
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime e quadrinhos
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123 Chs


Chapter 162: Standing and Taking Away the Meal

The arrival of the newborn did not immediately arouse the reaction of the gods on the mountaintop.

Most of the gods were still indulging in the spectacle, watching Ares and Apollo having a heated fight in the middle of the field.

Peter was the first to notice. Realizing there was an uninvited guest, he quietly motioned to Diana, saying, "Let's get out of the way."

Diana didn't question him and made room for Ares and Apollo.

The two retreated behind the crowd, and Diana said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe it at all."

"What can't be believed?"

Diana looked at the gods gathered, her eyes complex. "We Amazons have believed in and served the gods since ancient times. Although many myths record the absurd things of the gods, most of the time, they still had enough wisdom, strength, or integrity."

"But now, all you see is stupidity," Peter finished for Diana.

Diana opened her mouth and finally nodded wordlessly. "I feel that in Amazon, the faith I built in the past has collapsed, but for some reason, I also feel relieved."

She felt that each of these gods was far inferior to Black Superman. Rather than serving the gods of Olympus, it was better to serve Black Superman. Diana's face turned red as she quickly dismissed the ridiculous thoughts that suddenly popped up in her mind.

Although this group of gods seemed absurd and useless at the moment, it didn't deny the authority and power they carried. According to Marvel's scale, the power of Ares and Apollo had definitely reached the "cosmic" level, and they had considerable strength at this level. The various strange artifacts in the hands of the gods also had considerable power.

But even so, these were almost insignificant to Peter, so he didn't remind Diana of anything. If Diana's potential was fully unleashed, she would be no weaker than gods like Ares and Apollo, who were famous for their combat prowess. Even now, after this period of development, Peter had roughly judged that she had stepped into the "cosmic" level threshold.

Back to the topic, on the other hand, Hera finally couldn't bear it anymore and stopped this ridiculous farce. "That's enough! Stop it!"

What she wanted to deal with was the rude man who offended her, not having the two main gods of Olympus fighting in front of outsiders, which made her feel embarrassed.

The queen's status and intimidation still existed, and Apollo no longer wanted to take the blame for others, so he seized the opportunity and quickly distanced himself. Ares, having vented his anger, suppressed it a little and stopped being aggressive. He just stared at Peter with malicious eyes again, "Come on, bastard, let's solve the problem in a real man's way!"

Peter smiled and asked, "Do you want to be kidnapped again in front of everyone, Ares?"

This plain and slightly contemptuous attitude made Ares's anger that had finally been suppressed flare up again. He even noticed the curious glances from the gods. Ares, the God of War, was actually "tied"? What kind of binding method could make him so angry? This was something he couldn't stand.

As the only three insiders present, Diana couldn't help laughing at this moment. Although Ares was dangerous when he was angry, it was really bad for Black Superman to provoke others like this.

However, when Ares couldn't help but want to start a fight again, Peter suddenly said, "You seem to have other troubles to deal with."

As soon as he finished speaking, a god was suddenly smashed into the temple, lying on the ground covered in blood and struggling, looking seriously injured.

This sudden change finally aroused the vigilance of the gods present. The god who was smashed in was still a little conscious. At this moment, he also reminded loudly with difficulty, "The newborn is here!"

At the same time, a voice came from outside the temple. "So many gods have gathered together, are they welcoming my arrival?"

Then, the gods finally met the eldest son of Zeus, the man who brought disaster to them. He was about the same size as the Hulk, with a bare upper body and hunched muscles. He wore pants and a cape made of some kind of animal fur on his legs and back.

His arrival made the originally absurd atmosphere solemn, and accompanied by a cry, "I am your doomsday!"

He rushed towards the gods like a lion breaking into a flock of sheep. In desperation, Ares and Apollo, who had just fought, had no choice but to push forward. Ares's spear came forward, followed closely by Apollo's flames. As the two most powerful gods, they were the only ones who could take on the important role in the absence of Zeus.

But at this moment, facing the newborn, they quickly fell into a disadvantage and were suppressed. The other gods with fighting power tried to help them and also joined the battle against the newborn. Normally, with the addition of these people, the newborn would have been defeated, but somehow, the newborn's power was strengthened. This time, Ares and Apollo, who were under direct pressure, were defeated.

Diana saw it and said, "The resistance of the gods seems to have made him stronger."

The newborn fought back the gods and explained without hesitation, "It's useless. The more fierce you resist, the stronger I become."

With this alone, the gods of Olympus were forever defeated. It was impossible to defeat him.

But Ares and Apollo quickly realized the key to the problem, and they all looked at Diana. They finally understood why Diana was the key to breaking the situation.

