
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime e quadrinhos
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123 Chs


Chapter 77: Don't Whisper

They walked hand in hand, leisurely strolling through the exhibition.

"You arranged all of this? That's amazing, Peter," Gwen remarked, her eyes filled with pride at Peter's involvement with Stark Industries technology.

"I just did some minor tasks," Peter replied modestly, occasionally introducing her to various exhibits.

"Whenever you do that," Gwen would just smile brightly at him.

Peter noticed this and teased, "It seems Miss Gwen Stacy is more interested in me than in these gadgets."

Gwen chuckled, "Then please, introduce yourself."

"What do you want to know? Height, weight, favorite food, hobbies..."

"Hey! I know all that already!"

"In that case, do you want to go deeper?"

Their banter had a hint of innuendo that left Gwen blushing slightly as she playfully swatted his arm, "When did you learn to be so cheeky!?"

"I read somewhere that no matter how good a guy is, he can't resist being a little bad in front of the girl he loves. It's genetic, I can't help it..."


"What's wrong?" Peter noticed Gwen's sudden pause.

Gwen didn't want to admit that her heart was racing because of Peter's flirtation—it felt too embarrassing. Instead, she bit her lip and countered, "Oh? And what about the girl?"

"I think it's because your cheeks are just too cute and a bit sticky, and there's this delicate aura all around you... just like now," Peter smoothly added.

Gwen was taken aback by Peter's unexpected twist. After a moment, she regained her composure and replied shyly, "I guess I can't deny that!"

"Alright, enough teasing," Peter said with a smile.


Peter fell silent again, leaving Gwen feeling both disappointed and secretly eager for more playful banter.

Annoyed with herself, she admitted defeat—Peter Parker always managed to get under Spider-Woman's skin!

"No fair!" Gwen huffed.

Peter chuckled, "It's rare for you to take a break. Finally, we can spend some time together."

Gwen's expression softened, realizing what Peter meant.

Lately, she had been consumed by her role as Spider-Woman—battling Electro, Kraven, Kingpin... it had been non-stop. Even their moments together were often interrupted by emergencies.

It had been too long since they had a normal date without the superhero drama.

"Well... last time we went out, we bumped into Electro," Gwen said with a hint of regret.

"You have nothing to apologize for. We made that decision together, remember?" Peter reassured her.

Gwen felt a wave of relief wash over her, grateful for Peter's understanding and support.

"Okay, today I'm all yours, Peter," she said sincerely.

"The whole package?" Peter teased, giving her a playful look.

"Hey! No whispering!" Gwen blushed, feeling a bit shy.

Peter was about to capitalize on his victory when his expression suddenly changed.

In the distance, Tony was delivering a speech about his clean energy project on stage.

First, he showcased his Iron Man armors, eliciting awe from the audience. Then, with a few witty jokes, Tony set the stage for his vision of clean energy, captivating the global audience.

The crowd cheered and marveled, knowing that Stark Industries was poised for a transformative leap.

Amidst the excitement, a figure in a heavy coat stealthily made his way toward the stage.

Tony noticed him and quipped, "Sir, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but could you please respect the order here?"

Security guards moved to intercept him, but the figure effortlessly shoved them aside.

Tony chuckled, "Looks like my fan is a tough guy, huh?"

The figure shed his coat, revealing a steel-plated armor underneath—a small Arc Reactor gleaming on his chest.

"Ivan Vanko. You can also call me... Whiplash!" the man declared, lashing out with a plasma whip at Tony.

Ivan Vanko's father, Anton Vanko, had once partnered with Howard Stark in designing the Arc Reactor. Their collaboration soured due to ideological differences, leading to Anton's exile.

Envious of Tony's success, Ivan constructed his own armor, intent on revenge.

However, choosing the World Expo, Stark's stronghold of superheroes, proved to be a tactical misstep.

Gwen noticed the disturbance but was restrained by Peter.

"Remember what you promised," Peter reminded her.

Gwen hesitated, torn between her commitment to Peter and her instinct to help.

"But... are they alright?" she asked anxiously, eyes fixed on the unfolding chaos.

"It's Mr. Stark's turf. He'll handle it," Peter assured her.


"Absolutely." Peter pulled Gwen closer, "Today, you're mine, Gwen. Time to relax."

Unable to resist Peter's calming presence, Gwen nestled against him with a soft murmur.

Meanwhile, at the booth, Tony deftly dodged Ivan Vanko's electric whip, which scorched the ground.

Tony grinned, "Alright, let's put an end to this quickly."

"Stop me?" Ivan sneered, cracking his whip again, "How? Without your armor, you're just a man."

Tony smirked, snapping his fingers, "Do I look unarmed to you?"

In an instant, four Iron Man suits descended from the sky, forming a defensive ring around Ivan Vanko. Simultaneously, Tony suited up in the fifth armor.

Ivan was momentarily stunned by Tony's technological prowess, his decades-long resentment crumbling.

"Five against one. I don't think so," Tony taunted, charging towards Ivan.

The Expo concluded amidst the chaos, but Tony's demonstration of his advanced technology and superhero capabilities left an indelible mark.

Later, at SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury received footage of Tony's impressive showdown with Ivan Vanko.

Fury couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. Tony had evolved beyond his expectations, not only with new elements but also with multiple Iron Man suits.

He cursed under his breath, "Damn it, Black Superman isn't just taking Tony from me; now he's eyeing Captain America too?"

Fury couldn't fathom why superheroes like Tony and Steve were drawn to this Justice League concept straight out of comics.

"Isn't the Avengers enough?" he grumbled to himself.

Agent Hill interrupted his thoughts, mentioning an interesting development involving lawsuits against SuperMan by Harlem residents whose homes had been damaged during a Hulk incident.

Fury scoffed, "A bunch of clowns making a fuss."

Nevertheless, Fury knew better than to underestimate the public's opinion. He remained vigilant, even though tracking Black Superman had proven futile.

Fury sighed, troubled by the uncertainty of dealing with Black Superman's vengeance. Even Kingpin, possibly the only lead, had retreated into seclusion.

It was a predicament unlike any Fury had faced before.

Hill then mentioned another tidbit, "But there's one intriguing twist..."

"What now?"

"Some legal proceedings are underway, gaining traction online. It seems Spider-Woman is being held accountable."

Fury grimaced, "Keep an eye on it. And if Black Superman shows up..."

"It's unlikely," Hill confirmed.

Fury sighed heavily, "If Stark wants to go, can we stop him?"

Hill remained silent.

Fury rubbed his temples, weighed down by the escalating challenges posed by Black Superman and the shifting dynamics among Earth's mightiest heroes.