
mad man

I remember that dreadful day when I, found myself at the mercy of my own comrades. They cornered me, their fists raining down on me like a storm of pain. "What's the matter, Kai? Can't handle a little roughhousing?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

I tried to fight back, but their numbers overwhelmed me. Each blow felt like a dagger piercing my skin, and I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth. "Please, stop!" I pleaded, my voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos.

But just when I thought I couldn't endure any more, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a man, a master in his craft, with an aura of strength and determination. "That's enough," he said, his voice commanding and filled with authority.

The bullies hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. "Who do you think you are?" one of them spat, his voice laced with defiance.

The master's eyes narrowed, his voice steady and unwavering. "I am the one who will protect the weak from the likes of you," he declared.

With lightning speed, the master unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one landing with precision and power. The bullies were no match for his skill, and one by one, they fell to the ground, defeated and humiliated.

As I lay there, battered and broken, the master extended a hand towards me. "Come, Kai. You're safe now," he said, his voice filled with compassion.

I reached out, my trembling hand grasping his, and he pulled me up with a strength that belied his gentle touch. In that moment, I knew that I had found my savior, someone who would stand by my side and protect me from the darkness that threatened to consume me.

My life change

They called him "mad man" a man known for his quick temper, when his family loss in the hands of our own comrades. He's now blind with his anger and I'm afraid of him.


I stood there, face to face with Mr. Le, the anger radiating off him like a blazing fire. His disappointment was palpable, and I could feel my own resolve crumbling under the weight of his disapproval. The room felt suffocating, the tension between us unbearable.

"You can't just give up, Kai!" Mr. Le's voice boomed, his words laced with frustration. "I've invested so much time and effort into training you, and now you want to throw it all away? Is this how little my guidance means to you?"

I swallowed hard, my throat dry with regret. "I... I didn't mean to disappoint you, Mr. Le," I stammered, my voice barely audible. "But it's just too hard. I don't think I can continue."

Mr. Le's eyes bore into mine, his gaze unwavering. "Life is hard, Kai. Training is hard. But giving up is not the solution. It's the easy way out, and it won't lead you anywhere worth going."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I felt a surge of determination rising within me. I couldn't let him down. I couldn't let myself down. I had to find a way to keep moving forward.

"But what if I'm not strong enough, Mr. Le?" I whispered, my voice trembling. "What if I'm just not cut out for this?"

Mr. Le's expression softened, and he took a step closer, his voice filled with a mix of sternness and compassion. "Kai, strength isn't just about physical prowess. It's about resilience, perseverance, and the willingness to face challenges head-on. You have all those qualities within you, even if you can't see it right now."

He paused for a moment, his eyes searching mine. "Remember why you started this journey, Kai. Remember the dreams and aspirations that fueled your desire to train. Don't let temporary setbacks overshadow your long-term goals."

Then he left me. He left me questioning

" why I am here, why I am doing this"


I remember the days of training with Mr. Le as if they were etched into my very soul. The gym became my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the outside world and focus solely on the task at hand. Mr. Le, with his piercing gaze and unwavering determination, commanded respect and demanded nothing less than absolute dedication.

The training sessions were nothing short of grueling. From the moment I stepped foot into the gym, I knew I was in for a challenge. The air was thick with anticipation, and the sound of heavy breathing and clanging weights filled the room. Mr. Le pushed us to our limits, pushing us beyond what we thought was possible.

The workouts were a symphony of pain and perseverance. We would start with warm-up exercises that left our muscles burning and our hearts pounding. Then came the drills, each one more demanding than the last. We would sprint, jump, and lift weights until our bodies screamed for mercy. But Mr. Le would not let us give in. He pushed us harder, urging us to find that extra ounce of strength buried deep within.

The sweat poured down my face, mingling with the tears of exhaustion. Every muscle in my body ached, and my lungs gasped for air. But I refused to give up. I dug deep, drawing on a reserve of determination I never knew I had. With each repetition, I felt myself growing stronger, more resilient.

Mr. Le's voice echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of the high standards he held us to. He pushed us not only physically, but mentally as well. He taught us the importance of discipline, focus, and perseverance. He instilled in us a sense of pride and a belief in our own abilities.

Training with Mr. Le was not just about physical fitness; it was about pushing past our limits and discovering our true potential. It was about embracing the pain and finding strength in the struggle. And as I look back on those days, I realize that the training with Mr. Le was not just about becoming physically stronger, but about becoming a better version of myself.

so far so good hehe sorry for this cringed chapter I admit it, I'm not good:)

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