
An unreal obsession

Join the mess that Raine Ellis has brought herself into as she’s forced to take the place of the main character of her story that she created when she was 13 years old, dooming herself as she tries to find a way back home. Will she survive this hellhole or slowly break as the character’s unhealthy obsession grows just to have her? She doomed future self when she decided to write that book.

EM_2006 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2[Kidnapping??]

The next time Raine woke up it wasn't inside the comfort of her apartment but rather in a strange room that didn't seem to match the situation she was in, springing up from the oddly soft bed and threw the covers off her body she looked around the room, analysing everything inside the room.

It rather looked nostalgic with the way she saw how old band posters were hanging on the wall and it strangely gave off the 2000s vibes, similar to her childhood room back when she was a…teenager…

Sensing a sort of deja vu she opened the door and was greeted with the home's hallways, with the wall's lined with dull light blue wallpaper with picture frame's hanging on the wall's walking closer towards it she was greeted with her Family picture, it was a picture she and her parent's took with her brother who had died a long time ago back at the age of 10 due to cancer.

"Raine? You're sure awake early…" A voice called out to her, turning to face the source she's faced with the older version of her brother, although he wouldn't look like this if he was alive today but since she was still grieve stricken at the age of 13 she made him in the likeness she thought of if he had survived.

Dread filled her as she took a careful step back inside the room, her eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head, she turned around, entering the room as she locked it behind her and further inspected the room, Raine remembered writing herself into the book as a side character along with her parents and brother who was now alive and looked older.

If she remembered correctly she was supposed to be the Main Character's best friend, the closeted gay best friend who was in love with the main character but couldn't express her love for her since the Mc was surrounded by so many men who wanted her affection.

Of course the main character having to be based off of her real life best friend when she was 13, Raine had a big crush on Hannah who was beautiful, lovely and serious with her academics. That's what Raine admired her for but if you were to have asked her to deeply imply her admiration for Hannah she would say…Okay, let's just stop right there.

There's no time for Raine to recall how gay she was for her highschool bestfriend, based on what she had written about the book the MC and Raine were going to enter college together and from then on the MC will have to face so many challenges as men try to catch her attention.

But none of them could because Raine had it the most and would show off how she had everything they had badly wanted, she couldn't remember the exact events that happened in between chapters since according to her memory they could be jumbled up and end up not being in the right order. The only thing that was clear is that she'll die at the end of the book.

Signifying that no matter how much she's close to Hannah she'd never truly be hers because Hannah didn't even like girls to begin with, so the book was just a result of Raine venting her one sided love through made up fictional characters.

Raine kneeled down on the floor and moved around frantically in a fit of silent rage, 'Why did I have to make a book like this!? Why couldn't I have just made one where I ended up with Hannahand beat up the men that went after her!?' Raine pulled at her hair in frustration, she only got out of her trance when someone knocked on the room's door.

"Rae? Are you okay there?" she heard her 'brothers' voice on the other side of the door, her breath hitching as she looked towards the white painted door, not believing that what's happening to her is real, raising her hand up she slapped herself and whimpered at the stinging pain on her right cheek, rubbing it to relieve her pain. Opening her mouth she tried to keep her tone from wavering.

"I'm fine! Just…found out one of my favourite book character dies!" Raine cringes to herself as she yelled that quickly uttered excuse for her behaviour, "Oh..Okay, well if you need anything just call me. I'll be in my room." She heard him say as his  footsteps get more distant and a door shutting closed made her sigh in relief.

"I thought I already moved on.." Raine muttered to herself as she her tears ran down her cheeks, holding her hands close to her chest as she cried on the floor of her bedroom, if he didn't die he and Raine would've lived in the same apartment together just like they promised before he died.

It may not have seemed like it but Raine will always and forever miss her brother, prolonged grief differs is that it results in significant impairment to people's functioning and relationships, for a long period of time. Instead of gradually adapting over time, symptoms of acute grief remain.

Wiping her tears on her pyjama sleeve she stand up and walks over to the window, maybe if she died in this world she'll go back to hers or maybe her experiencing something traumatic will cause a severe reaction and her conscious will go back to her original body!

Or whatever accurate scientific description that should be, lifting up the window she slides it open and tries to get her body out through the window, "Oh! Good Morning Raine!" a feminine voice calls to her, when she turns her head to the source she's taken aback when she saw the girl of her highschool dreams, "Hannah.."

"What are you doing silly?" The girl shouted up at the girl.

"Oh…You know, just gotta do my morning jumping out of the window routine and see if I survive!" Raine blabbered suddenly without thinking.

Hannah just stared at her with a perplexed expression before she smiled at her, her laughter filling the air, "You better get ready or we'll be late!" she shouted before walking back inside her house, Raine sighed for the nth time that day.

She would've preferred it if she got transported into a much more better book instead, then maybe she won't have to face the very girl who triggered her gay awakening.