"Diana! It's your turn to take action!"

Diana also realized this, took a deep breath, and prepared to step forward to face the newborn. Although she didn't know what the specific criteria were, since the gods couldn't deal with the newborn, and she was placed in this position by prophecy, the result was obvious.

But this action was stopped in advance by a sentence, "Why would Diana take action for you?"

This made all the gods present, including Ares and Apollo, stunned for a moment. Isn't this obvious? The situation was all set to this point, besides Diana, who else could take action?

"What are you talking about?" Apollo said anxiously. "Only Diana has the power to fight against the newborn, and she is not an Olympus god. Now she can only take action, can't she?"

"Of course," Peter didn't deny Apollo's words. He looked at Hera and said, "But why should she help you?"

The gods seemed to take Diana's help for granted.

"Otherwise? She is the daughter of Zeus, isn't it..." Apollo realized something midway through his words and followed Peter's gaze to Hera.

Hera, who had been paddling since the newborn's arrival, saw that everyone's attention was focused on her again, and she suddenly felt humiliated. "What do you mean!?"

She was a little hysterical. "Listen, Diana, if you still want your mother and tribe to recover, just be obedient and resolve the matter in front of you! Otherwise, if we die, they will never be able to recover!"

Diana couldn't help but look at Hera in surprise at this moment. She didn't expect that even at this time, this woman would still be so arrogant. At the same time, anger arose in her heart, and her fists clenched tightly.

The gods on the scene looked at this and more or less frowned, feeling that Hera had gone too far. Disaster was approaching, but she still didn't know how to restrain herself.

Of course, they did not feel wrong about Hera's position and meaning. Although they didn't know what Hera did to Diana's mother and tribe, in the current situation, Diana should indeed take action against the newborn, and then they would lower the reward and solve the Amazon's problem, and everyone would be happy.

It's not that they harbored any ill will toward Diana; it's just that it's been this way for thousands of years, and they were just used to it.

This shouldn't have been said, and things shouldn't have reached this point. Even if it was true, everyone would whitewash the surface to make the whole story look better.

However, after being so provoked by Peter, Hera said everything she should and shouldn't say at once, which made the atmosphere suddenly solidify.

Diana was also forced into a corner. If she joined the battle now, wouldn't she really become a beggar on her knees? But there was no way she could just watch the newborn slaughter the gods. If something happened to Hera, her mother and her tribe couldn't recover, and she wasn't the kind of person who would just sit back and watch.

Things suddenly froze in place and became a bit of a dilemma. Apollo even cursed Hera in his heart. She failed more than accomplished anything.

As the other protagonist of this battle, the newborn, after listening to the words of everyone present, although he did not understand the inside story and was not interested in gossiping about it, he extracted one of the most important points.

Diana, the woman in a black and white dress in front of her, seemed to be Olympus's backup against him? He even thought it was a bit ridiculous that they would use a woman wearing such sexy clothes to deal with him, which was simply bizarre.

Of course, he was not an arrogant master. Now that he knew the maid in front of him was a weapon against him, then...

the newborn turned in the direction of Peter and Diana.

Since it was a weapon against him, he didn't mind nipping this threat in the cradle first.

Apollo, who was aware of the newborn's intention, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Diana was indeed in a difficult position, but now if the newborn took the initiative to attack, the problem would be different. Justifiable defense is always okay, right? This seemed to have given Diana the most appropriate step to go down. Apollo also hurriedly prepared to stop him. "Be careful, Diana..."

However, he was stopped by Peter's outstretched hand. "Don't worry, I don't need Diana to deal with this idiot."

"Although Diana is destined to kill him, I'm sorry to say that your prophecy is about to come to an end. And your prophecy won't come true again because I'm here."

Peter patted Diana on the shoulder lightly, then took a step forward.

At this time, the gods and the newborn reacted almost at the same time.

"This man! Is he crazy?"

"What is he trying to do?"

"Is he looking for death?"

The newborn quickly realized that his target had shifted from Diana to Peter, who had stood in front of Diana. Although he did not understand this guy's intentions, it did not hinder his murderous intent.

Diana, who was also angry, reacted decisively. She quickly took out her shield and sword and assumed a fighting stance. Just when she was about to fight, she saw a black figure appear in front of her, stopped her movements, and called out the name of the black figure, "Black Superman?"

Peter was the first to react and said with a smile, "Oh, sorry, I think I'll do it for you."

Diana was stunned for a moment, then her face turned slightly red. She opened her mouth, and finally, instead of pushing him away, she said, "It's up to you, Black Superman."

