
An Under rated Skill [Taming]

Today I Awoke To a simple Fact, That is Yesterday I died. Don't worry about it though because I get to live again. I didn't meet Any gods or Special beings that gave me any cheats, Nor did They give me a manual. I just know I have all my memories of my last life. My name Was... you know what it doesn't matter now because my name I have opened my eyes and adjusted to my new ears to! It's Rin Silver, Second child of the Silver family. My Father Roland Silver, is a knight Whom was injured in the line of duty. My Mother Gina Silver, is a Mage Blade General of the royal family. My brother Is Three and I am Currently 12 Minutes old While my sister was born After me By that short time. Everything Flooded into my mind making it hurt as the Knowledge of an entire life Drowned my Small mind. It rocked me to my soul Causing me to cry, Soon after me was my sister Whom was now Set next to me. I counted the Minutes going by As I took in the future I now had! It's not like I left much behind all those I cared for are well off now, and I died in an extremely embarrassing way. So I have no reason to return That's not My problem, the issue is I don't want to grow up! I do want to live forever since dying once is more than enough... I could have been summoned Or something like in the Light novels! Instead I was reborn cursed to roam as a baby Until Further notice! At least I know there is magic, technology, Aliens, And so much more! I mean if this hospital I am in is Any indicator, Then this is just the beginning of a simple Life in a new world!

RogueSilver · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Do You believe this!

Keep calm today is the day, It's the Third Favorite day In the year and this year I turn Nine or well...

We turn nine, My sister and I turn nine!

My brother got his rank this morning, He got bishop rank mom was so proud of him, she actually attended his ceremony.

That is Super Rare since she is a Major General mage blade now, Her rank is Rook Fourth Class.

She decided like my father to make a military background but unlike our father who was injuredout of service.

Thanks to him taking the Pain She was not and was able to continue her career.

Thus She had more responsibilities than just being a mother of three.

Although I can't complain since she made it To our ceremony also.

We Left home at Five in the morning just like with my brother, The City looks Shiney today.

Although it's a large stone city With magic and technology mixed along with Other elements.

something like a Transit Shuttle is possible It took us Twenty minutes in this nifty thing It was Just a Rocket that went into orbit.

Then it Dropped back into orbit In a straight path to ones destination and with Mana enhancing and Metal work along with modern machinery.

It led to a fast ride around the continent although I wasn't Exactly on a space ship but the flight was gorgeous.

The oceans and sky were gorgeous, as I looked at the Two moons one Whole and one half, The bigger one blue, the smaller one red.

It cast off the clouds in a dark purple hue With gorgeous hints of mana lighting the world a glow with shimmers.

The Building called Spirit Hall was a large Dome, I had been here once before but excuse me If I have the short attention span and memory of a kid.

Since I am one at this moment!

I got a clear glimps of the surroundings and it was vast with multiple biomes.

what drew my attention was the large castle And town this Dome seemed to be one of the large main buildings I felt it in my bones as the Dome rumbled and It's top split.

The Ship landed in the center of the Dome As the Dome closed over, we Stayed seated for a while although I wanted to see Big brothers ceremony.

I had my own to attend Ironically, I got To see glimpses of The Ceremony as we walked to the Stage With children our age.

Dad Rushed and ushered us up the Platform into line I stepped behind my sister in line and no one was behind me.

So I was last in line I got To enjoy watching the other kids take their Tests.

The tested would walk up onto stage a man would begin mana circulation placing his hand on the tested kids back.

They would then place their hand On a giant black orb That orb would shine a Color sometime two or three.

But most of all the orb showed a Figure, Along with that it bleeped and a screen appeared with words that Classified the symbols.

Sometimes A rare one would pop in but for the most part it was animals, plants,Tools, weapons, metals, Gems, elements, or even the rare Abilities that didn't make much sense.

Although Affinity has its limits, Magic does not.

Someone May receive Affinity toward fire magic and have a great ability that allows many facits to his fire power.

On the other hand, Just because someone received fire Affinity does not mean he can only use fire magic, Although sometimes an Affinity takes a turn that has No useful Points.

As it's bearing is in the owners imagination, It may take The form of anything living, Not living, Inanimate, Animated, or Even imaginary!?

Meaning it can Be Any thing, which bring me to the point where I Am only a few hundred kids away.

The reason why this last kid made me Notice was because His Symbol was a large Dome inside that was a small castle.

His Shine was Different as his mind was pierced by a small Black beam.

The color of the Dome changed, As MANA continued changing colors along with each beam his color changed.

He Finally released eight beams And Eight separate colored Domes symbols were formed.

None had a castle Besides the main one.

it made an octagonal symbol after a merging light sealed them together the beam entered his head one last time.

