline. The formation can help lock a portion of the bloodline within your body so as you grow stronger the seal will gradually loosen as you continue to progress until you completely unlock the bloodline" Jade explained.

Nexus nodded in understanding and glanced back at the formation plate. "Can I begin fusing with the bloodline now?"

"Yes, you can start the fusion process, but since you are in your soul form, you must fuse with it outside. You cannot do so within the Origin Tower," Jade confirmed.

Nexus was momentarily surprised. "Can I take out items from the Origin Tower?"

Jade gave him a sidelong glance and replied, "Yes, you can take items out of the Origin Tower and also store items inside it."

"Doesn't the tower function similarly to a space ring?" Nexus asked, puzzled.

"Yes, you can consider the Origin Tower as a space ring. It can even accommodate living beings," Jade affirmed.

Nexus nodded in amazement. While he had heard of space rings before and had one that was destroyed by spatial turbulence, the concept of the Origin Tower serving a similar purpose was intriguing.

"Will fusing the bloodline outside cause any disturbances?" Nexus inquired once more.

"No, the formation plate will suppress any commotion or phenomena that may arise from the fusion process," Jade explained with a slight shake of her.

"Ok, you can now go out and fuse with the bloodline,"Jade instructed with a wave of her hand. Nexus eagerly nodded and, with a single thought, withdrew from the Origin Tower.

As he opened his eyes, excitement flashed in them, and he hurriedly ran out of the room. However, upon opening the door, he was surprised to see Grandpa Kassius and the others standing before him.

"Grandpa Kassius, what are you all doing here?" Nexus asked, bewildered by their presence.

Kassius cleared his throat and explained, "Your Highness, we were checking on you to see how your recovery from your damaged foundation was progressing."

Nexus smiled confidently and reassured them, "Do not worry, I will definitely recover my damaged foundation. In fact, I am about to do so now."

This statement left Kassius, Sora, and Nyx confused. Chuckling softly, Nexus gestured for them to follow him. Leading them to the yard, Nexus motioned for them to stand back as he positioned himself in the center with a serious expression.

With a wave of his hand, the invincible formation plate appeared on his right, while a shining silver ball materialized in his left hand. As Kassius and the others watched in bewilderment, Nexus smiled at them before turning his attention to the formation plate.

"Hey Jade, how do I use the formation plate?" Nexus transmitted his voice to Jade.

"Just throw it on the ground," Jade's voice responded.

Nexus nodded and threw the formation plate onto the ground in front of him. Instantly, a huge rune appeared on the ground, and a massive shield enveloped his body, flashing with mysterious silver runes.

Kassius, Sora, and Nyx watched this in astonishment.

Nexus examined the shield with a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"Hey, do not stand there like a country bumpkin. Stand on the formation plate and place the bloodline in front of your chest," Jade's voice echoed in Nexus's mind, rousing him from his reverie.

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