Peter's sudden intervention made the newborn feel even more humiliated. Originally, he thought that the opponent sent by Olympus was a woman wearing sexy clothes, which was already a disgrace. Now he was actually robbed of his opponent by a weak guy he hadn't noticed, which was simply an insult. "Get out of my way!" The newborn didn't pay attention to Peter at all. The huge double-edged sword didn't change its direction and slashed straight down.

Then, in the next second, he realized his mistake. His double-edged sword was blocked by two fingers.

The huge double-edged sword carried infinite power, but the black figure in front of him was completely motionless, as if he had smashed a rock with a mortal's weapon. The newborn's face changed drastically, and he shouted again in horror, "Get out of my way!" Then, he tried to exert more strength and even freed one hand to push Peter.

However, the result was still the same. No matter how hard he exerted his strength, even the bulging veins on his arm burst, he still couldn't move the man in front of him.

Diana smiled at this moment. At first, she was very curious about how Black Superman would win over the newborn, but she didn't expect it to be so easy. The black figure standing in front of her still gave her a strong sense of security, and this time was no exception. When the newborn realized that the weapon was useless, his instinct made him retreat immediately. The fighting spirit disappeared and was replaced by deep fear.

He finally understood that the opponent in front of him was an existence that was completely different from him and the gods. He was just a small bug, and he couldn't be an enemy of him. So, he immediately wanted to give up the fight. But at this time, Peter said, "Do you want to run away?"

Peter also did not show any mercy to the newborn. Before he could take a step, Peter reached out and grabbed his neck, lifting him up high. Peter's next words made the newborn even more terrified. "You may not have understood yet. Diana doesn't have to take action, because I'm here. But you seem to be very arrogant, so you may not understand why I'm here."

"I am Diana's boss. It's my duty to remove anything that troubles my maid."

"Now, do you understand?"

The newborn's face was already purple at this time, and he didn't know if it was caused by suffocation or fear. He felt that the cold sweat on his head was about to wet his cape, but he couldn't say a word. He could only look at Peter with a pair of fearful eyes. Diana, who was behind Peter, was almost in tears. She felt deeply touched and happy. This was the first time she had been loved and cared for by someone.

The heat vision burned directly on the newborn's body, and for the first time, he let out a cry of pain. Now that Peter had taken action, he wasn't going to give his opponent any chance to struggle.

Slowly, Peter flew into the air, his body radiating a burning gaze from his eyes. Soon, a large pit formed around the newborn, who howled more miserably under the scarlet light until his cries gradually weakened and he finally lost his life completely.

Is the newborn, the prophesized doom of gods who could only be defeated by Diana, truly dead?

The event happened so suddenly that most of the gods were unable to react. They were surprised and delighted.

The newborn had died too quickly, too helplessly. One moment, he was majestic and powerful like a god; the next, he had suddenly disappeared, evaporated completely. The gods' emotions fluctuated like a roller coaster.

Those who didn't know might think the newborn was weak. But he wasn't weak at all; otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to single-handedly beat the entire Olympus gods, causing them to lose their composure and panic.

The true reason for his defeat was the sheer strength of Black Superman. The gods couldn't figure out why he was so strong, and they didn't need to. All they knew was that they were relieved the threat from the newborn and the prophecy of doom seemed to have passed.

Now, they could continue to party and have fun!

Peter, who had just killed the newborn, naturally became a favorite in their eyes. Human beings are inherently strong-willed, and the gods were no exception. At this moment, they all looked at Black Superman with eager eyes.

The eyes of the goddesses were full of joy, almost overflowing with admiration. They were very happy and wanted to be with the warrior who could easily defeat the newborn. Even a few male gods were no exception.

This made Diana, who was watching from the side, frown subconsciously, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to throw all these shameless gods out.

She looked at Peter with a mix of emotions.

If anyone was unhappy on the field, it was Ares and Hera.

Both of them harbored grudges, old and new, and looked very upset.

Ares realized he had misjudged Peter's strength. From the heat vision earlier, he sensed a temperature that could kill him.

Hera, on the other hand, felt even worse. The newborn was defeated, but the manner in which he was defeated was even more humiliating for her.

The scarlet in Peter's eyes slowly dissipated as he glanced around, taking in the gods' reactions. "I have killed the newborn. Now it's time for us to have a good talk."

"Of course, Warrior of Olympus. What do you want to talk about?" the gods responded enthusiastically, immersed in the joy of victory.

Peter chuckled and said, "Either surrender, or I will do what the newborn couldn't."

The expressions of joy on the faces of the gods froze.


On this day, the gods realized that although they had solved the newborn, they seemed to have ushered in an even more terrifying figure.

The first to suffer was naturally Hera. She was pulled down from her position and forced to apologize to Diana.

