
Chapter 30: DANA-SUE

He doesn't want me, fine. I was so mad I could spit, but instead, I walked away before I punched Mr. High and Mighty in the kisser.

I've never known a human being to get me this mad. I don't see what the problem is. He needed someone to look after him, and I am his wife, no matter how that came about.

I've talked to Melissa, and she seemed to think that if he didn't really want me, he could've found another way. She sounded very convincing, to the point that I started believing the same thing. But he sure wasn't acting like he wanted me around.

Well, I'll just show Mr. Lawton. He doesn't want me around? Fine by me. I went back to his place long enough to grab some stuff and then went to Kyle and Melissa's.

Those two have the strangest relationship. When you first get to know them, it seems like they argue like cats and dogs.