
An unreal obsession

Join the mess that Raine Ellis has brought herself into as she’s forced to take the place of the main character of her story that she created when she was 13 years old, dooming herself as she tries to find a way back home. Will she survive this hellhole or slowly break as the character’s unhealthy obsession grows just to have her? She doomed future self when she decided to write that book.

EM_2006 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1[Raine Ellis]

It was late into the night when Raine was still at work, slaving away as she continuously typed onto her keyboard, her eyes running across the screen as she analysed each and every word to make sure not one word was misspelt during her fast typing.

Glasses occasionally slipping off her nose, not pausing her typing as she used one hand to push her glasses backup while the other continued typing, it was nearing 1am and she was still up trying to finish her 2 book's draft inside the library, her grey suit jacket being rid of her body as she wore a large hoodie over her college uniform, her usually pulled back ponytail now turned into a messy bun.

With warm coffee inside her canister that kept the bitter liquid warm next to her she read her books papered draft and typed onto her computer, working hard as always like the overachiever she's always been, her eyes felt tired, feeling the urge to rub them but instead she stopped and went to wash her face and drop liquid eyes drops into her eyes to hydrate them.

Bringing her makeup bag with her to the bathroom as she glanced at the librarian who was just as sleepy as her, the library near where she lived was open 24/7,  probably so college students or others can go here and do their research quietly.

Closing the heavy door she looks into the mirror and takes note that she would need to find more sleep without ruining her schedule and causing her to be lazy with all her college work, although it will all be worth it when she graduates and will be able to self-publish her first book and while that is published she can work on creating the story as a series.

Sighing she tilted her head up and dropped the liquid eye drops onto her eyes, blinking and wiping away the liquid from her cheeks.

If someone were to read about this life of hers she'd confidently say they would fall asleep trying to read this story because of how boring it is and how she uses writing to cope with her boring reality. 

Raine went to college and had a job, she took night classes so that was a shit idea on her part but she'll just have to put up with it because she can't change her schedule plans now and have to adapt to a whole new schedule that might not even work out and cause her to screw up.

When she finished freshening up she walked out of the bathroom and back to being glued to the library chair, taking a sip she sighed at the taste she grew to love and get used to, the very thing that kept her going to study for countless late hours on end.

When she thought it was enough writing for the day she sighed and went to save her work and close her laptop, after stretching her limbs she packs her things and leave the library after talking to the librarian.

"Same time tomorrow, Raine?"

"Of course."

Oh how much she wants it to already to be the weekend already,Raine on her day offs would often hit the library for the entire day to do her writing quietly, Raine was thinking hard if she should stop by a restaurant, shop or fast food joint to go eat or order takeout, her stomach not satisfied with bread and more coffee.

If humans had 60% water in their bodies then Raine would have about that much amount in her but with coffee with the amount she has had to consume, maybe she'll go and try drinking matcha or tea for a change…

Picking up her pace she pushes the glass door with one hand and entered the cold store, her eyes skimming across the various food in the display tables with their names scribbled on a piece of paper with their price etched next to it.

She walks up to the register and ordered her food to go and watched the employee bag her food up into a paper bag and placed it onto the counter, turning around to grab a paper cup and went to create the drink Raine ordered.

Placing the beverage on the counter next to the bagged up food they rang her food up, accepting the money she handed to them and went to place the money inside the cash register and print her receipt.

Thanking the cashier, she grabbed her bag and drink and pushed the door open and left to go home, catching the bus and being dropped off to the nearest destination to her home, deciding to just walk there all the way home, opening the paper bag and digging her hand inside to grab one of the delicacies she bought, with practised ease she had the bag and her drink on one hand while the other grabbed the took out the egg sandwich.

Unwrapping the sandwich she took a bite and moaned at the delicious treat, the softness of the egg, the crunchy texture of the toasted bread and lettuce and the creamy taste of the cheese paired with ketchup.

She sighed happily as she filled her stomach up with food.

It was aching because of how hungry she got from working hours on end with her depriving herself with nutrients because she prioritises school, work and writing over her own health.

She looked up when she finally caught sight of her apartment complex. She'd been living there since she moved out and made a home out of it and settled to stay there for as long as she could.

Tiredly she climbed up the stairs up to the third floor, fishing her keys out of her back pocket and standing right in front of her door and inserting the key inside the keyhole, turning it to hear the clicking of her door's lock and promptly opening the door.

Entering her apartment and locking the door behind her, slipping her shoes off her feet and trudging over to her couch, placing down her half-empty drink and the bag that still had food inside, taking off her messenger bag and dropping it to the floor, flopping face first onto the couch.

She let out a long groan as she closed her eyes.

Maybe she'll finish her food once she's gotten some sleep, she didn't have any more energy to do anything, not even enough to let her get out of her work clothes.

She just needs some rest.