This was undoubtedly humiliating for her, but she couldn't resist. Ares, the first god of war who had the courage to resist, suddenly followed in the newborn's footsteps.

This made the gods even more frightened and even helped Peter force Hera to apologize.

After that, a dark era began where the gods couldn't help but tremble every time they looked back.

The entire Mount Olympus fell under the rule of Black Superman, and strict laws were enacted. The gods could no longer enjoy wine and meat as before, no more holding open-air parties with many people, and public exposure of the body was prohibited as it was deemed against social morals.

Peter gave them tasks, changing some of the rules of Olympus so that the gods had to work in exchange for payment.

In short, they were made to work hard.

This truly matched Hera's original mood, which was even more uncomfortable than killing them.

As for why Peter did this... he just wanted to have some fun during his last period in DC.

Even later, when Zeus realized something was wrong, "resurrected" and returned to the mountain, he battled Black Superman but failed to regain control of the sacred mountain and got himself involved.

Everyone in Amazon was quickly lifted of the curse.

Diana was deeply moved as she watched her clan members recover one by one.

No matter how Black Superman tormented the gods of Olympus, it was to save her people, and her feelings reached a higher level.

When Queen Hippolyta listened to her daughter recount the events on Mount Olympus, she was so surprised that she couldn't control her expression.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't imagine that the tourist who accidentally visited Paradise Island would do all this.

As for Steve, he had been subconsciously ignored by many people.

But Hippolyta also discovered something strange about her daughter.

"You like him?"

After noticing some thoughts in Diana's mind, Hippolyta asked bluntly.

Probably because she was so frightened by the sudden appearance of her mother and her tribe, Diana had been staying on Paradise Island for a while after the Amazon's curse was lifted.

Faced with her mother's question, Diana only thought about it for a few seconds before answering, "Yes, mother, I think I might actually like him a little bit."

"Just a little?" Hippolyta looked at her daughter.

Diana pursed her lips and, after a while, retreated under her mother's gaze and said, "Okay, probably more than a little."

This is the Amazon style. After recognizing their emotions, they speak generously.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of Hermes, Diana might have already taken action.

It was the events on Mount Olympus, especially Peter forcing Hera to apologize and rescuing the Amazons, that intensified her feelings.

"Then you should hold on, child," Hippolyta said seriously, taking Diana's hand.

But Diana hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Hippolyta asked.

"It's nothing," Diana said. "I just think maybe it's better to stay the same."

Her intuition told her that even if she expressed her feelings, there might be no results. This frightened her.

As events unfolded, especially this trip to the gods' realm, Diana felt the gap between them grow.

No matter how hard she trained and pushed her potential, the distance didn't shrink but grew larger.

Not to mention that Black Superman was a traveler from another world and might "disappear" one day to return to his own universe.

Long-distance love across the universe was something Diana had never heard of.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Hippolyta saw herself.

She and Zeus had a bad relationship at the beginning, and now, it seemed the same fate had befallen Diana.

Of course, this was not a comparison between Black Superman and Zeus.

She hugged her daughter, distressed. "Oh, my child..."

She thought of her past and said, "It is easier to fall in love with a god than to be loved by a god."

Diana took a breath and said, "Don't worry, mother, I won't give up."

"It doesn't work now, but maybe it will in the future."

She had a long life and was willing to use time to change the outcome. Diana decided it was time to return to Black Superman.

On this day, Peter came to Amazon again.

During this period, besides having fun rectifying Olympus, he didn't give up on matters on Earth and gained a lot of points.

The points were even enough to add two more.

[Superman] lv5 (MAX)

[Thor Power] lv5 (MAX)


Unfortunately, these two talents seemed to have reached their limits at lv5.

But Peter didn't feel too disappointed. After all, the several talent in system shop taken from that Cosmic Being had already shown "???"? . He already knew of the limits . So, no matter if there's nothing he could do or if the conditions were insufficient, it just meant he couldn't make breakthroughs before by mindlessly adding points.

For Peter now, it was a little troublesome but not a big problem.

The level 5 of these two talents brought their magnitude to the top of the Heavenly Father level, the level of the sub-single universe.

Not to mention other special versions and bonuses. Under normal conditions, the superpower was only at this level, and Thor needed to be older to enter this field.

Peter's [Superman] talent package was just an integration of [Homelander] abilities and talents, upgraded accordingly.

Without the real Superman Clark Kent's aura and Kryptonian bloodline, reaching this point was already the limit.

The superposition of the two talents put Peter's real combat power in the high cosmic echelon.

Additionally, during this period, he studied portals and accidentally developed some magical abilities. He could blast anyone he wanted into other dimensions under the multi-dimensionality.

And now, it was time for him to leave DC.