As if completely understanding the boy moved like a ghost.

He waved his hand causing a Dome to form as the mana around appeared above him slowly crawling down as if to shield him from everything!

The light inside seemed to fade from sight as the dark color of black fog cloaked the inner light.

Reflected in by that fog the boy seemed to move easily and as if the outer darkness is to absorb light making the immediate area seem darker and cooler than normal.

He moved around as we all watched in awe that black fog orb was rather neat I mean it was like a fog ball shield?!

I wonder if it blocks certain types of damage or like full on Attacks?!

Anyways he was ushered off by a man In a robe, On his back was a Yellow symbol of a Queen Piece.

The man behind him was in a full set of power armor, Like mechanical armor It was about ten feet tall metal Robotic armor power by mana, Electrical currents, And some steam Contraptions.

The Man in the Armor Had Simple White Color all over except for the symbol with a Large Black King piece on his shoulder Plates and another symbol of a Black Ring with Three bars over his heart.

He Seemingly found my gaze, although I was unable to see his face through his helmet I know we met eyes.

He stared at me as I stared back, Reality quickly caught up with me.

I took a step forward with all the other children, it was like a cord was plugged into the back of my head and the light it came on.

It has been Nine years...

The world is not like my old one...

My Heart Beat felt heavy as I let my mind roam, my step grew heavy as I took the next few before feeling limp.

It wasn't long after that But I remember falling and... Ah, I fainted.

I Awoke with my father holding me, He was crying over me and I felt his tear hit my cheek.

The doctor was next to me And there was a machine that had an uneven beeping.

My mothers face was dark as She looked down at me Silently...

I don't get to talk to my mother much as she is a busy woman, My father is a tough man who doesn't show feeling to often.

So it was this moment where I realized that the issue I face was worse than what was said.

The Doctor beside me Spoke!

Doc:" Young man I need to ask you a serious question..."

Rin:" Yes sir.. Go ahead?"

I spoke But it was weak...

I guess I am going to die again Huh?

Tears burned as his words Rang in my ears.

Doc:" You are dying Son, I can only Help sooth your Passing Or You can go out like the Warrior you are?

I... No, How you made it this far is beyond even me?"

The Doctors voice Quickened near the end as his eyes grew tears that melted his stiff look into a one of pity and tears.

My sister was Near me and it seems that I stopped the Ceremony.

I coughed hard before I forced my body To stand.

I grabbed my Sisters hand as I got back in line, it seems everyone understood my choice.

My sister never cried once it seems and No matter how hard I tried my tears would not stop.

I didn't want to die again.

I felt my heart flutter as I stumbled, my sister grabbed my shoulder and I stood back up off my knee.

We walked In line as The Children before us continued.

I didn't hate my life to begin with the first time!

I was doing just fine, I came from nothing A poor mother and father, Three child household never able to get ahead.

Until one day With my last Fifty Credits of currency I made a business and was able to survive.

I grew that tiny bud of hope into A flower!

I got other jobs and finally made it wealthy enough that my parents lived comfortably until parting of old age.

My brother grew up with what was needed Never missing out, And my sister was just as well off.

The same thing in this life, This time I got the same thing a lovely mother, A Father, and Two Siblings!

Why Did I have to die in the first place!?

As I was Pondering the end of my days I was unable to understand why magic Couldn't help me or Anything In this world!

Why me?!

My sister stepped up to the Stone As she was hit with a heavy hand on her back the man Was Obviously tired But still carried on as sweat pored off his brow.

He poured mana into my Sisters body and the stone Began to react I could only feel my Consciousness slip a bit.

Her symbol Shone A bright Golden color, Another white light appeared shining even bright than the golden symbol.

A Set of wings in the white symbol cleared as the golden symbol Began to form Columns Surrounded by six spires.

On each spire was a Figure, and each figure was darkened slightly.

Her symbols formed on her body Like the Boys Except instead of landing on her head the wings formed over her back.

While the other golden one Formed over her Chest.

After that I heard my name Being called.

I once again pulled my mind from the brink, I don't know what was causing this and I felt as if my mana was sucking the life out...

That's it I guess, the mana is killing me.

I stood From my crouch with the last shred of my mind as I felt my body slip the man caught me as my sister grabbed my hand.

Rin:" Just do it!?"

I felt a warm pulse in my Back As I raised my hand, it fell to my side as i felt my sister help me Her eyes were sharp.

The pain from the mana Burned my skin as my viens Pulsed Deeply I felt The blood Seep out of my eyes as my vision went red.

She Spoke at me.

Although I saw her lips move and I was clearly alive still if only slightly.

I heard nothing but I felt my soul shake.

I nodded because why not?!

I Touched that stone and felt my Heart Beat stop, That can not be it Not NOW!!